blob: 53301178184591018380c70dcc5e0f32e7f8a441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package mongo
import (
const errorInterrupted int32 = 11601
const errorCappedPositionLost int32 = 136
const errorCursorKilled int32 = 237
// ErrMissingResumeToken indicates that a change stream notification from the server did not
// contain a resume token.
var ErrMissingResumeToken = errors.New("cannot provide resume functionality when the resume token is missing")
// ErrNilCursor indicates that the cursor for the change stream is nil.
var ErrNilCursor = errors.New("cursor is nil")
// ChangeStream instances iterate a stream of change documents. Each document can be decoded via the
// Decode method. Resume tokens should be retrieved via the ResumeToken method and can be stored to
// resume the change stream at a specific point in time.
// A typical usage of the ChangeStream type would be:
type ChangeStream struct {
// Current is the BSON bytes of the current change document. This property is only valid until
// the next call to Next or Close. If continued access is required to the bson.Raw, you must
// make a copy of it.
Current bson.Raw
cmd bsonx.Doc // aggregate command to run to create stream and rebuild cursor
pipeline bsonx.Arr
options *options.ChangeStreamOptions
coll *Collection
db *Database
ns command.Namespace
cursor *Cursor
cursorOpts bsonx.Doc
resumeToken bsonx.Doc
err error
streamType StreamType
client *Client
sess Session
readPref *readpref.ReadPref
readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern
registry *bsoncodec.Registry
func (cs *ChangeStream) replaceOptions(desc description.SelectedServer) {
// if cs has not received any changes and resumeAfter not specified and max wire version >= 7, run known agg cmd
// with startAtOperationTime set to startAtOperationTime provided by user or saved from initial agg
// must not send resumeAfter key
// else: run known agg cmd with resumeAfter set to last known resumeToken
// must not set startAtOperationTime (remove if originally in cmd)
if cs.options.ResumeAfter == nil && desc.WireVersion.Max >= 7 && cs.resumeToken == nil {
} else {
if cs.resumeToken == nil {
return // restart stream without the resume token
// remove startAtOperationTime
// Create options docs for the pipeline and cursor
func createCmdDocs(csType StreamType, opts *options.ChangeStreamOptions, registry *bsoncodec.Registry) (bsonx.Doc,
bsonx.Doc, bsonx.Doc, error) {
pipelineDoc := bsonx.Doc{}
cursorDoc := bsonx.Doc{}
optsDoc := bsonx.Doc{}
if csType == ClientStream {
pipelineDoc = pipelineDoc.Append("allChangesForCluster", bsonx.Boolean(true))
if opts.BatchSize != nil {
cursorDoc = cursorDoc.Append("batchSize", bsonx.Int32(*opts.BatchSize))
if opts.Collation != nil {
optsDoc = optsDoc.Append("collation", bsonx.Document(opts.Collation.ToDocument()))
if opts.FullDocument != nil {
pipelineDoc = pipelineDoc.Append("fullDocument", bsonx.String(string(*opts.FullDocument)))
if opts.MaxAwaitTime != nil {
ms := int64(time.Duration(*opts.MaxAwaitTime) / time.Millisecond)
pipelineDoc = pipelineDoc.Append("maxAwaitTimeMS", bsonx.Int64(ms))
if opts.ResumeAfter != nil {
rt, err := transformDocument(registry, opts.ResumeAfter)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
pipelineDoc = pipelineDoc.Append("resumeAfter", bsonx.Document(rt))
if opts.StartAtOperationTime != nil {
pipelineDoc = pipelineDoc.Append("startAtOperationTime",
bsonx.Timestamp(opts.StartAtOperationTime.T, opts.StartAtOperationTime.I))
return pipelineDoc, cursorDoc, optsDoc, nil
func getSession(ctx context.Context, client *Client) (Session, error) {
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
if err := client.ValidSession(sess); err != nil {
return nil, err
var mongoSess Session
if sess != nil {
mongoSess = &sessionImpl{
Client: sess,
} else {
// create implicit session because it will be needed
newSess, err := session.NewClientSession(client.topology.SessionPool,, session.Implicit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mongoSess = &sessionImpl{
Client: newSess,
return mongoSess, nil
func parseOptions(csType StreamType, opts *options.ChangeStreamOptions, registry *bsoncodec.Registry) (bsonx.Doc,
bsonx.Doc, bsonx.Doc, error) {
if opts.FullDocument == nil {
opts = opts.SetFullDocument(options.Default)
pipelineDoc, cursorDoc, optsDoc, err := createCmdDocs(csType, opts, registry)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
return pipelineDoc, cursorDoc, optsDoc, nil
func (cs *ChangeStream) runCommand(ctx context.Context, replaceOptions bool) error {
ss, err := cs.client.topology.SelectServer(ctx, cs.db.writeSelector)
if err != nil {
return err
desc := ss.Description()
conn, err := ss.Connection(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer conn.Close()
if replaceOptions {
optionsDoc, _, _, err := createCmdDocs(cs.streamType, cs.options, cs.registry)
if err != nil {
return err
changeStreamDoc := bsonx.Doc{
{"$changeStream", bsonx.Document(optionsDoc)},
cs.pipeline[0] = bsonx.Document(changeStreamDoc)
cs.cmd.Set("pipeline", bsonx.Array(cs.pipeline))
readCmd := command.Read{
Command: cs.cmd,
Session: cs.sess.(*sessionImpl).Client,
Clock: cs.client.clock,
ReadPref: cs.readPref,
ReadConcern: cs.readConcern,
rdr, err := readCmd.RoundTrip(ctx, desc, conn)
if err != nil {
return err
batchCursor, err := driver.NewBatchCursor(bsoncore.Document(rdr), readCmd.Session, readCmd.Clock, ss.Server)
if err != nil {
return err
cursor, err := newCursor(batchCursor, cs.registry)
if err != nil {
return err
cs.cursor = cursor
cursorValue, err := rdr.LookupErr("cursor")
if err != nil {
return err
cursorDoc := cursorValue.Document()
cs.ns = command.ParseNamespace(cursorDoc.Lookup("ns").StringValue())
return nil
func newChangeStream(ctx context.Context, coll *Collection, pipeline interface{},
opts ...*options.ChangeStreamOptions) (*ChangeStream, error) {
pipelineArr, err := transformAggregatePipeline(coll.registry, pipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
csOpts := options.MergeChangeStreamOptions(opts...)
pipelineDoc, cursorDoc, optsDoc, err := parseOptions(CollectionStream, csOpts, coll.registry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sess, err := getSession(ctx, coll.client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
csDoc := bsonx.Document(bsonx.Doc{
{"$changeStream", bsonx.Document(pipelineDoc)},
pipelineArr = append(bsonx.Arr{csDoc}, pipelineArr...)
cmd := bsonx.Doc{
{"aggregate", bsonx.String(},
{"pipeline", bsonx.Array(pipelineArr)},
{"cursor", bsonx.Document(cursorDoc)},
cmd = append(cmd, optsDoc...)
cs := &ChangeStream{
client: coll.client,
sess: sess,
cmd: cmd,
pipeline: pipelineArr,
coll: coll,
db: coll.db,
streamType: CollectionStream,
readPref: coll.readPreference,
readConcern: coll.readConcern,
options: csOpts,
registry: coll.registry,
cursorOpts: cursorDoc,
err = cs.runCommand(ctx, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cs, nil
func newDbChangeStream(ctx context.Context, db *Database, pipeline interface{},
opts ...*options.ChangeStreamOptions) (*ChangeStream, error) {
pipelineArr, err := transformAggregatePipeline(db.registry, pipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
csOpts := options.MergeChangeStreamOptions(opts...)
pipelineDoc, cursorDoc, optsDoc, err := parseOptions(DatabaseStream, csOpts, db.registry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sess, err := getSession(ctx, db.client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
csDoc := bsonx.Document(bsonx.Doc{
{"$changeStream", bsonx.Document(pipelineDoc)},
pipelineArr = append(bsonx.Arr{csDoc}, pipelineArr...)
cmd := bsonx.Doc{
{"aggregate", bsonx.Int32(1)},
{"pipeline", bsonx.Array(pipelineArr)},
{"cursor", bsonx.Document(cursorDoc)},
cmd = append(cmd, optsDoc...)
cs := &ChangeStream{
client: db.client,
db: db,
sess: sess,
cmd: cmd,
pipeline: pipelineArr,
streamType: DatabaseStream,
readPref: db.readPreference,
readConcern: db.readConcern,
options: csOpts,
registry: db.registry,
cursorOpts: cursorDoc,
err = cs.runCommand(ctx, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cs, nil
func newClientChangeStream(ctx context.Context, client *Client, pipeline interface{},
opts ...*options.ChangeStreamOptions) (*ChangeStream, error) {
pipelineArr, err := transformAggregatePipeline(client.registry, pipeline)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
csOpts := options.MergeChangeStreamOptions(opts...)
pipelineDoc, cursorDoc, optsDoc, err := parseOptions(ClientStream, csOpts, client.registry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sess, err := getSession(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
csDoc := bsonx.Document(bsonx.Doc{
{"$changeStream", bsonx.Document(pipelineDoc)},
pipelineArr = append(bsonx.Arr{csDoc}, pipelineArr...)
cmd := bsonx.Doc{
{"aggregate", bsonx.Int32(1)},
{"pipeline", bsonx.Array(pipelineArr)},
{"cursor", bsonx.Document(cursorDoc)},
cmd = append(cmd, optsDoc...)
cs := &ChangeStream{
client: client,
db: client.Database("admin"),
sess: sess,
cmd: cmd,
pipeline: pipelineArr,
streamType: ClientStream,
readPref: client.readPreference,
readConcern: client.readConcern,
options: csOpts,
registry: client.registry,
cursorOpts: cursorDoc,
err = cs.runCommand(ctx, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cs, nil
func (cs *ChangeStream) storeResumeToken() error {
idVal, err := cs.cursor.Current.LookupErr("_id")
if err != nil {
_ = cs.Close(context.Background())
return ErrMissingResumeToken
var idDoc bson.Raw
idDoc, ok := idVal.DocumentOK()
if !ok {
_ = cs.Close(context.Background())
return ErrMissingResumeToken
tokenDoc, err := bsonx.ReadDoc(idDoc)
if err != nil {
_ = cs.Close(context.Background())
return ErrMissingResumeToken
cs.resumeToken = tokenDoc
return nil
// ID returns the cursor ID for this change stream.
func (cs *ChangeStream) ID() int64 {
if cs.cursor == nil {
return 0
return cs.cursor.ID()
// Next gets the next result from this change stream. Returns true if there were no errors and the next
// result is available for decoding.
func (cs *ChangeStream) Next(ctx context.Context) bool {
// execute in a loop to retry resume-able errors and advance the underlying cursor
for {
if cs.cursor == nil {
return false
if cs.cursor.Next(ctx) {
err := cs.storeResumeToken()
if err != nil {
cs.err = err
return false
cs.Current = cs.cursor.Current
return true
err := cs.cursor.Err()
if err == nil {
return false
switch t := err.(type) {
case command.Error:
if t.Code == errorInterrupted || t.Code == errorCappedPositionLost || t.Code == errorCursorKilled {
return false
killCursors := command.KillCursors{
NS: cs.ns,
IDs: []int64{cs.ID()},
_, _ = driver.KillCursors(ctx, killCursors, cs.client.topology, cs.db.writeSelector)
cs.err = cs.runCommand(ctx, true)
if cs.err != nil {
return false
// Decode will decode the current document into val.
func (cs *ChangeStream) Decode(out interface{}) error {
if cs.cursor == nil {
return ErrNilCursor
return bson.UnmarshalWithRegistry(cs.registry, cs.Current, out)
// Err returns the current error.
func (cs *ChangeStream) Err() error {
if cs.err != nil {
return cs.err
if cs.cursor == nil {
return nil
return cs.cursor.Err()
// Close closes this cursor.
func (cs *ChangeStream) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
if cs.cursor == nil {
return nil // cursor is already closed
return cs.cursor.Close(ctx)
// StreamType represents the type of a change stream.
type StreamType uint8
// These constants represent valid change stream types. A change stream can be initialized over a collection, all
// collections in a database, or over a whole client.
const (
CollectionStream StreamType = iota