blob: d26bfcfc547c25d4dabf8c2e8028e9986ee6a9b3 [file] [log] [blame]
Aether is an open source 5G edge cloud connectivity service that
supports enterprise deployments of Private 5G. Information about the
Aether project can be found on the ONF website, and an introduction to
the Aether architecture can be found in a companion book:
.. _reading_private5g:
.. admonition:: Further Reading
`Aether: An ONF Project <>`_.
L. Peterson, O. Sunay, and B. Davie. `Private 5G: A Systems
Approach <>`__. 2023
Getting Started with Aether
There are two ways to get started with Aether:
* Deploy and operate Aether on your own cluster with :doc:`Aether OnRamp </onramp/overview>`.
* Setup an Aether software development environment with :doc:`Aether-in-a-Box </developer/aiab>`.
Other Aether guides included on this site include:
* Learn how to :doc:`operate Aether using the ROC </operations/gui>`.
* Learn how Aether is :doc:`tested </testing/about_system_tests>`.
* Read the most recent :doc:`Release Notes </release/2.1>`.
Note that Aether was originally deployed as a centrally-manged,
ONF-operated cloud service, with the expectation that organizations
would participate in Aether by connecting their site to this
operational deployment of Aether.\ [#]_ That deployment is now being
deprecated in favor of users bringing up their own Aether sites using
:doc:`OnRamp </onramp/overview>`, but the guide describing how to
connect an edge site to Aether (still available in `Version 2.1 of the
Aether Docs
is useful because it highlights many of the operational challenges
facing a production deployment of Aether as a managed cloud service.
Those challenges motivate many of the operational mechanisms still
available in Aether, but now packaged for others to apply to their
.. [#] The original Aether service supported the Pronto research
project, with edge clusters built on top of an SDN-controlled
and fully programmable switching fabric. That fabric is no
longer included in Aether OnRamp.
Aether Components
Aether uses components from several ONF projects. Information about
these projects can be found at the following sites:
* SD-Core
* `SD-Core Website <>`_
* :doc:`SD-Core Documentation <sdcore:index>`
* `SD-RAN Website <>`_
* :doc:`SD-RAN Documentation <sdran:index>`
* SD-Fabric
* `SD-Fabric Website <>`_
* :doc:`SD-Fabric Documentation <sdfabric:index>`
More information about 5G and Aether's architecture can be found in
the :doc:`Private 5G: A Systems Approach <sysapproach5g:index>` book.
Information about participating in the Aether community and
development process can be found on the `ONF Wiki
<>`_. Join the
discussion about Aether on Slack in the `ONF Community Workspace