blob: 0cacf79f7e8414d4c62674d39c6c19cf4862d64a [file] [log] [blame]
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package abstract
GenerateChassis - constructs a new AbstractOLT Chassis
func GenerateChassis(CLLI string, rack int, shelf int) Chassis {
chassis := Chassis{CLLI: CLLI, Rack: rack, Shelf: shelf}
var slots [16]Slot
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
slots[i] = generateSlot(i, &chassis)
chassis.Slots = slots
return chassis
func generateSlot(n int, c *Chassis) Slot {
slot := Slot{Number: n + 3, Parent: c}
var ports [16]Port
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
ports[i] = generatePort(i+1, &slot)
slot.Ports = ports
return slot
func generatePort(n int, s *Slot) Port {
port := Port{Number: n, Parent: s}
var onts [64]Ont
//i starts with 1 because :P Architects - blah
for i := 1; i < 65; i++ {
/* adding one because the system that provisions is 1 based on everything not 0 based*/
onts[i-1] = Ont{Number: i, Svlan: calculateSvlan(s.Number, n, i),
Cvlan: calculateCvlan(s.Number, n, i+1), Parent: &port}
port.Onts = onts
return port
func calculateCvlan(slot int, port int, ont int) int {
ontPortOffset := 120 // Max(ONT_SLOT) * Max(ONT_PORT) = 10 * 12 = 120
ontSlotOffset := 12 //= Max(ONT_PORT) = 12
vlanOffset := 1 //(VID 1 is reserved)
cVid := ((ont-2)%32)*ontPortOffset + (slot-3)*ontSlotOffset + port + vlanOffset
return cVid
func calculateSvlan(slot int, port int, ont int) int {
ltSlotOffset := 16
vlanGap := 288 // Max(LT_SLOT) * Max(ltSlotOffset) = 18 * 16 = 288
vlanOffset := 1 //(VID 1 is reserved)
sVid := ((slot-3)*ltSlotOffset + port) + ((ont-1)/32)*vlanGap + vlanOffset
return sVid
NextPort pulls the first unMapped port in the abstract chassis so the next physical port can be mapped to it