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SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
TOST Deployment
Update aether-pod-config
Aether-pod-configs is a git project hosted on **** and we placed the following materials in it.
- Terraform scripts to install TOST applications on Rancher, including ONOS, Stratum and Telegraf.
- Customized configuration for each application (helm values).
- Application specific configuration files, including ONOS network configuration and Stratum chassis config.
Here is an example folder structure:
.. code-block:: console
╰─$ tree staging/ace-menlo/tost
├── app_map.tfvars
├── common
├── hostpath.yaml
├── onos
├── app_map.tfvars
├── -> ../common/
├── onos-netcfg.json
├── onos-netcfg.json.license
├── onos.yaml
└── -> ../common/
├── stratum
├── app_map.tfvars
├── -> ../common/
├── menlo-staging-leaf-1-chassis-config.pb.txt
├── menlo-staging-leaf-2-chassis-config.pb.txt
├── menlo-staging-spine-1-chassis-config.pb.txt
├── menlo-staging-spine-2-chassis-config.pb.txt
├── stratum.yaml
├── tost-dev-chassis-config.pb.txt
└── -> ../common/
├── telegraf
├── app_map.tfvars
├── -> ../common/
├── telegraf.yaml
└── -> ../common/
There are four Terraform scripts inside **tost** directory and are responsible for managing each service.
Root folder
Terraform reads **app_map.tfvars** to know which application will be installed on Rancher
and which version and customized values need to apply to.
Here is the example of **app_map.tfvars** which is used to install the **hostpath** storage.
We specify the Helm Chart version to **0.2.9** and use the file **hostpath.yaml** as the custom values
.. code-block::
project_name = "tost"
namespace_name = "tost"
app_map = {
hostpath-provisioner = {
app_name = "hostpath-provisioner"
target_namespace = "tost"
catalog_name = "rimusz"
template_name = "hostpath-provisioner"
template_version = "0.2.9"
values_yaml = ["hostpath.yaml"]
The content of **hostpath.yaml** looks like below.
It follows the standard yaml format and we use this file to customize the **hostpath** Helm Chart.
.. code-block::
name: fast-disks
ONOS folder
All files under **onos** directory are related to ONOS application.
As we mentioned above, the **app_map.tfvars** describe the information about ONOS helm chart.
In this example, we specify the **onos-tost** helm chart version to **0.1.18** and load **onos.yaml**
as custom value files.
.. code-block::
apps = ["onos"]
app_map = {
onos = {
app_name = "onos-tost"
project_name = "tost"
target_namespace = "onos-tost"
catalog_name = "onos"
template_name = "onos-tost"
template_version = "0.1.18"
values_yaml = ["onos.yaml"]
**onos.yaml** used to custom your ONOS-tost Helm chart values and please pay attention to the last section, config.
.. code-block:: yaml
tag: master
pullPolicy: Always
replicas: 1
replicas: 1
config: |
# Common pattern layout for appenders
log4j2.stdout.pattern = %d{RFC3339} %-5level [%c{1}] %msg%n%throwable
# Root logger
log4j2.rootLogger.level = INFO
# OSGi appender
log4j2.rootLogger.appenderRef.PaxOsgi.ref = PaxOsgi
log4j2.appender.osgi.type = PaxOsgi = PaxOsgi
log4j2.appender.osgi.filter = *
# stdout appender
log4j2.rootLogger.appenderRef.Console.ref = Console
log4j2.appender.console.type = Console = Console
log4j2.appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
log4j2.appender.console.layout.pattern = ${log4j2.stdout.pattern}
# SSHD logger = org.apache.sshd
log4j2.logger.sshd.level = INFO
# Spifly logger = org.apache.aries.spifly
log4j2.logger.spifly.level = WARN
# SegmentRouting logger = org.onosproject.segmentrouting
log4j2.logger.segmentrouting.level = DEBUG
repo: aether-pod-configs
folder: staging/ace-menlo/tost/onos
file: onos-netcfg.json
netcfgUrl: http://onos-tost-onos-classic-hs.tost.svc:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration
clusterUrl: http://onos-tost-onos-classic-hs.tost.svc:8181/onos/v1/cluster
Once the **onos-tost** containers are deployed into Kubernetes,
it will read **onos-netcfg.json** file from the **aether-pod-config** and please change the folder name to different location if necessary.
**onos-netcfg.json** is environment dependent and please change it to fit your environment.
TODO: Add an example based on the recommended topology
Stratum folder
Stratum uses a similar directory structure as ONOS for Terraform and its configuration files.
The customize value file is named **stratum.yaml**
.. code-block::
app_map = {
stratum= {
app_name = "stratum"
project_name = "tost"
target_namespace = "stratum"
catalog_name = "stratum"
template_name = "stratum"
template_version = "0.1.9"
values_yaml = ["stratum.yaml"]
Like ONOS, **stratum.yaml** used to customize Stratum Helm Chart and please pay attention to the config section.
.. code-block:: yaml
repository: tost/stratum-bfrt
tag: 9.2.0-4.14.49
pullPolicy: Always
- aether-registry-credential
- "-max_log_size=0"
- '-write_req_log_file=""'
- '-read_req_log_file=""'
- "-v=0"
- "-stderrthreshold=0"
- "-bf_switchd_background=false"
nodeSelector: switch
- effect: NoSchedule
value: switch
repo: aether-pod-configs
folder: staging/ace-onf-menlo/tost/stratum
Stratum has the same deployment workflow as ONOS.
Once it is deployed to Kubernetes, it will read switch-dependent config files from the aether-pod-configs repo.
The key folder indicates that relative path of configs.
.. attention::
The switch-dependent config file should be named as **${hostname}-chassis-config.pb.txt**.
For example, if the host name of your Tofino switch is **my-leaf**, please name config file **my-leaf-config.pb.txt**.
TODO: Add an example based on the recommended topology
Telegraf folder
The app_map.tfvars specify the Helm Chart version and the filename of the custom Helm value file.
.. code-block::
app_map = {
telegraf= {
app_name = "telegraf"
project_name = "tost"
target_namespace = "telegraf"
catalog_name = "influxdata"
template_name = "telegraf"
template_version = "1.7.23"
values_yaml = ["telegraf.yaml"]
The **telegraf.yaml** used to override the Telegraf Helm Chart and its environment-dependent.
Please pay attention to the **inputs.addresses** section.
Telegraf will read data from stratum so we need to specify all Tofino switchs IP addresses here.
Taking Menlo staging pod as example, there are four switches so we fill out 4 IP addresses.
.. code-block:: yaml
podAnnotations: '[{"path":"/metrics","port":9273,"schema":"HTTP"}]'
- prometheus_client:
metric_version: 2
listen: ":9273"
- cisco_telemetry_gnmi:
redial: 10s
- cisco_telemetry_gnmi.subscription:
name: stratum_counters
origin: openconfig-interfaces
path: /interfaces/interface[name=*]/state/counters
sample_interval: 5000ns
subscription_mode: sample
Quick recap
To recap, most of the files in **tost** folder can be copied from existing examples.
However, there are a few files we need to pay extra attentions to.
- **onos-netcfg.json** in **onos** folder
- Chassis config in **stratum** folder
There should be one chassis config for each switch. The file name needs to be **${hostname}-chassis-config.pb.txt**
- **telegraf.yaml** in **telegraf** folder need to be updated with all switch IP addresses
Double check these files and make sure they have been updated accordingly.
Create a review request
We also need to create a gerrit review request, similar to what we have done in the **Aether Run-Time Deployment**.
Please refer to :doc:`Aether Run-Time Deployment <run_time_deployment>` to create a review request.
Create TOST deployment job in Jenkins
There are three major components in the Jenkins system, the Jenkins pipeline and Jenkins Job Builder and Jenkins Job.
.. note::
All Jenkins related files are placed in a `temporary repository <>`_ and will move to another repo once the Aether Jenkins is ready.
Jenkins pipeline
Jenkins pipeline runs the Terraform scripts to install desired applications into the specified Kubernetes cluster.
Both ONOS and Stratum will read configuration files (network config, chassis config) from aether-pod-config.
The default git branch is master.
For testing purpose, we also provide two parameters to specify the number of reviews and patchset.
We will explain more in the next section.
.. note::
Currently, we dont perform the incremental upgrade for TOST application.
Instead, we perform the clean installation.
In the pipeline script, Terraform will destroy all existing resources and then create them again.
Jenkins jobs
Jenkins job is the task unit in the Jenkins system. A Jenkins job contains the following information:
- Jenkins pipeline
- Parameters for Jenkins pipeline
- Build trigger
- Source code management
We created one Jenkins job for each TOST component, per Aether edge.
We have four Jenkins jobs (HostPath provisioner, ONOS, Stratum and Telegraf) for each edge as of today.
There are 10+ parameters in Jenkins jobs and they can be divided into two parts, cluster-level and application-level.
Here is an example of supported parameters.
.. image:: images/jenkins-onos-params.png
:width: 480px
Application level
- **config_review/config_patchset** tell the pipeline script to read the config for ONOS from a specified
gerrit review, instead of the HEAD branch. It’s good for developer to test its change before merge.
- **onos_user/onos_password**: used to login ONOS controller
**onos_password** is a key which will load the real password from Jenkins Credential system.
- **onos_ns**: the namespace we installed the secret file for ONOS, (will refactor in the future).
- **git_repo/git_server/git_user/git_password_env**: information of git repository, **git_password_env** is a key for
Jenkins Credential system.
Cluster level
- **gcp_credential**: Google Cloud Platform credential for remote storage, used by Terraform.
- **terraform_dir**: The root directory of the TOST directory.
- **rancher_cluster**: target Rancher cluster name.
- **rancher_api_env**: Rancher credential to access Rancher, used by Terraform.
- **k8s_conifg**: Kubernetes config to access remote Kubernetes cluster.
.. note::
Typically, developer only focus on **config_review** and **config_patchset**. The rest of them are managed by OPs.
Jenkins Job Builder (JJB)
We prefer to apply the IaaC (Infrastructure as a Code) for everything.
We use the JJB (Jenkins Job Builder) to create new Jenkins Job, including the Jenkins pipeline.
We need to clone a set of Jenkins jobs when a new edge is deployed.
TODO: Automate Jenkins job creation with JJB once the Aether Jenkins is set updated
Trigger TOST deployment in Jenkins
Ideally, whenever a change is merged into **aether-pod-config**,
the Jenkins job should be triggered automatically to (re)deploy TOST.
This is still being set up at this moment.
Therefore, we need to manually trigger the deployment by clicking the **Build** button
of each Jenkins job and provide parameters accordingly.
TODO: Update this once the gerrit trigger is implemented
The deployment process involves the following steps:
1. Jenkins Job
2. Jenkins Pipeline
3. Clone Git Repository
4. Execute Terraform scripts
5. Rancher start to install applications
6. Applications be deployed into Kubernetes cluster
7. ONOS/Stratum will read the configuration (network config, chassis config)
8. Pod become running
Taking ONOS as an example, here's what you can do to troubleshoot.
You can see the log message of the first 4 steps in Jenkins console.
If something goes wrong, the status of the Jenkins job will be in red.
If Jenkins doesn't report any error message, the next step is going to Rancher's portal
to ensure the Answers is same as the *onos.yaml* in *aether-pod-configs*.