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Monitoring using the GUI
This section documents features built-in to the GUI for monitoring.
.. _monitor_device_group:
Monitoring a DeviceGroup
The performance of a Device Group can be monitored in many ways, by clicking its |monitor| (**monitor**) icon:
* From the *Slice Monitor* page, which shows all DeviceGroup's belonging to an Slice.
* From the DeviceGroup List Page - click the |monitor| icon for the DeviceGroup.
* When editing an existing DeviceGroup - in the Edit page, the |monitor| is next to the *id*
The *monitor* page itself shows:
* An information Panel for each *IMSI Range* in the *DeviceGroup*
* Each Device has a |monitor| button that allows further drill down
* Each Device is shown with its fully expanded IMSI number (a combination of *IMSI ID* and *Site* parameters)
* An information panel for the *Site* and *IP Domain* of the *DeviceGroup*
* Clicking on the down arrow expands each panel
.. image:: images/aether-roc-gui-devicegroup-monitor.png
:width: 600
:alt: DeviceGroup Monitor View with Device links and information panels
The per Device Monitor panel contains:
* a graph of the Device's Throughput and Latency over the last 15 minutes
* a graph of the Device's connectivity over the last 15 minutes
.. image:: images/aether-roc-gui-ue-monitor.png
:width: 600
:alt: DeviceGroup Monitor View with Device links and information panels
Monitoring a Slice
The performance of a Slice can be monitored in many ways, by clicking its |monitor| (**monitor**) icon:
* From the **Dashboard** page, which shows all Slice's belonging to an Enterprise.
* From the Slice List Page - click the |monitor| icon for the Slice.
* When editing an existing Slice - in the Edit page, the |monitor| is next to the *id*
The *monitor* page itself shows:
* A link to the Monitoring page of each Device Group. See :ref:`monitor_device_group`.
* Information panels for each sub-object of the Slice
* Clicking on the down arrow expands each panel
.. image:: images/aether-roc-vcs-monitor.png
:width: 920
:alt: Slice Monitor View with Connectivity and Performance Charts
.. |monitor| image:: images/monitor-icon.png
:width: 28
:alt: Monitor icon