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.. _roc-developer-guide:
ROC Development
This document assumes familiarity with Kubernetes and Helm, and that a
Kubernetes/Helm development environment has already been deployed in
the developer’s work environment (for example, using a mechanism like
KinD or kubeadm).
.. note:: By default, ROC is deployed without security enabled, with no Authentication or Authorization.
To secure ROC so that the Authentication and Authorization can be tested, follow the Securing ROC
section below :ref:`securing_roc`.
Installing Prerequisites
Atomix and onos-operator must be installed::
# create necessary namespaces
kubectl create namespace aether
# add repos
helm repo add atomix
helm repo add onosproject
helm repo update
# install atomix
export ATOMIX_VERSION=1.1.2
helm -n kube-system install atomix atomix/atomix --version $ATOMIX_VERSION
# install the onos operator
helm install -n kube-system onos-operator onosproject/onos-operator --version $ONOS_OPERATOR_VERSION
.. note:: ROC is sensitive to the versions of Atomix and onos-operator installed. The values
shown above are correct for the 2.1.36- versions of the *aether-roc-umbrella*.
.. list-table:: ROC support component version matrix
:widths: 40 20 20 20 20 20
:header-rows: 1
* - ROC Version
- atomix/atomix-controller
- atomix/atomix-raft
- atomix/atomix-runtime
- atomix/atomix
- onosproject/onos-operator
* - 1.2.25-1.2.45
- 0.6.7
- 0.1.8
- n/a
- n/a
- 0.4.8
* - 1.3.0-1.3.10
- 0.6.8
- 0.1.9
- n/a
- n/a
- 0.4.10
* - 1.3.11-,1.4.0-
- 0.6.8
- 0.1.14
- n/a
- n/a
- 0.4.12
* - 1.4.42-
- 0.6.8
- 0.1.15
- n/a
- n/a
- 0.4.14
* - 2.0.29-
- 0.6.8
- 0.1.16
- n/a
- n/a
- 0.5.1
* - 2.1.8-
- 0.6.9
- 0.1.26
- n/a
- n/a
- 0.5.3
* - 2.1.32-2.1.35
- n/a
- n/a
- 0.1.8
- n/a
- 0.5.6
* - 2.1.36-
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- 1.1.2
- 0.5.6
.. note:: Changing between atomix and operators in a cluster may cause problems
if there are changes in the definition of the CRDs that they
include. To fully ensure a clean installation the CRDs should be
deleted manually AFTER deleting the old version of atomix or ONOS
Use `kubectl get crds | grep atomix` and `kubectl get crds | grep onos` to see the CRDs present.
Verify that these services were installed properly.
You should see pods for *atomix-controller(s)*
*onos-operator-app*, and *onos-operator-topo*.
Execute these commands::
helm -n kube-system list
kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep -i atomix
kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep -i onos
Installing the ``aether-roc-umbrella`` Helm chart
Add the necessary helm repositories::
helm repo add aether
``aether-roc-umbrella`` will bring up the ROC and its services::
helm -n aether install aether-roc-umbrella aether/aether-roc-umbrella
kubectl wait pod -n aether --for=condition=Ready -l type=config --timeout=300s
.. _posting-the-mega-patch:
Posting the Mega-Patch
The ROC usually comes up in a blank state; there are no Enterprises,
UEs, or other artifacts present in it. The Mega-Patch is an example
patch that populates the ROC with some sample enterprises, UEs,
slices, etc.
Execute the following::
# launch a port-forward for the API
# this will continue to run in the background
kubectl -n aether port-forward service/aether-roc-api --address 8181:8181 &
curl http://localhost:8181/targets
# It should show a list of the configure enterprises: [{"name":"defaultent"},{"name":"acme"},{"name":"starbucks"}
git clone
# execute the mega-patch (it will post via CURL to localhost:8181)
bash ~/path/to/aether-roc-api/examples/MEGA_Patch_20.curl
.. note:: No port-forwarding is necessary to configure Aether
OnRamp. Use URL *http://<hostname>:31194/aether-roc-api/*.
You may wish to customize the mega patch. For example, by default the
patch configures the ``sdcore-adapter`` to push to
``sdcore-test-dummy``. You could instead configure it to push to a
live instantiation of Aether by doing something like this::
sed -i 's^http://aether-roc-umbrella-sdcore-test-dummy/v1/config/5g^http://webui.omec.svc.cluster.local:9089/config^g' MEGA_Patch_21.curl
#apply the patch
Note that if Aether is installed on a different machine, then port-forwarding may be necessary.
Expected CURL output from a successful Mega-Patch post will be a UUID.
You can also verify that the Mega-Patch was successful by going into the
``aether-roc-gui`` in a browser (see the section on useful port-forwards
below). The GUI may open to a dashboard that is unpopulated. You can use the
dropdown menu (upper-right hand corner of the screen) to select an object such
as Slice and you will see a list of slices.
Adding New Enterprises
Enterprises are stored in `onos-topo` outside of `onos-config` are are
usually only created by system administrators during the onboarding of
new customers (tenants) on Aether.
There is currently no way of adding new Enterprises through the ROC
GUI or the ROC API. It can be done in the two ways described in the
following sections.
Enterprises are specified as Entities using CRDs, and the
`onos-operator` ensures that these are created as `entitites` inside
To check that the current list of enterprises (as CRDs), the following command may be used::
kubectl -n aether get entities
and to check that the `onos-operator` does indeed take effect, the ROC
API endpoint `/targets` can be used to list the `enterprises`.
Another option is to use the `onos-cli` pod to query `onos-topo` directly::
kubectl -n aether exec deployment/onos-cli -- onos topo get entities -v
Adding New Enterprises Through Helm Chart
To have an entity added at **start up of the cluster** it can be added
through the Helm Chart in the `values.yaml` under
`enterprises`. e.g.::
- id: starbucks
name: Starbucks Enterprise
lat: 52.5150
long: 13.3885
This will load the `enterprise` as an Entity CRD through the `onos-operator`.
Adding New Enterprises Through `onos-topo`
New `enterprises` can be added to a live running system through the
`onos-topo` command line (bypassing the `onos-operator`). For
kubectl -n aether exec deployment/onos-cli -- \
onos topo create entity new-enterprise \
-a onos.topo.Configurable='{"address”:”sdcore-adapter-v2-1:5150”,”version”:”2.1.x”,”type”:”aether”}' \
-a onos.topo.TLSOptions='{"insecure":true}' \
-a onos.topo.Asset='{"name”:”New Enterprise”}' \
-a onos.topo.MastershipState='{}' \
-k enterprise
Uninstalling the ``aether-roc-umbrella`` Helm Chart
To tear things back down, usually as part of a developer loop prior to
redeploying again, do the following::
helm -n aether del aether-roc-umbrella
Useful Port Forwards
Port forwarding is often necessary to allow access to ports inside of
Kubernetes pods that use ClusterIP addressing. Note that you
typically need to leave a port-forward running (you can put it in the
background). Also, If you redeploy the ROC and/or if a pod crashes
then you might have to restart a port-forward.
.. note:: No port-forward is necessary with OnRamp. The GUI
can be accessed at ``http://<hostname>:31194`` and the API at
The following port-forwards may be useful::
# aether-roc-api
kubectl -n aether port-forward service/aether-roc-api --address 8181:8181
# aether-roc-gui
kubectl -n aether port-forward service/aether-roc-gui-v2-1 --address 8183:80
# grafana
kubectl -n aether port-forward service/aether-roc-umbrella-grafana --address 8187:80
.. note:: Internally, the ``aether-roc-gui`` operates a Reverse Proxy
on the ``aether-roc-api``. This means that if you have done a
``port-forward`` to ``aether-roc-gui``, say on port ``8183``,
there's no need to do another on the ``aether-roc-api``. Instead,
you can access the API on ``http://localhost:8183/aether-roc-api``.
Deploying Custom Images
Custom images may be used by editing the values-override.yaml file.
For example, to deploy a custom ``sdcore-adapter``::
prometheusEnabled: false
repository: my-private-repo/sdcore-adapter
tag: my-tag
pullPolicy: Always
The above example assumes you have published a docker images at
``my-private-repo/sdcore-adapter:my-tag``. One possible workflow is
to deploy a local-docker registry and push images to that.
There are alternatives to using a private docker repository. For
example, if you are using kubeadm, then you may be able to simply tag
the image locally. If you’re using KinD, then you can push a local
image to into the kind cluster::
kind load docker-image sdcore-adapter:my-tag
Developing with a Custom onos-config
The onos-config Helm Chart is responsible for loading model plugins at
runtime. You can override which plugins it loads, and optionally
override the image for onos-config as well. For example::
tag: mytag
repository: mydockeraccount/onos-config
- name: aether-2
image: onosproject/aether-2.0.x:2.0.16-aether-2.0.x
endpoint: localhost
port: 5152
- name: aether-2-1
image: onosproject/aether-2.1.x:2.1.16-aether-2.1.x
endpoint: localhost
port: 5153
In the above example, the onos-config image will be pulled from
`mydockeraccount`, and it will install two plugins for v2 and v4
models, from that same docker account.
Inspecting Logs
Most of the relevant Kubernetes pods are in the aether namespace. The
names may change from deployment to deployment, so start by getting a
list of pods::
kubectl -n aether get pods
Then you can inspect a specific pod/container::
kubectl -n aether logs deployment/sdcore-adapter-v2-1
.. _securing_roc:
Securing ROC
Running your own Keycloak Server
.. note:: There is no longer a central keycloak server
for development as there was at ``, so you
must run your own own Keycloak server inside of Kubernetes.
See `Keycloak <>`_ for details.
When running it should be available at
.. note:: You can access the Keycloak management page from
*http://localhost:8080/admin* but you must login as
`admin`. Because of the SSO feature of Keycloak this will affect
your Aether ROC GUI login too. To login as two separate users at
the same time, use a private browser window for one.
.. note:: Services inside the cluster (e.g. onos-config) should set
the issuer to *https://keycloak/realms/master* on port 80, while
the aether-roc-gui should use `http://localhost:8080/realms/master`.
Enabling Security
When deploying ROC with the ``aether-roc-umbrella`` chart, secure mode
can be enabled by specifying an OpenID Connect (OIDC) issuer; for example::
helm -n aether install aether-roc-umbrella aether/aether-roc-umbrella \
--set onos-config.openidc.issuer=http://keycloak/realms/master \
--set onos-config.openpolicyagent.enabled=true \
--set onos-config.openpolicyagent.regoConfigMap=aether-roc-umbrella-opa-rbac \
--set aether-roc-api.openidc.issuer=http://keycloak/realms/master \
--set aether-roc-gui-v2-1.openidc.issuer=http://localhost:8080/realms/master \
--set prom-label-proxy-acc.config.openidc.issuer=http://keycloak/realms/master \
--set prom-label-proxy-amp.config.openidc.issuer=http://keycloak/realms/master
The choice of OIDC issuer in this case is the **local** Keycloak
server at *http://keycloak* inside the `aether` namespace.
Production Environment
In a production environment, the public Aether Keycloak (with its LDAP
server populated with real Aether users and groups) should be used.
See `public keycloak
for more details.
.. note:: Your RBAC access to ROC will be limited by the groups you belong to in its LDAP store.
Role Based Access Control
When secured, access to the configuration in ROC is limited by the
**groups** that a user belongs to.
* **AetherROCAdmin** - users in this group have full read **and** write access to all configuration.
* *<enterprise>* - users in a group the lowercase name of an enterprise, will have **read** access to that enterprise.
* **EnterpriseAdmin** - users in this group will have read **and** write access the enterprise they belong to.
Requests to a Secure System
When configuration is retrieved or updated through *aether-config*, a
Bearer Token in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the
selected OIDC Issuer server must accompany the request as an
Authorization Header.
This applies to both the REST interface of ``aether-roc-api`` **and**
the *gnmi* interface of ``aether-config``.
In the Aether ROC, a Bearer Token can be generated by logging in and
selecting API Key from the menu. This pops up a window with a copy
button, where the key can be copied.
Alternatively with Keycloak a Token may be requested programmatically
through the Keycloak API::
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=aether-roc-gui' \
--data-urlencode 'username=alicea' \
--data-urlencode 'password=password' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid profile email groups' | jq "{access_token}"
The key will expire after 24 hours.
.. image:: images/aether-roc-gui-copy-api-key.png
:width: 580
:alt: Aether ROC GUI allows copying of API Key to clipboard
Accessing the REST interface from a tool like Postman, should include this Auth token.
.. image:: images/postman-auth-token.png
:width: 930
:alt: Postman showing Authentication Token pasted in
The logs of *aether-config* will contain the **username** and **timestamp** of
any **gnmi** call when security is enabled.
.. image:: images/aether-config-log.png
:width: 887
:alt: aether-config log message showing username and timestamp
Accessing GUI from an external system
To access the ROC GUI from a computer outside the Cluster machine using *port-forwarding* then
it is necessary to:
* Ensure that all *port-forward*'s have **--address=**
* Add to the IP address of the cluster machine to the **/etc/hosts** of the outside computer as::
<ip address of cluster> k3u-keycloak aether-roc-gui
* Verify that you can access the Keycloak server by its name *http://localhost:8080/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration*
* Access the GUI through the hostname (rather than ip address) ``http://aether-roc-gui:8183``
Troubleshooting Secure Access
While every effort has been made to ensure that securing Aether is simple and effective,
some difficulties may arise.
One of the most important steps is to validate that the OIDC Issuer (Keycloak server) can be reached
from the browser. The **well_known** URL should be available and show the important endpoints are correct.
.. image:: images/keycloak-389-umbrella-well-known.png
:width: 580
:alt: Keycloak Well Known page
If logged out of the Browser when accessing the Aether ROC GUI, accessing any page of the application should
redirect to the Keycloak login page.
.. image:: images/keycloak-ldap-login-page.png
:width: 493
:alt: Keycloak Login page
When logged in the User details can be seen by clicking the User's name in the drop down menu.
This shows the **groups** that the user belongs to, and can be used to debug RBAC issues.
.. image:: images/aether-roc-gui-user-details.png
:width: 700
:alt: User Details page
When you sign out of the ROC GUI, if you are not redirected to the Keycloak Login Page,
you should check the Developer Console of the browser. The console should show the correct
OIDC issuer (Keycloak server), and that Auth is enabled.
.. image:: images/aether-roc-gui-console-loggedin.png
:width: 418
:alt: Browser Console showing correct configuration
ROC Data Model Conventions and Requirements
The Mega-Patch described above will bring up a fully compliant sample data model.
However, it may be useful to bring up your own data model, customized to a different
site of sites. This subsection documents conventions and requirements for the Aether
modeling within the ROC.
The ROC models must be configured with the following:
* A default enterprise with the id `defaultent`.
* A default site with the id `defaultent-defaultsite`.
This site should be within the `defaultent` enterprise.
.. |ROCGUI| image:: images/rocgui.png
:width: 945
:alt: ROC GUI showing list of Slices