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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Hardware Installation
Once the hardware has been ordered, the installation can be planned and
implemented. This document describes the installation of the servers and
Installation of the fabric switch hardware is covered in :ref:`OS Installation
- Switches <switch-install>`.
Installation of the radio hardware is covered in :ref:`eNB Installation
Site Bookkeeping
The following items need to be added to `NetBox
<>`_ to describe each edge site:
1. Add a Site for the edge (if one doesn't already exist), which has the
physical location and contact information for the edge.
2. Add equipment Racks to the Site (if they don't already exist).
3. Add a Tenant for the edge (who owns/manages it), assigned to the ``Pronto``
or ``Aether`` Tenant Group.
4. Add a VRF (Routing Table) for the edge site. This is usually just the name
of the site. Make sure that ``Enforce unique space`` is checked, so that IP
addresses within the VRF are forced to be unique, and that the Tenant Group
and Tenant are set.
5. Add a VLAN Group to the edge site, which groups the site's VLANs and
requires that they have a unique VLAN number.
6. Add VLANs for the edge site. These should be assigned a VLAN Group, the
Site, and Tenant.
There can be multiple of the same VLAN in NetBox (VLANs are layer 2, and
local to the site), but not within the VLAN group.
The minimal list of VLANs:
* MGMT 800
* FAB 801
If you have multiple deployments at a site using the same management server,
add additional VLANs incremented by 10 for the MGMT/FAB - for example:
* DEVFAB 801
7. Add IP Prefixes for the site. This should have the Tenant and VRF assigned.
All edge IP prefixes fit into a ``/22`` sized block.
The description of the Prefix contains the DNS suffix for all Devices that
have IP addresses within this Prefix. The full DNS names are generated by
combining the first ``<devname>`` component of the Device names with this
An examples using the ```` block. There are 4 edge
prefixes, with the following purposes:
* ````
* Has the Server BMC/LOM and Management Switch
* Assign the ADMIN 1 VLAN
* Set the description to ``admin.<deployment>.<site>`` (or
* ````
* Has the Server Management plane, Fabric Switch Management/BMC
* Assign MGMT 800 VLAN
* Set the description to ``<deployment>.<site>`` (or
* ````
* IP addresses of the qsfp0 port of the Compute Nodes to Fabric switches, devices
connected to the Fabric like the eNB
* Assign FAB 801 VLAN
* Set the description to ``fab1.<deployment>.<site>`` (or
* ````
* IP addresses of the qsfp1 port of the Compute Nodes to fabric switches
* Assign FAB 801 VLAN
* Set the description to ``fab2.<deployment>.<site>`` (or
There also needs to be a parent range of the two fabric ranges added:
* ````
* This is used to configure the correct routes, DNS, and TFTP servers
provided by DHCP to the equipment that is connected to the fabric
leaf switch that the management server (which provides those
services) is not connected to.
Additionally, these edge prefixes are used for Kubernetes but don't need to
be created in NetBox:
* ````
* Kubernetes Pod IP's
* ````
* Kubernetes Cluster IP's
8. Add Devices to the site, for each piece of equipment. These are named with a
scheme similar to the DNS names used for the pod, given in this format::
Note that these names are transformed into DNS names using the Prefixes, and
may have additional components - ``admin`` or ``fabric`` may be added after
the ``<devname>`` for devices on those networks.
Set the following fields when creating a device:
* Site
* Tenant
* Rack & Rack Position
* Serial number
If a specific Device Type doesn't exist for the device, it must be created,
which is detailed in the NetBox documentation, or ask the OPs team for help.
See `Rackmount of Equipment`_ below for guidance on how equipment should be
mounted in the Rack.
9. Add Services to the management server:
* name: ``dns``
protocol: UDP
port: 53
* name: ``tftp``
protocol: UDP
port: 69
These are used by the DHCP and DNS config to know which servers offer
DNS or TFTP service.
10. Set the MAC address for the physical interfaces on the device.
You may also need to add physical network interfaces if aren't already
created by the Device Type. An example would be if additional add-in
network cards were installed.
11. Add any virtual interfaces to the Devices. When creating a virtual
interface, it should have it's ``label`` field set to the physical network
interface that it is assigned
These are needed are two cases for the Pronto deployment:
1. On the Management Server, there should bet (at least) two VLAN
interfaces created attached to the ``eno2`` network port, which
are used to provide connectivity to the management plane and fabric.
These should be named ``<name of vlan><vlan ID>``, so the MGMT 800 VLAN
would become a virtual interface named ``mgmt800``, with the label
2. On the Fabric switches, the ``eth0`` port is shared between the OpenBMC
interface and the ONIE/ONL installation. Add a ``bmc`` virtual
interface with a label of ``eth0`` on each fabric switch, and check the
``OOB Management`` checkbox.
12. Create IP addresses for the physical and virtual interfaces. These should
have the Tenant and VRF set.
The Management Server should always have the first IP address in each
range, and they should be incremental, in this order. Examples are given as
if there was a single instance of each device - adding additional devices
would increment the later IP addresses.
* Management Server
* ``eno1`` - site provided public IP address, or blank if DHCP
* ``eno2`` - (first of ADMIN) - set as primary IP
* ``bmc`` - (next of ADMIN)
* ``mgmt800`` - (first of MGMT)
* ``fab801`` - (first of FAB)
* Management Switch
* ``gbe1`` - (next of ADMIN) - set as primary IP
* Fabric Switch
* ``eth0`` - (next of MGMT), set as primary IP
* ``bmc`` -
* Compute Server
* ``eth0`` - (next of MGMT), set as primary IP
* ``bmc`` - (next of ADMIN)
* ``qsfp0`` - (next of FAB)
* ``qsfp1`` -
* Other Fabric devices (eNB, etc.)
* ``eth0`` or other primary interface - (next of FAB)
13. Add DHCP ranges to the IP Prefixes for IP's that aren't reserved. These are
done like any other IP Address, but with the ``Status`` field is set to
``DHCP``, and they'll consume the entire range of IP addresses given in the
CIDR mask.
For example ```` as a DHCP block would take up 1/4 of the ADMIN
14. Add router IP reservations to the IP Prefix for both Fabric prefixes. These
are IP addresses used by ONOS to route traffic to the other leaf, and have
the following attributes:
- Have the last usable address in range (in the ``/25`` fabric examples
above, these would be ```` and ````)
- Have a ``Status`` of ``Reserved``, and the VRF, Tenant Group, and Tenant
- The Description must start with the word ``router``, such as: ``router
for leaf1 Fabric``
- A custom field named ``RFC3442 Routes`` is set to the CIDR IP address of
the opposite leaf - if the leaf's prefix is ```` and the
router IP is ```` then ``RFC3442 Routes`` should be set to
``\25`` (and the reverse - on ```` the ``RFC3442
Routes`` would be set to be ````). This creates an `RFC3442
Classless Static Route Option <>`_
for the subnet in DHCP.
15. Add Cables between physical interfaces on the devices
TODO: Explain the cabling topology
Rackmount of Equipment
Most of the Pronto equipment has a 19" rackmount form factor.
Guidelines for mounting this equipment:
- The EdgeCore Wedge Switches have a front-to-back (aka "port-to-power") fan
configuration, so hot air exhaust is out the back of the switch near the
power inlets, away from the 32 QSFP network ports on the front of the switch.
- The full-depth 1U and 2U Supermicro servers also have front-to-back airflow
but have most of their ports on the rear of the device.
- Airflow through the rack should be in one direction to avoid heat being
pulled from one device into another. This means that to connect the QSFP
network ports from the servers to the switches, cabling should be routed
through the rack from front (switch) to back (server). Empty rack spaces
should be reserved for this purpose.
- The short-depth management HP Switch and 1U Supermicro servers should be
mounted on the rear of the rack. They both don't generate an appreciable
amount of heat, so the airflow direction isn't a significant factor in
racking them.
Once equipment arrives, any device needs to be recorded in inventory if it:
1. Connects to the network (has a MAC address)
2. Has a serial number
3. Isn't a subcomponent (disk, add-in card, linecard, etc.) of a larger device.
The following information should be recorded for every device:
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Serial Number
- MAC address (for the primary and any management/BMC/IPMI interfaces)
This information should be be added to the corresponding Devices ONF NetBox
instance. The accuracy of this information is very important as it is used in
bootstrapping the systems.
Once inventory has been completed, let the Infra team know, and the pxeboot
configuration will be generated to have the OS preseed files corresponding to the
new servers based on their serial numbers.
Cabling and Network Topology
TODO: Add diagrams of network here, and cabling plan
Management Switch Bootstrap
TODO: Add instructions for bootstrapping management switch, from document that
has the linked config file.
Software Bootstrap
Management Server Bootstrap
The management server is bootstrapped into a customized version of the standard
Ubuntu 18.04 OS installer.
The `iPXE boot firmware <>`_. is used to start this process
and is built using the steps detailed in the `ipxe-build
<>`_. repo, which
generates both USB and PXE chainloadable boot images.
Once a system has been started using these images started, these images will
download a customized script from an external webserver to continue the boot
process. This iPXE to webserver connection is secured with mutual TLS
authentication, enforced by the nginx webserver.
The iPXE scripts are created by the `pxeboot
<>`_ role,
which creates both a boot menu, downloads the appropriate binaries for
bootstrapping an OS installation, and creates per-node installation preseed files.
The preseed files contain configuration steps to install the OS from the
upstream Ubuntu repos, as well as customization of packages and creating the
``onfadmin`` user.
TODO: convert instructions for bootstrapping the management server with iPXE here.
Once the OS is installed on the management server, Ansible is used to remotely
install software on the management server.
To checkout the ONF ansible repo and enter the virtualenv with the tooling::
mkdir infra
cd infra
repo init -u ssh://<your gerrit username>
repo sync
cd ansible
make galaxy
source venv_onfansible/bin/activate
Obtain the ``undionly.kpxe`` iPXE artifact for bootstrapping the compute
servers, and put it in the ``playbook/files`` directory.
Next, create an inventory file to access the NetBox API. An example is given
in ``inventory/example-netbox.yml`` - duplicate this file and modify it. Fill
in the ``api_endpoint`` address and ``token`` with an API key you get out of
the NetBox instance. List the IP Prefixes used by the site in the
``ip_prefixes`` list.
Next, run the ``scripts/`` to generate a host_vars file for
the management server. Assuming that the management server in the edge is
named ``mgmtserver1.stage1.menlo``, you'd run::
python scripts/ inventory/my-netbox.yml > inventory/host_vars/mgmtserver1.stage1.menlo.yml
One manual change needs to be made to this output - edit the
``inventory/host_vars/mgmtserver1.stage1.menlo.yml`` file and add the following
to the bottom of the file, replacing the IP addresses with the management
server IP address for each segment.
In the case of the Fabric that has two leaves and IP ranges, add the Management
server IP address used for the leaf that it is connected to, and then add a
route for the other IP address range for the non-Management-connected leaf that
is via the Fabric router address in the connected leaf range.
This configures the `netplan <>`_ on the management server,
and creates a SNAT rule for the UE range route, and will be automated away
# added manually
id: 800
link: eno2
id: 801
link: eno2
- to:
metric: 100
netprep_nftables_nat_postrouting: >
ip saddr ip daddr counter snat to;
Using the ``inventory/example-aether.ini`` as a template, create an
:doc:`ansible inventory <ansible:user_guide/intro_inventory>` file for the
site. Change the device names, IP addresses, and ``onfadmin`` password to match
the ones for this site. The management server's configuration is in the
``[aethermgmt]`` and corresponding ``[aethermgmt:vars]`` section.
Then, to configure a management server, run::
ansible-playbook -i inventory/sitename.ini playbooks/aethermgmt-playbook.yml
This installs software with the following functionality:
- VLANs on second Ethernet port to provide connectivity to the rest of the pod.
- Firewall with NAT for routing traffic
- DHCP and TFTP for bootstrapping servers and switches
- DNS for host naming and identification
- HTTP server for serving files used for bootstrapping switches
- Downloads the Tofino switch image
- Creates user accounts for administrative access
Compute Server Bootstrap
Once the management server has finished installation, it will be set to offer
the same iPXE bootstrap file to the computer.
Each node will be booted, and when iPXE loads select the ``Ubuntu 18.04
Installer (fully automatic)`` option.
The nodes can be controlled remotely via their BMC management interfaces - if
the BMC is at ```` a remote user can SSH into them with::
ssh -L 2443: onfadmin@<mgmt server ip>
And then use their web browser to access the BMC at::
The default BMC credentials for the Pronto nodes are::
login: ADMIN
password: Admin123
The BMC will also list all of the MAC addresses for the network interfaces
(including BMC) that are built into the logic board of the system. Add-in
network cards like the 40GbE ones used in compute servers aren't listed.
To prepare the compute nodes, software must be installed on them. As they
can't be accessed directly from your local system, a :ref:`jump host
<ansible:use_ssh_jump_hosts>` configuration is added, so the SSH connection
goes through the management server to the compute systems behind it. Doing this
requires a few steps:
First, configure SSH to use Agent forwarding - create or edit your
``~/.ssh/config`` file and add the following lines::
Host <management server IP>
ForwardAgent yes
Then try to login to the management server, then the compute node::
$ ssh onfadmin@<management server IP>
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-54-generic x86_64)
onfadmin@mgmtserver1:~$ ssh onfadmin@
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-54-generic x86_64)
Being able to login to the compute nodes from the management node means that
SSH Agent forwarding is working correctly.
Verify that your inventory (Created earlier from the
``inventory/example-aether.ini`` file) includes an ``[aethercompute]`` section
that has all the names and IP addresses of the compute nodes in it.
Then run a ping test::
ansible -i inventory/sitename.ini -m ping aethercompute
It may ask you about authorized keys - answer ``yes`` for each host to trust the keys::
The authenticity of host ' (<no hostip for proxy command>)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:...
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
You should then see a success message for each host::
node1.stage1.menlo | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
node2.stage1.menlo | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
Once you've seen this, run the playbook to install the prerequisites (Terraform
user, Docker)::
ansible-playbook -i inventory/sitename.ini playbooks/aethercompute-playbook.yml
Note that Docker is quite large and may take a few minutes for installation
depending on internet connectivity.
Now that these compute nodes have been brought up, the rest of the installation
can continue.