blob: 07f35ab99416a2b28d72d8c75686e416fd92a0dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package wiremessage
import (
// Msg represents the OP_MSG message of the MongoDB wire protocol.
type Msg struct {
MsgHeader Header
FlagBits MsgFlag
Sections []Section
Checksum uint32
// MarshalWireMessage implements the Marshaler and WireMessage interfaces.
func (m Msg) MarshalWireMessage() ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, 0, m.Len())
return m.AppendWireMessage(b)
// ValidateWireMessage implements the Validator and WireMessage interfaces.
func (m Msg) ValidateWireMessage() error {
if int(m.MsgHeader.MessageLength) != m.Len() {
return errors.New("incorrect header: message length is not correct")
if m.MsgHeader.OpCode != OpMsg {
return errors.New("incorrect header: opcode is not OpMsg")
return nil
// AppendWireMessage implements the Appender and WireMessage interfaces.
// AppendWireMesssage will set the MessageLength property of the MsgHeader if it is zero. It will also set the Opcode
// to OP_MSG if it is zero. If either of these properties are non-zero and not correct, this method will return both the
// []byte with the wire message appended to it and an invalid header error.
func (m Msg) AppendWireMessage(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var err error
err = m.MsgHeader.SetDefaults(m.Len(), OpMsg)
b = m.MsgHeader.AppendHeader(b)
b = appendInt32(b, int32(m.FlagBits))
for _, section := range m.Sections {
newB := make([]byte, 0)
newB = section.AppendSection(newB)
b = section.AppendSection(b)
return b, err
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (m Msg) String() string {
panic("not implemented")
// Len implements the WireMessage interface.
func (m Msg) Len() int {
// Header + Flags + len of each section + optional checksum
totalLen := 16 + 4 // header and flag
for _, section := range m.Sections {
totalLen += section.Len()
if m.FlagBits&ChecksumPresent > 0 {
totalLen += 4
return totalLen
// UnmarshalWireMessage implements the Unmarshaler interface.
func (m *Msg) UnmarshalWireMessage(b []byte) error {
var err error
m.MsgHeader, err = ReadHeader(b, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(b) < int(m.MsgHeader.MessageLength) {
return Error{
Type: ErrOpMsg,
Message: "[]byte too small",
m.FlagBits = MsgFlag(readInt32(b, 16))
// read each section
sectionBytes := m.MsgHeader.MessageLength - 16 - 4 // number of bytes taken up by sections
hasChecksum := m.FlagBits&ChecksumPresent > 0
if hasChecksum {
sectionBytes -= 4 // 4 bytes at end for checksum
m.Sections = make([]Section, 0)
position := 20 // position to read from
for sectionBytes > 0 {
sectionType := SectionType(b[position])
switch sectionType {
case SingleDocument:
rdr, size, err := readDocument(b, int32(position))
if err.Message != "" {
err.Type = ErrOpMsg
return err
position += size
sb := SectionBody{
Document: rdr,
sb.PayloadType = sb.Kind()
sectionBytes -= int32(sb.Len())
m.Sections = append(m.Sections, sb)
case DocumentSequence:
sds := SectionDocumentSequence{}
sds.Size = readInt32(b, int32(position))
position += 4
identifier, err := readCString(b, int32(position))
if err != nil {
return err
sds.Identifier = identifier
position += len(identifier) + 1 // +1 for \0
sds.PayloadType = sds.Kind()
// length of documents to read
// sequenceLen - 4 bytes for size field - identifierLength (including \0)
docsLen := int(sds.Size) - 4 - len(identifier) - 1
for docsLen > 0 {
rdr, size, err := readDocument(b, int32(position))
if err.Message != "" {
err.Type = ErrOpMsg
return err
position += size
sds.Documents = append(sds.Documents, rdr)
docsLen -= size
sectionBytes -= int32(sds.Len())
m.Sections = append(m.Sections, sds)
if hasChecksum {
m.Checksum = uint32(readInt32(b, int32(position)))
return nil
// GetMainDocument returns the document containing the message to send.
func (m *Msg) GetMainDocument() (bsonx.Doc, error) {
return bsonx.ReadDoc(m.Sections[0].(SectionBody).Document)
// GetSequenceArray returns this message's document sequence as a BSON array along with the array identifier.
// If this message has no associated document sequence, a nil array is returned.
func (m *Msg) GetSequenceArray() (bsonx.Arr, string, error) {
if len(m.Sections) == 1 {
return nil, "", nil
arr := bsonx.Arr{}
sds := m.Sections[1].(SectionDocumentSequence)
for _, rdr := range sds.Documents {
doc, err := bsonx.ReadDoc([]byte(rdr))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
arr = append(arr, bsonx.Document(doc))
return arr, sds.Identifier, nil
// AcknowledgedWrite returns true if this msg represents an acknowledged write command.
func (m *Msg) AcknowledgedWrite() bool {
return m.FlagBits&MoreToCome == 0
// MsgFlag represents the flags on an OP_MSG message.
type MsgFlag uint32
// These constants represent the individual flags on an OP_MSG message.
const (
ChecksumPresent MsgFlag = 1 << iota
ExhaustAllowed MsgFlag = 1 << 16
// Section represents a section on an OP_MSG message.
type Section interface {
Kind() SectionType
Len() int
AppendSection([]byte) []byte
// SectionBody represents the kind body of an OP_MSG message.
type SectionBody struct {
PayloadType SectionType
Document bson.Raw
// Kind implements the Section interface.
func (sb SectionBody) Kind() SectionType {
return SingleDocument
// Len implements the Section interface
func (sb SectionBody) Len() int {
return 1 + len(sb.Document) // 1 for PayloadType
// AppendSection implements the Section interface.
func (sb SectionBody) AppendSection(dest []byte) []byte {
dest = append(dest, byte(SingleDocument))
dest = append(dest, sb.Document...)
return dest
// SectionDocumentSequence represents the kind document sequence of an OP_MSG message.
type SectionDocumentSequence struct {
PayloadType SectionType
Size int32
Identifier string
Documents []bson.Raw
// Kind implements the Section interface.
func (sds SectionDocumentSequence) Kind() SectionType {
return DocumentSequence
// Len implements the Section interface
func (sds SectionDocumentSequence) Len() int {
// PayloadType + Size + Identifier + 1 (null terminator) + totalDocLen
totalDocLen := 0
for _, doc := range sds.Documents {
totalDocLen += len(doc)
return 1 + 4 + len(sds.Identifier) + 1 + totalDocLen
// PayloadLen returns the length of the payload
func (sds SectionDocumentSequence) PayloadLen() int {
// 4 bytes for size field, len identifier (including \0), and total docs len
return sds.Len() - 1
// AppendSection implements the Section interface
func (sds SectionDocumentSequence) AppendSection(dest []byte) []byte {
dest = append(dest, byte(DocumentSequence))
dest = appendInt32(dest, sds.Size)
dest = appendCString(dest, sds.Identifier)
for _, doc := range sds.Documents {
dest = append(dest, doc...)
return dest
// SectionType represents the type for 1 section in an OP_MSG
type SectionType uint8
// These constants represent the individual section types for a section in an OP_MSG
const (
SingleDocument SectionType = iota
// OpmsgWireVersion is the minimum wire version needed to use OP_MSG
const OpmsgWireVersion = 6