blob: 228de339add241f8c7db022bdc6eb8a1895e8ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Application Management
Aether allows configuration of the application endpoints that a
device is allowed to connect to. Configuration is possible of not only whether an
application endpoint is reachable or not, but also what maximum bitrate and traffic
class should be associated with that endpoint.
A Slice may have a total of five user-defined application endpoints associated with it. Logically
this could be one application with five endpoints, five applications with one endpoint
each, or any other combination that is less than or equal to five endpoints total.
In addition to
these five user configurable endpoints, the default behavior can be set to either
ALLOW-ALL, DENY-ALL, or ALLOW-PUBLIC. ALLOW-PUBLIC is a special rule that denies traffic
to private IPv4 networks (as per RFC1918) and then allows everything else.
Creating Applications
Begin by creating Applications. Start by going to the application page, and
clicking the add button.
This will open a page where application details may be specified:
Each application has an address field which may be
set to an IPv4 address or an IPv4 subnet, which may in turn match several IPv4
addresses. Once the address is set, move on to creating endpoints. Press the plus
button to add an endpoint.
Each endpoint is a port range, specified by its start and end port. A range of
exactly one port is also acceptable. The protocol may be set to either TCP or UDP. Each
endpoint may also have associated with it a maximum bitrate and a traffic-class. The
maximum bitrate is per-device to the application; it is not the sum of all devices to the
Once all endpoints have been added, they will be summarized on the application page. Update
and commit the changes.
Adding Applications to Slices
Each Slice has an application filter, which is a list of applications. Each entry
in this list has a priority and an allow|deny setting. Keep in mind that the total
number of endpoints for all applications attached to the Slice must be less than or
equal to five. Start by opening up the slice and clicking the plus button next to the
Filter list.
Choose an application and select a priority for it.
Also configurable for the Slice is the default-behavior, which will automatically
be evaluated at the lowest priority, only taking effect if no other rule matches.
The default behavior does not count against the 5-endpoint limit.
How Application Filtering is Evaluated
Application filtering is evaluated from highest priority (0) to the lowest
priority (250). The first rule to match will have its action applied. Subsequent
rules after a match are not evaluated.
For example, assume the following filter is configured:
* Priority=0, Address=, Protocol=TCP, Port=8000, Action=Allow
* Priority=1, Address=, Action=Deny
* Default_Behavior = Allow All
The above rule would allow traffic to on TCP port 8000, but deny
traffic to all other hosts on the IPv4 subnet Ports other than
8000 on would be denied, as would protocols other than TCP. Traffic to
subnets other than would be allowed.
.. |app-list| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-application-list.png
:alt: List of applications
:width: 1000
.. |app-add| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-application-add.png
:alt: Add an application
:width: 800
.. |app-add-endpoint| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-application-add-endpoint.png
:alt: Add an application endpoint
:width: 600
.. |app-add-update| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-application-add-update.png
:alt: Ready to update and commit the application
:width: 800
.. |app-filter-slice-edit-filter-plus| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-slice-edit-filter-plus.png
:alt: Slice edit page, ready to add a filter
:width: 800
.. |slice-filter-popup| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-slice-filter-popup.png
:alt: Popup to add or edit an application filter
:width: 600