blob: 105b7d8361b0cf77c6dedb918e6f420f43b41df0 [file] [log] [blame]
Physical RAN (4G)
Aether OnRamp is geared towards 5G, but it does support physical eNBs,
including 4G-based versions of both SD-Core and AMP. It does not,
however, support an emulated 4G RAN. The 4G scenario uses all the same
Ansible machinery outlined in earlier sections, but uses a variant of
``vars/main.yml`` customized for running physical 4G radios:
.. code-block::
$ cd vars
$ cp main-eNB.yml main.yml
Assuming that starting point, the following outlines the key
differences from the 5G case:
1. There is a 4G-specific repo, which you can find in ``deps/4gc``.
2. The ``core`` section of ``vars/main.yml`` specifies a 4G-specific values file:
``values_file: "deps/4gc/roles/core/templates/radio-4g-values.yaml"``
3. The ``amp`` section of ``vars/main.yml`` specifies that 4G-specific
models and dashboards get loaded into the ROC and Monitoring
services, respectively:
``roc_models: "deps/amp/roles/roc-load/templates/roc-4g-models.json"``
``monitor_dashboard: "deps/amp/roles/monitor-load/templates/4g-monitor"``
4. You need to edit two files with details for the 4G SIM cards you
use. One is the 4G-specific values file used to configure SD-Core:
The other is the 4G-specific Models file used to bootstrap ROC:
5. There are 4G-specific Make targets for SD-Core, including ``make
aether-4gc-install`` and ``make aether-4gc-uninstall``. Note that
the generic Make targets for AMP (e.g., ``make
aether-amp-install`` and ``make aether-amp-uninstall``) work
The Quick Start deployment is for 5G only, but revisiting the Scaling,
Networking, and Physical Radio sectionssubstituting the above for
their 5G counterpartsserves as a guide for bringing up a 4G version
of Aether.