blob: 1ff8d4969f753fe36acc1b7ed0462f600e7bdb0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package mongo
import (
// ErrInvalidIndexValue indicates that the index Keys document has a value that isn't either a number or a string.
var ErrInvalidIndexValue = errors.New("invalid index value")
// ErrNonStringIndexName indicates that the index name specified in the options is not a string.
var ErrNonStringIndexName = errors.New("index name must be a string")
// ErrMultipleIndexDrop indicates that multiple indexes would be dropped from a call to IndexView.DropOne.
var ErrMultipleIndexDrop = errors.New("multiple indexes would be dropped")
// IndexView is used to create, drop, and list indexes on a given collection.
type IndexView struct {
coll *Collection
// IndexModel contains information about an index.
type IndexModel struct {
Keys interface{}
Options *options.IndexOptions
// List returns a cursor iterating over all the indexes in the collection.
func (iv IndexView) List(ctx context.Context, opts ...*options.ListIndexesOptions) (*Cursor, error) {
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
err := iv.coll.client.ValidSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
listCmd := command.ListIndexes{
NS: iv.coll.namespace(),
Session: sess,
Clock: iv.coll.client.clock,
readSelector := description.CompositeSelector([]description.ServerSelector{
batchCursor, err := driver.ListIndexes(
ctx, listCmd,
if err != nil {
if err == command.ErrEmptyCursor {
return newEmptyCursor(), nil
return nil, replaceTopologyErr(err)
cursor, err := newCursor(batchCursor, iv.coll.registry)
return cursor, replaceTopologyErr(err)
// CreateOne creates a single index in the collection specified by the model.
func (iv IndexView) CreateOne(ctx context.Context, model IndexModel, opts ...*options.CreateIndexesOptions) (string, error) {
names, err := iv.CreateMany(ctx, []IndexModel{model}, opts...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return names[0], nil
// CreateMany creates multiple indexes in the collection specified by the models. The names of the
// creates indexes are returned.
func (iv IndexView) CreateMany(ctx context.Context, models []IndexModel, opts ...*options.CreateIndexesOptions) ([]string, error) {
names := make([]string, 0, len(models))
indexes := bsonx.Arr{}
for _, model := range models {
if model.Keys == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("index model keys cannot be nil")
name, err := getOrGenerateIndexName(iv.coll.registry, model)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
names = append(names, name)
keys, err := transformDocument(iv.coll.registry, model.Keys)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
index := bsonx.Doc{{"key", bsonx.Document(keys)}}
if model.Options != nil {
optsDoc, err := iv.createOptionsDoc(model.Options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
index = append(index, optsDoc...)
index = index.Set("name", bsonx.String(name))
indexes = append(indexes, bsonx.Document(index))
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
err := iv.coll.client.ValidSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := command.CreateIndexes{
NS: iv.coll.namespace(),
Indexes: indexes,
Session: sess,
Clock: iv.coll.client.clock,
_, err = driver.CreateIndexes(
ctx, cmd,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return names, nil
func (iv IndexView) createOptionsDoc(opts *options.IndexOptions) (bsonx.Doc, error) {
optsDoc := bsonx.Doc{}
if opts.Background != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"background", bsonx.Boolean(*opts.Background)})
if opts.ExpireAfterSeconds != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"expireAfterSeconds", bsonx.Int32(*opts.ExpireAfterSeconds)})
if opts.Name != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"name", bsonx.String(*opts.Name)})
if opts.Sparse != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"sparse", bsonx.Boolean(*opts.Sparse)})
if opts.StorageEngine != nil {
doc, err := transformDocument(iv.coll.registry, opts.StorageEngine)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"storageEngine", bsonx.Document(doc)})
if opts.Unique != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"unique", bsonx.Boolean(*opts.Unique)})
if opts.Version != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"v", bsonx.Int32(*opts.Version)})
if opts.DefaultLanguage != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"default_language", bsonx.String(*opts.DefaultLanguage)})
if opts.LanguageOverride != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"language_override", bsonx.String(*opts.LanguageOverride)})
if opts.TextVersion != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"textIndexVersion", bsonx.Int32(*opts.TextVersion)})
if opts.Weights != nil {
weightsDoc, err := transformDocument(iv.coll.registry, opts.Weights)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"weights", bsonx.Document(weightsDoc)})
if opts.SphereVersion != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"2dsphereIndexVersion", bsonx.Int32(*opts.SphereVersion)})
if opts.Bits != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"bits", bsonx.Int32(*opts.Bits)})
if opts.Max != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"max", bsonx.Double(*opts.Max)})
if opts.Min != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"min", bsonx.Double(*opts.Min)})
if opts.BucketSize != nil {
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"bucketSize", bsonx.Int32(*opts.BucketSize)})
if opts.PartialFilterExpression != nil {
doc, err := transformDocument(iv.coll.registry, opts.PartialFilterExpression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"partialFilterExpression", bsonx.Document(doc)})
if opts.Collation != nil {
doc := opts.Collation.ToDocument()
optsDoc = append(optsDoc, bsonx.Elem{"collation", bsonx.Document(doc)})
return optsDoc, nil
// DropOne drops the index with the given name from the collection.
func (iv IndexView) DropOne(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...*options.DropIndexesOptions) (bson.Raw, error) {
if name == "*" {
return nil, ErrMultipleIndexDrop
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
err := iv.coll.client.ValidSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := command.DropIndexes{
NS: iv.coll.namespace(),
Index: name,
Session: sess,
Clock: iv.coll.client.clock,
return driver.DropIndexes(
ctx, cmd,
// DropAll drops all indexes in the collection.
func (iv IndexView) DropAll(ctx context.Context, opts ...*options.DropIndexesOptions) (bson.Raw, error) {
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
err := iv.coll.client.ValidSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := command.DropIndexes{
NS: iv.coll.namespace(),
Index: "*",
Session: sess,
Clock: iv.coll.client.clock,
return driver.DropIndexes(
ctx, cmd,
func getOrGenerateIndexName(registry *bsoncodec.Registry, model IndexModel) (string, error) {
if model.Options != nil && model.Options.Name != nil {
return *model.Options.Name, nil
name := bytes.NewBufferString("")
first := true
keys, err := transformDocument(registry, model.Keys)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, elem := range keys {
if !first {
_, err := name.WriteRune('_')
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err := name.WriteString(elem.Key)
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = name.WriteRune('_')
if err != nil {
return "", err
var value string
switch elem.Value.Type() {
case bsontype.Int32:
value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", elem.Value.Int32())
case bsontype.Int64:
value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", elem.Value.Int64())
case bsontype.String:
value = elem.Value.StringValue()
return "", ErrInvalidIndexValue
_, err = name.WriteString(value)
if err != nil {
return "", err
first = false
return name.String(), nil