blob: 2fda698ce5dfd343a0a2c5e1b572ce65de96c386 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package options
import (
// CreateIndexesOptions represents all possible options for the create() function.
type CreateIndexesOptions struct {
MaxTime *time.Duration // The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
// CreateIndexes creates a new CreateIndexesOptions instance.
func CreateIndexes() *CreateIndexesOptions {
return &CreateIndexesOptions{}
// SetMaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
func (c *CreateIndexesOptions) SetMaxTime(d time.Duration) *CreateIndexesOptions {
c.MaxTime = &d
return c
// MergeCreateIndexesOptions combines the given *CreateIndexesOptions into a single *CreateIndexesOptions in a last one
// wins fashion.
func MergeCreateIndexesOptions(opts ...*CreateIndexesOptions) *CreateIndexesOptions {
c := CreateIndexes()
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == nil {
if opt.MaxTime != nil {
c.MaxTime = opt.MaxTime
return c
// DropIndexesOptions represents all possible options for the create() function.
type DropIndexesOptions struct {
MaxTime *time.Duration
// DropIndexes creates a new DropIndexesOptions instance.
func DropIndexes() *DropIndexesOptions {
return &DropIndexesOptions{}
// SetMaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
func (d *DropIndexesOptions) SetMaxTime(duration time.Duration) *DropIndexesOptions {
d.MaxTime = &duration
return d
// MergeDropIndexesOptions combines the given *DropIndexesOptions into a single *DropIndexesOptions in a last one
// wins fashion.
func MergeDropIndexesOptions(opts ...*DropIndexesOptions) *DropIndexesOptions {
c := DropIndexes()
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == nil {
if opt.MaxTime != nil {
c.MaxTime = opt.MaxTime
return c
// ListIndexesOptions represents all possible options for the create() function.
type ListIndexesOptions struct {
BatchSize *int32
MaxTime *time.Duration
// ListIndexes creates a new ListIndexesOptions instance.
func ListIndexes() *ListIndexesOptions {
return &ListIndexesOptions{}
// SetBatchSize specifies the number of documents to return in every batch.
func (l *ListIndexesOptions) SetBatchSize(i int32) *ListIndexesOptions {
l.BatchSize = &i
return l
// SetMaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
func (l *ListIndexesOptions) SetMaxTime(d time.Duration) *ListIndexesOptions {
l.MaxTime = &d
return l
// MergeListIndexesOptions combines the given *ListIndexesOptions into a single *ListIndexesOptions in a last one
// wins fashion.
func MergeListIndexesOptions(opts ...*ListIndexesOptions) *ListIndexesOptions {
c := ListIndexes()
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == nil {
if opt.MaxTime != nil {
c.MaxTime = opt.MaxTime
return c
// IndexOptions represents all possible options to configure a new index.
type IndexOptions struct {
Background *bool
ExpireAfterSeconds *int32
Name *string
Sparse *bool
StorageEngine interface{}
Unique *bool
Version *int32
DefaultLanguage *string
LanguageOverride *string
TextVersion *int32
Weights interface{}
SphereVersion *int32
Bits *int32
Max *float64
Min *float64
BucketSize *int32
PartialFilterExpression interface{}
Collation *Collation
// Index creates a new *IndexOptions
func Index() *IndexOptions {
return &IndexOptions{}
// SetBackground sets the background option. If true, the server will create the index in the background and not block
// other tasks
func (i *IndexOptions) SetBackground(background bool) *IndexOptions {
i.Background = &background
return i
// SetExpireAfterSeconds specifies the number of seconds for a document to remain in a collection.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetExpireAfterSeconds(seconds int32) *IndexOptions {
i.ExpireAfterSeconds = &seconds
return i
// SetName specifies a name for the index.
// If not set, a name will be generated in the format "[field]_[direction]".
// If multiple indexes are created for the same key pattern with different collations, a name must be provided to avoid
// ambiguity.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetName(name string) *IndexOptions {
i.Name = &name
return i
// SetSparse sets the sparse option.
// If true, the index will only reference documents with the specified field in the index.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetSparse(sparse bool) *IndexOptions {
i.Sparse = &sparse
return i
// SetStorageEngine specifies the storage engine to use.
// Valid for server versions >= 3.0
func (i *IndexOptions) SetStorageEngine(engine interface{}) *IndexOptions {
i.StorageEngine = engine
return i
// SetUnique forces the index to be unique.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetUnique(unique bool) *IndexOptions {
i.Unique = &unique
return i
// SetVersion specifies the index version number, either 0 or 1.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetVersion(version int32) *IndexOptions {
i.Version = &version
return i
// SetDefaultLanguage specifies the default language for text indexes.
// If not set, this will default to english.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetDefaultLanguage(language string) *IndexOptions {
i.DefaultLanguage = &language
return i
// SetLanguageOverride specifies the field in the document to override the language.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetLanguageOverride(override string) *IndexOptions {
i.LanguageOverride = &override
return i
// SetTextVersion specifies the text index version number.
// MongoDB version 2.4 can only support version 1.
// MongoDB versions 2.6 and higher can support versions 1 or 2.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetTextVersion(version int32) *IndexOptions {
i.TextVersion = &version
return i
// SetWeights specifies fields in the index and their corresponding weight values.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetWeights(weights interface{}) *IndexOptions {
i.Weights = weights
return i
// SetSphereVersion specifies the 2dsphere index version number.
// MongoDB version 2.4 can only support version 1.
// MongoDB versions 2.6 and higher can support versions 1 or 2.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetSphereVersion(version int32) *IndexOptions {
i.SphereVersion = &version
return i
// SetBits specifies the precision of the stored geo hash in the 2d index, from 1 to 32.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetBits(bits int32) *IndexOptions {
i.Bits = &bits
return i
// SetMax specifies the maximum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetMax(max float64) *IndexOptions {
i.Max = &max
return i
// SetMin specifies the minimum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetMin(min float64) *IndexOptions {
i.Min = &min
return i
// SetBucketSize specifies number of units within which to group the location values in a geo haystack index.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetBucketSize(bucketSize int32) *IndexOptions {
i.BucketSize = &bucketSize
return i
// SetPartialFilterExpression specifies a filter for use in a partial index. Only documents that match the filter
// expression are included in the index.
func (i *IndexOptions) SetPartialFilterExpression(expression interface{}) *IndexOptions {
i.PartialFilterExpression = expression
return i
// SetCollation specifies a Collation to use for the operation.
// Valid for server versions >= 3.4
func (i *IndexOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *IndexOptions {
i.Collation = collation
return i
// MergeIndexOptions combines the given *IndexOptions into a single *IndexOptions in a last one wins fashion.
func MergeIndexOptions(opts ...*IndexOptions) *IndexOptions {
i := Index()
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt.Background != nil {
i.Background = opt.Background
if opt.ExpireAfterSeconds != nil {
i.ExpireAfterSeconds = opt.ExpireAfterSeconds
if opt.Name != nil {
i.Name = opt.Name
if opt.Sparse != nil {
i.Sparse = opt.Sparse
if opt.StorageEngine != nil {
i.StorageEngine = opt.StorageEngine
if opt.Unique != nil {
i.Unique = opt.Unique
if opt.Version != nil {
i.Version = opt.Version
if opt.DefaultLanguage != nil {
i.DefaultLanguage = opt.DefaultLanguage
if opt.LanguageOverride != nil {
i.LanguageOverride = opt.LanguageOverride
if opt.TextVersion != nil {
i.TextVersion = opt.TextVersion
if opt.Weights != nil {
i.Weights = opt.Weights
if opt.SphereVersion != nil {
i.SphereVersion = opt.SphereVersion
if opt.Bits != nil {
i.Bits = opt.Bits
if opt.Max != nil {
i.Max = opt.Max
if opt.Min != nil {
i.Min = opt.Min
if opt.BucketSize != nil {
i.BucketSize = opt.BucketSize
if opt.PartialFilterExpression != nil {
i.PartialFilterExpression = opt.PartialFilterExpression
if opt.Collation != nil {
i.Collation = opt.Collation
return i