blob: 023fec444b2b1bcfdcc67d251f09f8955d3f8e08 [file] [log] [blame]
Instructions For Running The ROC Tests
The REST API and the GUI of the Aether ROC is tested utilizing the Robot Framework.
The tests are located inside the aether-system-tests repository and they are run nightly using
a Jenkins job.
Development Prerequisites
To access the ROC from a local system, it is necessary to deploy the components of ยตONOS.
This can be done with the use of Helm (see instructions on
`this page <>`_).
Additionally, it is necessary to add the sdran chart repo with the following command:
.. code-block:: shell
helm repo add sdran --username USER --password PASSWORD
where USER and PASSWORD can be obtained from the Aether Login Information file, which is
accessibble to the ``onfstaff`` group.
Finally, the ROC GUI tests are running on the Firefox browser, so it is nesessary to have the Firefox browser and the
Firefox web driver (geckodriver) installed on the system in order to run these tests.
Running the ROC API tests
Follow the steps below to access the ROC API:
1. Deploy the aether-roc-umbrella chart from the sdran repo with the following command:
.. code-block:: shell
helm -n micro-onos install aether-roc-umbrella sdran/aether-roc-umbrella
2. Check if all pods are in a Running state:
.. code-block:: shell
kubectl -n micro-onos get pods
This should print a table like the one below:
.. code-block:: shell
aether-roc-api-df499d585-7xmt5 2/2 Running 0 2m52s
aether-roc-gui-56bfb5fc67-sgxh7 1/1 Running 0 2m52s
aether-roc-umbrella-grafana-6b4d4b55c-4mdww 1/1 Running 0 2m52s
aether-roc-umbrella-prometheus-alertmanager-694c449885-8fsbs 2/2 Running 0 2m52s
aether-roc-umbrella-prometheus-server-59c974f84-d56td 2/2 Running 0 2m52s
aether-roc-umbrella-sdcore-test-dummy-7f4895c59c-4pvdg 1/1 Running 0 2m52s
onos-cli-846d9c8df6-njqgs 1/1 Running 0 2m52s
onos-config-759fff55f-k9fzr 5/5 Running 0 2m52s
onos-consensus-store-1-0 1/1 Running 0 2m50s
onos-topo-56b687f77b-9l8ns 3/3 Running 0 2m52s
sdcore-adapter-v21-5688b8d458-5sn67 1/1 Running 0 2m52s
sdcore-adapter-v3-56667fd848-9szt5 2/2 Running 0 2m52s
3. Once all pods are in a Running state, port-forward to port 8181 with the following command:
.. code-block:: shell
kubectl -n micro-onos port-forward $(kubectl -n micro-onos get pods -l type=api -o name) 8181
Now that we have access to the ROC API, we can proceed with running the ROC API tests from the ``aether-system-tests``
1. Checkout the aether-system-tests repo:
.. code-block:: shell
git clone "ssh://$"
2. Go to the repo directory:
.. code-block:: shell
cd aether-system-tests
3. Install the requirements and create a virtual environment:
.. code-block:: shell
make ast-venv
source ast-venv/bin/activate
4. Go to the ``roc`` folder and generate the ROC API test framework and test files:
.. code-block:: shell
cd roc
python libraries/api/codegen/ \
--models=variables/3_0_0_model_list.json \
--template=libraries/api/codegen/templates/ \
--common_files_directory=libraries/api/codegen/common \
python tests/api/codegen/ \
--models=variables/3_0_0_model_list.json \
--template=tests/api/codegen/templates/tests_template.robot.tmpl \
5. Go to the directory that contains the test files:
.. code-block:: shell
cd tests/api/3_0_0
6. Create a folder for the logs and the output files from the tests:
.. code-block:: shell
mkdir results
7. Run any Robot Framework test file from the ``3_0_0`` directory.
Each test file corresponds to one of the Aether 3.0.0 models.
.. code-block:: shell
robot -d results <model-name>.robot
This will generate test reports and logs in the ``results`` directory.
Running the ROC GUI tests
We are testing the ROC GUI by installing the ROC on a local dex server. To install the dex server, please follow
the steps under the "Helm install" section of the Readme file in `this repository <>`_.
Once that you have installed the ``dex-ldap-umbrella`` chart, follow the steps below to install the ROC
on a local dex server:
1. Deploy the aether-roc-umbrella chart from the sdran repo with the following command:
.. code-block:: shell
helm -n micro-onos install aether-roc-umbrella sdran/aether-roc-umbrella --set onos-config.openidc.issuer=http://dex-ldap-umbrella:5556 --set aether-roc-gui-v3.openidc.issuer=http://dex-ldap-umbrella:5556 --set import.sdcore-adapter.v2_1.enabled=false
2. Check if all pods are in a Running state:
.. code-block:: shell
kubectl -n micro-onos get pods
This should print a table like the one below:
.. code-block:: shell
aether-roc-api-df499d585-srf4c 2/2 Running 0 3m36s
aether-roc-gui-799d57456-smx6r 1/1 Running 0 3m36s
aether-roc-umbrella-grafana-55cccb986c-t47gz 1/1 Running 0 3m37s
aether-roc-umbrella-prometheus-alertmanager-694c449885-rk47g 2/2 Running 0 3m36s
aether-roc-umbrella-prometheus-server-59c974f84-97z5t 2/2 Running 0 3m36s
aether-roc-umbrella-sdcore-test-dummy-7f4895c59c-cv6j7 1/1 Running 0 3m36s
dex-ldap-umbrella-75bbc9d676-wfvcb 1/1 Running 0 8m36s
dex-ldap-umbrella-openldap-fc47667c8-9s7q4 1/1 Running 0 8m36s
dex-ldap-umbrella-phpldapadmin-b899f9966-rzwkr 1/1 Running 0 8m36s
onos-cli-846d9c8df6-kf2xk 1/1 Running 0 3m37s
onos-config-5568487f84-dwfs8 5/5 Running 0 3m37s
onos-consensus-store-1-0 1/1 Running 0 3m35s
onos-topo-56b687f77b-vb2sx 3/3 Running 0 3m36s
sdcore-adapter-v3-56667fd848-g7dh2 2/2 Running 0 3m37s
3. Once all pods are in a Running state, port-forward to port 8183 to access the ROC GUI:
.. code-block:: shell
kubectl -n micro-onos port-forward $(kubectl -n micro-onos get pods -l type=arg -o name) 8183:80
3. Port-forward to port 8181 to access the ROC API (which is necessary for some test cases):
.. code-block:: shell
kubectl -n micro-onos port-forward $(kubectl -n micro-onos get pods -l type=api -o name) 8181
3. Finalluy, port-forward the dex service to port 5556:
.. code-block:: shell
DEX_POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n micro-onos get pods -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") &&
kubectl -n micro-onos port-forward $DEX_POD_NAME 5556:5556
Now that we have access to the ROC API and GUI, we can proceed with running the ROC GUI tests from the
``aether-system-tests`` repository:
1. Checkout the aether-system-tests repo:
.. code-block:: shell
git clone "ssh://$"
2. Go to the repo directory:
.. code-block:: shell
cd aether-system-tests
3. Install the requirements and create a virtual environment:
.. code-block:: shell
make ast-venv
source ast-venv/bin/activate
4. Go to the ``roc`` folder and generate the ROC GUI test files:
.. code-block:: shell
cd roc
python tests/gui/codegen/ \
--models=variables/3_0_0_model_list.json \
--template=tests/gui/codegen/templates/tests_template.robot.tmpl \
5. Go to the directory that contains the test files:
.. code-block:: shell
cd tests/gui/3_0_0
6. Create a folder for the logs and the output files from the tests:
.. code-block:: shell
mkdir results
7. Run any Robot Framework test file from the ``3_0_0`` directory.
Each test file corresponds to one of the Aether 3.0.0 models.
.. code-block:: shell
robot -d results <model-name>.robot
| This will generate test reports and logs in the ``results`` directory.