blob: 4798b0558b43b5c370c93c8a745e5d0cd0020074 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package driver
import (
// AbortTransaction handles the full cycle dispatch and execution of abortting a transaction
// against the provided topology.
func AbortTransaction(
ctx context.Context,
cmd command.AbortTransaction,
topo *topology.Topology,
selector description.ServerSelector,
) (result.TransactionResult, error) {
res, err := abortTransaction(ctx, cmd, topo, selector, nil)
if cerr, ok := err.(command.Error); ok && err != nil {
// Retry if appropriate
if cerr.Retryable() {
res, err = abortTransaction(ctx, cmd, topo, selector, cerr)
return res, err
func abortTransaction(
ctx context.Context,
cmd command.AbortTransaction,
topo *topology.Topology,
selector description.ServerSelector,
oldErr error,
) (result.TransactionResult, error) {
ss, err := topo.SelectServer(ctx, selector)
if err != nil {
// If retrying server selection, return the original error if it fails
if oldErr != nil {
return result.TransactionResult{}, oldErr
return result.TransactionResult{}, err
desc := ss.Description()
if oldErr != nil && (!topo.SupportsSessions() || !description.SessionsSupported(desc.WireVersion)) {
// Assuming we are retrying (oldErr != nil),
// if server doesn't support retryable writes, return the original error
// Conditions for retry write support are the same as that of sessions
return result.TransactionResult{}, oldErr
conn, err := ss.Connection(ctx)
if err != nil {
if oldErr != nil {
return result.TransactionResult{}, oldErr
return result.TransactionResult{}, err
defer conn.Close()
return cmd.RoundTrip(ctx, desc, conn)