blob: 00ef5fccc913cf16389ce26af695f490fdb0036c [file] [log] [blame]
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Runtime Deployment
This section describes how to configure and install Aether edge runtime including K8S
and system level resources.
We will be using GitOps based Aether CI/CD system for this and what you need to do is
create a patch to Aether GitOps repository, **aether-pod-configs**, with the edge
specific information.
.. attention::
If you skipped VPN bootstap step and didn't add the deployment jobs for the new edge,
go to :ref:`Add deployment jobs <add_deployment_jobs>` step and finish it first
before proceeding.
Download aether-pod-configs repository
Download ``aether-pod-configs`` repository if you don't have it already in
your development machine.
.. code-block:: shell
$ git clone "ssh://[username]"
.. _create_cluster_configs:
Create cluster configurations
.. attention::
If you skipped VPN bootstap step and didn't update global resource maps for the new edge,
go to :ref:`Update global resource maps <update_global_resource>` step and
finish ``cluster_map.tfvars`` and ``user_map.tfvars`` update first before proceeding.
Run the following commands to auto-generate Terraform configurations needed to
create a new cluster in `Rancher <>`_ and add servers and
switches to the cluster.
.. code-block:: shell
# Create ace_cofig.yaml file if you haven't yet
$ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs/tools
$ cp ace_config.yaml.example ace_config.yaml
$ vi ace_config.yaml
# Set all values
$ make runtime
Created ../production/ace-test/
Created ../production/ace-test/
Created ../production/ace-test/
Created ../production/ace-test/addon-manifests.yml.tpl
Created ../production/ace-test/
Created ../production/ace-test/
Created ../production/ace-test/
Created ../production/ace-test/cluster_val.tfvars
Commit your change
Lastly, create a review request with the changes.
Once your review request is accepted and merged, the post-merge job will start to deploy K8S at the edge.
Wait until the cluster is **Active** status in `Rancher <>`_.
.. code-block:: shell
$ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs
$ git status
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add test ACE runtime configs"
$ git review