blob: 2e6b9cc9435433587ca5d5dc926ce748cb7b8017 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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limitations under the License.
package api
import (
context ""
Server instance of the grpc server
type Server struct {
Echo - Tester function which just returns same string sent to it
func (s *Server) Echo(ctx context.Context, in *EchoMessage) (*EchoReplyMessage, error) {
ping := in.GetPing()
pong := EchoReplyMessage{Pong: ping}
return &pong, nil
CreateChassis - allocates a new Chassis struct and stores it in chassisMap
func (s *Server) CreateChassis(ctx context.Context, in *AddChassisMessage) (*AddChassisReturn, error) {
chassisMap := models.GetChassisMap()
clli := in.GetCLLI()
chassisHolder := (*chassisMap)[clli]
if chassisHolder != nil {
return &AddChassisReturn{DeviceID: chassisHolder.AbstractChassis.CLLI}, nil
abstractChassis := abstract.GenerateChassis(clli, int(in.GetRack()), int(in.GetShelf()))
phyChassis := physical.Chassis{CLLI: clli, VCoreAddress: net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(in.GetVCoreIP()),
Port: int(in.GetVCorePort())}, Rack: int(in.GetRack()), Shelf: int(in.GetShelf())}
chassisHolder = &models.ChassisHolder{AbstractChassis: abstractChassis, PhysicalChassis: phyChassis}
if settings.GetDebug() {
output := fmt.Sprintf("%v", abstractChassis)
formatted := strings.Replace(output, "{", "\n{", -1)
log.Printf("new chassis %s\n", formatted)
(*chassisMap)[clli] = chassisHolder
return &AddChassisReturn{DeviceID: clli}, nil
CreateOLTChassis adds an OLT chassis/line card to the Physical chassis
func (s *Server) CreateOLTChassis(ctx context.Context, in *AddOLTChassisMessage) (*AddOLTChassisReturn, error) {
fmt.Printf(" CreateOLTChassis %v \n", *in)
chassisMap := models.GetChassisMap()
clli := in.GetCLLI()
chassisHolder := (*chassisMap)[clli]
if chassisHolder == nil {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("There is no chassis with CLLI of %s", clli)
return &AddOLTChassisReturn{DeviceID: "", ChassisDeviceID: ""}, errors.New(errString)
oltType := in.GetType()
address := net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(in.GetSlotIP()), Port: int(in.GetSlotPort())}
physicalChassis := &chassisHolder.PhysicalChassis
sOlt := physical.SimpleOLT{CLLI: clli, Hostname: in.GetHostname(), Address: address, Parent: physicalChassis}
switch oltType {
case AddOLTChassisMessage_edgecore:
case AddOLTChassisMessage_adtran:
case AddOLTChassisMessage_tibit:
ports := sOlt.GetPorts()
for i := 0; i < len(ports); i++ {
absPort, _ := chassisHolder.AbstractChassis.NextPort()
absPort.PhysPort = &ports[i]
//AssignTraits(&ports[i], absPort)
return &AddOLTChassisReturn{DeviceID: in.GetHostname(), ChassisDeviceID: clli}, nil
ProvisionOnt provisions an ONT on a specific Chassis/LineCard/Port
func (s *Server) ProvisionOnt(ctx context.Context, in *AddOntMessage) (*AddOntReturn, error) {
chassisMap := models.GetChassisMap()
clli := in.GetCLLI()
chassisHolder := (*chassisMap)[clli]
if chassisHolder == nil {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("There is no chassis with CLLI of %s", clli)
return &AddOntReturn{Success: false}, errors.New(errString)
err := chassisHolder.AbstractChassis.ActivateONT(int(in.GetSlotNumber()), int(in.GetPortNumber()), int(in.GetOntNumber()), in.GetSerialNumber())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AddOntReturn{Success: true}, nil
DeleteOnt - deletes a previously provision ont
func (s *Server) DeleteOnt(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteOntMessage) (*DeleteOntReturn, error) {
chassisMap := models.GetChassisMap()
clli := in.GetCLLI()
chassisHolder := (*chassisMap)[clli]
err := chassisHolder.AbstractChassis.DeleteONT(int(in.GetSlotNumber()), int(in.GetPortNumber()), int(in.GetOntNumber()), in.GetSerialNumber())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &DeleteOntReturn{Success: true}, nil
func (s *Server) Output(ctx context.Context, in *OutputMessage) (*OutputReturn, error) {
chassisMap := models.GetChassisMap()
for clli, chassisHolder := range *chassisMap {
json, _ := (chassisHolder).Serialize()
backupFile := fmt.Sprintf("backup/%s", clli)
f, _ := os.Create(backupFile)
defer f.Close()
_, _ = f.WriteString(string(json))
return &OutputReturn{Success: true}, nil