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package physical
import (
PONPort represents a single PON port on the OLT chassis
type PONPort struct {
Number int
DeviceID string
Onts [64]Ont
Parent *SimpleOLT `json:"-" bson:"-"`
AllReadyActiveError - thrown when an attempt to activate a ONT which is already activated
type AllReadyActiveError struct {
slotNum int
clli string
ponportNum int
ontNumber int
Error - the interface method that must be implemented on error
func (e *AllReadyActiveError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Attempt to Activate ONT %d on PONPort %d Slot %d on %s but already active", e.ontNumber, e.ponportNum, e.slotNum, e.clli)
AllReadyDeactivatedError - thrown when an attempt to activate a ONT which is already activated
type AllReadyDeactivatedError struct {
slotNum int
clli string
ponportNum int
ontNumber int
Error - the interface method that must be implemented on error
func (e *AllReadyDeactivatedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Attempt to De-Activate ONT %d on PONPort %d Slot %d on %s but not active", e.ontNumber, e.ponportNum, e.slotNum, e.clli)
ActivateOnt - passes ont information to chassis to make call to NEM to activate (whitelist) ont
func (port *PONPort) ActivateOnt(number int, sVlan uint32, cVlan uint32, serialNumber string, nasPortID string, circuitID string) error {
slot := port.Parent
chassis := slot.Parent
if port.Onts[number-1].Active {
e := AllReadyActiveError{ontNumber: number, slotNum: slot.Number, ponportNum: port.Number, clli: chassis.CLLI}
return &e
ont := Ont{Number: number, Svlan: sVlan, Cvlan: cVlan, SerialNumber: serialNumber, Parent: port, NasPortID: nasPortID, CircuitID: circuitID}
port.Onts[number-1] = ont
port.Onts[number-1].Active = true
return nil
DeleteOnt - passes ont information to chassis to make call to NEM to de-activate (de-whitelist) ont
func (port *PONPort) DeleteOnt(number int, sVlan uint32, cVlan uint32, serialNumber string) error {
slot := port.Parent
chassis := slot.Parent
if port.Onts[number-1].Active != true {
e := AllReadyDeactivatedError{ontNumber: number, slotNum: slot.Number, ponportNum: port.Number, clli: chassis.CLLI}
return &e
ont := Ont{Number: number, Svlan: sVlan, Cvlan: cVlan, SerialNumber: serialNumber, Parent: port}
port.Onts[number-1].Active = false
return nil