blob: c067ccc279d2289251e2bf7ffb06ae39b0272438 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package command
import (
// DropCollection represents the drop command.
// The dropCollections command drops collection for a database.
type DropCollection struct {
DB string
Collection string
WriteConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern
Clock *session.ClusterClock
Session *session.Client
result bson.Raw
err error
// Encode will encode this command into a wire message for the given server description.
func (dc *DropCollection) Encode(desc description.SelectedServer) (wiremessage.WireMessage, error) {
cmd, err := dc.encode(desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cmd.Encode(desc)
func (dc *DropCollection) encode(desc description.SelectedServer) (*Write, error) {
cmd := bsonx.Doc{{"drop", bsonx.String(dc.Collection)}}
write := &Write{
Clock: dc.Clock,
DB: dc.DB,
Command: cmd,
Session: dc.Session,
if desc.WireVersion != nil && desc.WireVersion.Max >= 5 {
write.WriteConcern = dc.WriteConcern
return write, nil
// Decode will decode the wire message using the provided server description. Errors during decoding
// are deferred until either the Result or Err methods are called.
func (dc *DropCollection) Decode(desc description.SelectedServer, wm wiremessage.WireMessage) *DropCollection {
rdr, err := (&Write{}).Decode(desc, wm).Result()
if err != nil {
dc.err = err
return dc
return dc.decode(desc, rdr)
func (dc *DropCollection) decode(desc description.SelectedServer, rdr bson.Raw) *DropCollection {
dc.result = rdr
return dc
// Result returns the result of a decoded wire message and server description.
func (dc *DropCollection) Result() (bson.Raw, error) {
if dc.err != nil {
return nil, dc.err
return dc.result, nil
// Err returns the error set on this command.
func (dc *DropCollection) Err() error { return dc.err }
// RoundTrip handles the execution of this command using the provided wiremessage.ReadWriter.
func (dc *DropCollection) RoundTrip(ctx context.Context, desc description.SelectedServer, rw wiremessage.ReadWriter) (bson.Raw, error) {
cmd, err := dc.encode(desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rdr, err := cmd.RoundTrip(ctx, desc, rw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dc.decode(desc, rdr).Result()