| .. |
| SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <support@opennetworking.org> |
| SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| SD-Fabric Deployment |
| ==================== |
| |
| Update aether-pod-configs |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| ``aether-app-configs`` is a git project hosted on **gerrit.opencord.org** and |
| we placed the following materials in it. |
| |
| - Rancher Fleet's configuration to install SD-Fabric applications on Rancher, |
| including ONOS, Stratum, Telegraf and PFCP-Agent. |
| - Customized configuration for each application (helm values). |
| - Application specific configuration files, including ONOS network configuration and Stratum chassis config. |
| |
| Here is an example folder structure: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| ╰─$ tree aether-dev/app/onos aether-dev/app/stratum aether-dev/app/pfcp-agent aether-dev/app/telegraf |
| ├── fleet.yaml |
| ├── kustomization.yaml |
| ├── overlays |
| │ ├── dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| │ │ └── values.yaml |
| │ ├── dev-pdp-menlo |
| │ │ └── values.yaml |
| │ └── dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| │ └── values.yaml |
| └── registry-sealed-secret.yaml |
| aether-dev/app/stratum |
| ├── fleet.yaml |
| └── overlays |
| ├── dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| │ ├── kustomization.yaml |
| │ ├── leaf1 |
| │ ├── leaf2 |
| │ ├── qos-config-leaf1.yaml |
| │ ├── qos-config-leaf2.yaml |
| │ └── values.yaml |
| └── dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| ├── kustomization.yaml |
| ├── menlo-sdfabric-leaf1 |
| ├── menlo-sdfabric-leaf2 |
| └── values.yaml |
| aether-dev/app/pfcp-agent |
| ├── fleet.yaml |
| └── overlays |
| ├── dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| │ └── values.yaml |
| └── dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| └── values.yaml |
| aether-dev/app/telegraf |
| ├── fleet.yaml |
| └── overlays |
| ├── dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| │ └── values.yaml |
| └── dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| └── values.yaml |
| |
| |
| App folder |
| """""""""" |
| |
| Rancher Fleet reads ``fleet.yaml`` to know where to download the Helm Chart manifest and |
| how to customize the deployment for each target clusters. |
| |
| Here is the example of ``fleet.yaml`` which downloads SD-Fabric(1.0.18) Helm Chart from |
| **https://charts.aetherproject.org** and then use the **overlays/$cluster_name/values.yaml** |
| to customize each cluster. |
| |
| .. code-block:: YAML |
| |
| # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Open Networking Foundation <info@opennetworking.org> |
| |
| defaultNamespace: tost |
| helm: |
| releaseName: sdfabric |
| repo: https://charts.aetherproject.org |
| chart: sdfabric |
| version: 1.0.18 |
| helm: |
| values: |
| import: |
| stratum: |
| enabled: false |
| targetCustomizations: |
| - name: dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| clusterSelector: |
| matchLabels: |
| management.cattle.io/cluster-display-name: dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| helm: |
| valuesFiles: |
| - overlays/dev-sdfabric-menlo/values.yaml |
| - name: dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| clusterSelector: |
| matchLabels: |
| management.cattle.io/cluster-display-name: dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| helm: |
| valuesFiles: |
| - overlays/dev-pairedleaves-tucson/values.yaml |
| - name: dev-pdp-menlo |
| clusterSelector: |
| matchLabels: |
| management.cattle.io/cluster-display-name: dev-pdp-menlo |
| helm: |
| valuesFiles: |
| - overlays/dev-pdp-menlo/values.yaml |
| |
| |
| |
| **values.yaml** used to custom your sdfabric Helm chart values and please check |
| `SD-Fabric Helm chart <https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/sdfabric-helm-charts/+/HEAD/sdfabric/README.md>`_ |
| to see how to configure it. |
| |
| ONOS App |
| """""""" |
| |
| For the ONOS application, the most import configuration is network configuration (netcfg) |
| which is environment-dependent configuration and you should configure it properly. |
| |
| netcfg is configured in the Helm Value files and please check the following example. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| ╰─$ cat aether-app-configs/aether-dev/app/onos/overlays/dev-sdfabric-menlo/values.yaml 130 ↵ |
| # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Open Networking Foundation <info@opennetworking.org> |
| |
| # Value file for SDFabric helm chart. |
| ... |
| onos-classic: |
| config: |
| componentConfig: |
| "org.onosproject.net.host.impl.HostManager": > |
| { |
| "monitorHosts": "true", |
| "probeRate": "10000" |
| } |
| "org.onosproject.provider.general.device.impl.GeneralDeviceProvider": > |
| { |
| "readPortId": true |
| } |
| netcfg: > |
| { |
| ..... |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| Please check |
| `SD-Fabric Configuration Guide <https://docs.sd-fabric.org/master/configuration/network.html>`_ |
| to learn more about network configuration. |
| |
| |
| Stratum App |
| """"""""""" |
| |
| Stratum reads the chassis config from the Kubernetes configmap resource but it doesn't support the function |
| to dynamically reload the chassis config, which means we have to restart the Stratum pod every time |
| when we update the chassis config. |
| |
| In order to solve this problem without modifying Stratum's source code, we have introduced the Kustomize to |
| the deployment process. Kustomize supports the function called configMapGenerator which generates the configmap |
| with a hash suffix in its name and then inject this hash-based name to the spec section of Stratum YAML file. |
| |
| See the following example, you can see the configmap name isn't fixed. |
| |
| .. code-block: bash |
| |
| ╰─$ kc -n tost get daemonset stratum -o json |
| | jq '.spec.template.spec.volumes | .[] | select(.name == "chassis-config")' |
| { |
| "configMap": { |
| "defaultMode": 484, |
| "name": "stratum-chassis-configs-7t6tt25654" |
| }, |
| "name": "chassis-config" |
| } |
| |
| |
| From the view of the Kubernetes, when it notices the spec of the YAML file is changed, it will redeploy whole |
| Stratum application, which means Stratum will read the updated chassis config eventually. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| ╰─$ tree aether-dev/app/stratum |
| ├── fleet.yaml |
| └── overlays |
| ├── dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| │ ├── kustomization.yaml |
| │ ├── leaf1 |
| │ ├── leaf2 |
| │ ├── qos-config-leaf1.yaml |
| │ ├── qos-config-leaf2.yaml |
| │ └── values.yaml |
| └── dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| ├── kustomization.yaml |
| ├── menlo-sdfabric-leaf1 |
| ├── menlo-sdfabric-leaf2 |
| └── values.yaml |
| |
| ╰─$ cat aether-dev/app/stratum/overlays/dev-pairedleaves-tucson/kustomization.yaml |
| # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Open Networking Foundation <info@opennetworking.org> |
| |
| configMapGenerator: |
| - name: stratum-chassis-configs |
| files: |
| - leaf1 |
| - leaf2 |
| |
| .. |
| |
| Check `SD-Fabric Doc <https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/sdfabric-helm-charts/+/HEAD/sdfabric/README.md>`_ |
| to learn how to write the chassis config and don't forget to add the file name into the kustomization.yaml file |
| once you set up your chassis config. |
| |
| .. attention:: |
| |
| The switch-dependent config file should be named as **${hostname}**. |
| For example, if the host name of your Tofino switch is **my-leaf**, please name config file **my-leaf**. |
| |
| .. |
| TODO: Add an example based on the recommended topology |
| |
| Telegraf App |
| """""""""""" |
| |
| Below is the example directory structure of Telegraf application. |
| |
| .. code-block:: |
| |
| ╰─$ tree aether-dev/app/telegraf 255 ↵ |
| aether-dev/app/telegraf |
| ├── fleet.yaml |
| └── overlays |
| ├── dev-pairedleaves-tucson |
| │ └── values.yaml |
| └── dev-sdfabric-menlo |
| └── values.yaml |
| |
| |
| The **values.yaml** used to override the ONOS-Telegraf Helm Chart and its environment-dependent. |
| Please pay attention to the **inputs.addresses** section. |
| Telegraf will read data from stratum so we need to specify all Tofino switch’s IP addresses here. |
| Taking Menlo staging pod as example, there are four switches so we fill out 4 IP addresses. |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| config: |
| outputs: |
| - prometheus_client: |
| metric_version: 2 |
| listen: ":9273" |
| inputs: |
| - cisco_telemetry_gnmi: |
| addresses: |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| redial: 10s |
| - cisco_telemetry_gnmi.subscription: |
| name: stratum_counters |
| origin: openconfig-interfaces |
| path: /interfaces/interface[name=*]/state/counters |
| sample_interval: 5000ns |
| subscription_mode: sample |
| |
| |
| Create Your Own Configs |
| """"""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| Assume we would like to deploy the SD-Fabric to the ace-example cluster in the development environment. |
| |
| 1. Modify the fleet.yaml to customize your cluster with specific value file. |
| 2. Add your Helm Values into the overlays folder. |
| 3. Have to add the chassis config file into the kustomization.yaml for Stratum application. |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| ╰─$ git st |
| On branch master |
| Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. |
| |
| Changes to be committed: |
| (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) |
| modified: aether-dev/app/onos/fleet.yaml |
| new file: aether-dev/app/onos/overlays/dev-my-cluster/values.yaml |
| modified: aether-dev/app/stratum/fleet.yaml |
| new file: aether-dev/app/stratum/overlays/dev-my-cluster/kustomization.yaml |
| new file: aether-dev/app/stratum/overlays/dev-my-cluster/menlo-sdfabric-leaf1 |
| new file: aether-dev/app/stratum/overlays/dev-my-cluster/menlo-sdfabric-leaf2 |
| new file: aether-dev/app/stratum/overlays/dev-my-cluster/values.yaml |
| modified: aether-dev/app/telegraf/fleet.yaml |
| new file: aether-dev/app/telegraf/overlays/dev-my-cluster/values.yaml |
| |
| |
| Quick recap |
| """"""""""" |
| |
| To recap, most of the files in **app** folder can be copied from existing examples. |
| However, there are a few files we need to pay extra attentions to. |
| |
| - ``fleet.yaml`` in each app folder |
| - Chassis config in **app/stratum/overlays/$cluster_name/** folder |
| There should be one chassis config for each switch. The file name needs to be |
| **${hostname}** |
| - **values.yaml** in **telegraf** folder need to be updated with all switch |
| IP addresses |
| |
| Double check these files and make sure they have been updated accordingly. |
| |
| Create a review request |
| """"""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| We also need to create a gerrit review request, similar to what we have done in |
| the **Aether Runtime Deployment**. |
| |
| Please refer to :doc:`Aether Runtime Deployment <runtime_deployment>` to |
| create a review request. |
| |
| Deploy to ACE cluster |
| """"""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| SD-Fabric is environment dependent application and you have to prepare correct |
| configurations for both ONOS and Stratum to make it work. |
| |
| Check below section to learn more about how we setup the Jenkins job and how it works |
| |
| Create SD-Fabric deployment job in Jenkins |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| |
| We have been using the Rancher Fleet to deploy SD-Fabric as the GitOps approach which means every change |
| we push to the Git repo will be synced to the target cluster automatically. |
| |
| However, ONOS doesn't support the incremental upgrade which means we have to delete all ONOS instance and |
| then create all instance again every time we want to upgrade ONOS application. |
| |
| Rancher Fleet doesn't support the full recreation during the Application upgrade and that's reason we have |
| created a Jenkins job to recreate the ONOSs application. |
| |
| You have to add the Jenkins job for new cluster by modifying ``aether-ci-management`` |
| |
| Download the ``aether-ci-management`` repository. |
| |
| .. code-block:: shell |
| |
| $ cd $WORKDIR |
| $ git clone "ssh://[username]@gerrit.opencord.org:29418/aether-ci-management" |
| |
| |
| Create Your Own Jenkins Job |
| """"""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| Modify jjb/repos/sdfabric.yaml to add your cluster. |
| |
| For example, we want to deploy the SD-Fabric to our new cluster **my-cluster** which is on the staging environment. |
| Add the following content into jjb/repo/sdfabric.yaml. |
| |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| --- a/jjb/repos/sdfabric.yaml |
| +++ b/jjb/repos/sdfabric.yaml |
| @@ -50,6 +50,17 @@ |
| - "deploy-sdfabric-app": |
| - "deploy-debug" |
| |
| +- project: |
| + name: my-cluster |
| + disable-job: false |
| + fleet-workspace: 'aether-dev' |
| + properties: |
| + - onf-infra-onfstaff-private |
| + jobs: |
| + - "deploy-sdfabric-app": |
| + - "deploy-debug" |
| + |
| + |
| |
| If your cluster is on the production environment, you have to change both **terraform_env** and **fleet-workspace** |
| |
| Trigger SD-Fabric deployment in Jenkins |
| --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Whenever a change is merged into **aether-app-config**, |
| the Jenkins job should be triggered automatically to (re)deploy SD-Fabric . |
| |
| You can also manually trigger the job to redeploy SD-Fabric if needed and below |
| is an example of default parameters when you run the job. |
| |
| .. image:: images/jenkins-sdfabric-params.png |
| :width: 480px |
| |
| |
| If you want to capture all SD-Fabric related containers logs before redeploying them, |
| please enable ``POD_LOG`` option. |
| The Jenkins job helps to redeploy ONOS, Stratum and PFCP-Agent application and the default |
| options is ONOS and Stratum, you can redeploy what you want by click those ``REDEPLOY_XXXX`` |
| options. |
| |
| |
| Verification |
| ------------ |
| |
| Fabric connectivity should be fully ready at this point. |
| We should verify that **all servers**, including compute nodes and the management server, |
| have an IP address and are **able to reach each other via fabric interface** before continuing the next step. |
| |
| This can be simply done by running a **ping** command from one server to another server's fabric IP. |
| |
| |
| Troubleshooting |
| --------------- |
| |
| The deployment process involves the following steps: |
| |
| 1. Jenkins Job (For ONOS Only) |
| 2. Rancher Fleet upgrade application based on Git change |
| 3. Applications be deployed into Kubernetes cluster |
| 4. ONOS/Stratum will read the configuration (network config, chassis config) |
| 5. Pod become running |
| |
| Taking ONOS as an example, here's what you can do to troubleshoot. |
| |
| You can see the log message of the first step in Jenkins console. |
| If something goes wrong, the status of the Jenkins job will be in red. |
| If Jenkins doesn't report any error message, the next step is going to Rancher Fleet's |
| portal to ensure Fleet works as expected. |
| |
| Accessing the Stratum CLI |
| """"""""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| You can login to the Stratum container running on a switch using this script: |
| |
| .. code-block:: sh |
| |
| #!/bin/bash |
| echo 'Attaching to Stratum container. Ctrl-P Ctrl-Q to exit' |
| echo 'Press Enter to continue...' |
| DOCKER_ID=`docker ps | grep stratum-bf | awk '{print $1}'` |
| docker attach $DOCKER_ID |
| |
| You should then see the ``bf_sde`` prompt: |
| |
| .. code-block:: sh |
| |
| bf_sde> pm |
| bf_sde.pm> show -a |
| |
| Accessing the ONOS CLI |
| """""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| After setting up kubectl to access the SD-Fabric pods, run: |
| |
| .. code-block:: sh |
| |
| $ kubectl get pods -n tost |
| |
| Pick a SD-Fabric pod, and make a port forward to it, then login to it with the |
| ``onos`` CLI tool: |
| |
| .. code-block:: sh |
| |
| $ kubectl -n tost port-forward onos-tost-onos-classic-0 8181 8101 |
| $ onos karaf@localhost |
| |
| In some rare cases, you may need to access the ONOS master instance CLI, in |
| which case you can run ``roles``: |
| |
| .. code-block:: sh |
| |
| karaf@root > roles |
| device:devswitch1: master=onos-tost-onos-classic-1, standbys=[ onos-tost-onos-classic-0 ] |
| |
| Above lines show that ``onos-tost-onos-classic-1`` is the master. So switch to |
| that by killing the port forward, starting a new one pointing at the master, |
| then logging into that one: |
| |
| .. code-block:: sh |
| |
| $ ps ax | grep -i kubectl |
| # returns kubectl commands running, pick the port-forward one and kill it |
| $ kill 0123 |
| $ kubectl -n tost port-forward onos-tost-onos-classic-1 8181 8101 |
| $ onos karaf@localhost |