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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
eNB Installation
This section describes how to install and configure the Sercomm eNB
which is the default eNB device for Aether/Pronto project.
.. _enb-installation:
Prepare the following devices:
* Sercomm eNB
* 10GbE SFP+ to 1/10GbE copper media converter
* Workstation to remotely access and configure the eNB
Collect the following information:
* eNB IP address
* MME IP address ( by default)
* Cell ID
.. warning::
``Cell ID`` and ``TAC`` are critical parameters and the values must
be assigned the by OPs team.
Connect the eNB
Connect the eNB to the fabric switch through the media converter and power on,
then it will automatically get pre-configured IP address using DHCP.
Verify that you can access the web-based configuration(`https://<eNB IP>`) from your workstation.
If the eNB address is not directly reachable, use the management server as a jump host.
The default credentials for the Sercomm eNB are:
* Username: ``sc_femto``
* Password: ``scHt3pp`` (or ``sc_femto``)
.. image:: images/enb-sercomm-home.png
:width: 800
LTE configuration
Go to **Manage > LTE Basic Settings** tab and change the parameters as shown below.
Click ``Save`` at the bottom after making the changes.
.. image:: images/enb-sercomm-lte.png
:width: 800
:alt: Sercomm eNB UI LTE configuration page
* Carrier Number: `2`
* Carrier Aggregation: `unchecked`
* BandWidth: `20`
* FrequencyBand: `48,48`
* EARFCN: `55440,55640`
* CellIdentity: `assigned Cell ID`
* PCI: `100,101`
* TxPower: `20`
* Tunnel Type: `IPv4`
* MME IP Address: ``
* TAC: `assigned TAC`
* PLMNID: `315010`
* Sync Source: `FREE_RUNNING`
* Enable CWMP: `unchecked`
SAS configuration
Go to **Manage > SAS Configuration** tab and change the parameters as shown below.
Click ``Save`` at the bottom after making the changes.
.. image:: images/enb-sercomm-sas.png
:width: 800
:alt: Sercomm eNB UI SAS configuration page
* Location: `Indoor`
* Location Source: `Manual`
* Latitude: `0`
* Longitude: `0`
* Elevation: `-18000`
Other Settings
Go to **TR098 > SysPara** tab and set ``fsminitd`` parameter setting to ``2``.
Click ``Modify`` button right next to the parameter value, and ``Save`` button at the bottom.
.. image:: images/enb-sercomm-syspara.png
:width: 800
Go to **FAPService > FAPControl** tab and check the box next to the ``AdminState``.
Click ``Save`` button at the bottom after making the change.
.. image:: images/enb-sercomm-admin-state.png
:width: 800
:alt: Sercomm eNB UI FAP Control page
Reboot the eNB
Reboot the eNB to make all changes take effect.
Connectivity check
In order to check the connectivity, we can use the Sercomm eNB admin UI.
Go to **Manage > IP Diagnose** tab.
.. image:: images/enb-sercomm-ip-diagnose.png
:width: 800
:alt: Sercomm eNB UI IP Diagnose page
In this page, check the ``ping`` menu, put IP address to test in the text box, and click ``Run`` button.
After a few seconds, we can see the ping results.