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Aether is an open source 5G edge cloud connectivity service that
supports enterprise deployments of Private 5G. Aether's architecture
is described in a companion book; this guide references sections of
that book to fill in details about Aether's design.
.. _reading_private5g:
.. admonition:: Further Reading
L. Peterson, O. Sunay, and B. Davie. `Private 5G: A Systems
Approach <>`__. 2023.
Source code for all the individual components that comprise Aether
(e.g., AMP, SD-Core, SD-RAN, SD-Fabric) can be downloaded, and
deployment artifacts built from that source code (e.g., Docker Images,
Helm Charts, Fleet Bundles, Terraform Templates, Ansible Playbooks)
can be used to bring up a running instance of Aether on local
hardware. (See the *Source Directory* section of this guide for
information about where to find the relevant repositories.)
A multi-site deployment of Aether has been running since 2020 in
support of the *Pronto Project*, but that deployment depends on an ops
team with significant insider knowledge about Aether's engineering
details. It is difficult for others to reproduce that know-how and
bring up their own Aether clusters. Aether is also available as two
self-contained software packages that were originally designed to
support developers working on individual components. These packages
are straightforward to install and run, even in a VM on your laptop,
so they also provide an easy way to get started:
* `Aether-in-a-Box (AiaB)
Includes SD-Core and the online aspects of AMP (Service
Orchestrator and the Monitoring Subsystem). AiaB can be configured
to work with either an emulated RAN or physical small cell radios
(both 4G and 5G).
* `SDRAN-in-a-Box (RiaB)
Includes the ONOS-based nRT-RIC, the O-RAN defined E2SM-KPI and
E2SM-RC Service Models, and example xApps. RiaB can be configured to
work with either an emulated RAN (5G) or with OAI's open source RAN stack
running on USRP devices (4G).
Note that these two packages do not include SD-Fabric, which depends
on programmable switching hardware. Readers interested in learning
more about that capability (including a P4-based UPF) should see the
Hands-on Programming appendix of our companion SDN book.
.. _reading_pronto:
.. admonition:: Further Reading
`Pronto Project: Building Secure Networks Through Verifiable
Closed-Loop Control <>`__.
`Hands-on Programming (Appendix). Software-Defined Networks: A
Systems Approach
<>`__. November 2021.
As a tool targeted at developers, AiaB and RiaB support a streamlined
modify-build-test loop, but a significant gap remains between these
self-contained versions of Aether and an operational 5G-enabled edge
cloud deployed into a particular target environment. `Aether OnRamp
<>`__ is a
re-packaging of Aether to address that gap. It provides an incremental
path for users to:
* Learn about all the moving parts in Aether.
* Customize Aether for different target environments.
* Deploy and operate Aether with live traffic.
Aether OnRamp begins with a *Quick Start* deployment similar to AiaB,
but then goes on to prescribe a sequence of steps a user can follow to
deploy increasingly complex configurations. This culminates in an
operational Aether cluster capable of running 24/7 and supporting live
5G workloads.
Note that OnRamp includes support for bringing up a 4G version of
Aether connected to one or more physical eNBs, but we postpone a
discussion of that capability until the final section. Everything up
to that point assumes 5G.
Aether OnRamp is still a work in progress, but anyone
interested in participating in that effort is encouraged to join the
discussion on Slack in the `ONF Community Workspace
<>`__. A roadmap for the work that
needs to be done can be found in the `Aether OnRamp Wiki