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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Open Networking Foundation <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
PDP Testing
Test Framework
We use `TestVectors`_ to connect to Stratum hardware switches using gRPC and execute gNMI and P4Runtime tests.
For Aether, we convert existing ptf unit tests written for fabric-tna to TestVectors and execute them on Stratum
hardware switches in loopback mode using `TestVectors-Runner`_.
We use Jenkins to schedule and trigger our tests which run against a set of hardware switches.
Test Scenarios
fabric-tna is a P4 program based on the Tofino Native Architracture(TNA). Currently 4 profiles are supported for
compiling the fabric-tna P4 program.
1. fabric
2. fabric-spgw
3. fabric-int
4. fabric-spgw-int
Based on the ptf unit tests for fabric-tna, we generate TestVectors for each profile to run on Stratum hardware
switches. The names of generated tests can be found in `Test List`_.
Prerequisites to Generate, Run Tests
1. Stratum running on a hardware switch with 4 ports running in loopback mode.
2. Create a port-map similar to `port-map`_. The three fields are ptf_port, p4_port and iface_name.
ptf_port is the port id used in the test, p4_port is a valid port id from Stratum hardware.
iface_name is ignored in TestVector generation, this can be any value.
How to Generate TestVectors
1. Checkout fabric-tna repo.
.. code-block:: shell
$git clone
$cd fabric-tna
2. Compile the P4 program for specific profile.
.. code-block:: shell
$make <profile>
Supported profiles are: fabric, fabric-spgw, fabric-int, fabric-spgw-int.
3. Generate TestVectors.
.. code-block:: shell
$cd ptf
$run/tv/run <profile> PORTMAP=port_map.json GRPCADDR=<switch_ip>:<switch_port> CPUPORT=<cpu_port>
switch_ip and switch_port are IP and port where Stratum is running.
cpu_port is 192 for dual pipe switch and 320 for quad pipe switch.
Generated TestVectors are stored under 'fabric-tna/ptf/TestVectors'.
How to Run TestVectors
1. Checkout `TestVectors-Runner`_ repo.
.. code-block:: shell
$git clone -b support-fabric-tna
$cd testvectors-runner
2. Build tv-runner docker image.
.. code-block:: shell
$docker build -t tvrunner:fabric-tna-binary -f build/test/Dockerfile .
3. Push PipelineConfig.
.. code-block:: shell
$IMAGE_NAME=tvrunner:fabric-tna-binary ./ --target ${tv_dir}/target.pb.txt --portmap ${tv_dir}/portmap.pb.txt --tv-dir ${tv_dir} --dp-mode loopback --tv-name PipelineConfig
4. Run Setup.
.. code-block:: shell
$IMAGE_NAME=tvrunner:fabric-tna-binary ./ --dp-mode loopback --match-type in --target ${tv_dir}/target.pb.txt --portmap ${tv_dir}/portmap.pb.txt --tv-dir ${tv_dir}/${test_name}/setup
5. Run TestVector.
.. code-block:: shell
$IMAGE_NAME=tvrunner:fabric-tna-binary ./ --dp-mode loopback --match-type in --target ${tv_dir}/target.pb.txt --portmap ${tv_dir}/portmap.pb.txt --tv-dir ${tv_dir}/${test_name} --tv-name ${test_name}.* --result-dir ./results --result-file ${test_name}
6. Run Teardown.
.. code-block:: shell
$IMAGE_NAME=tvrunner:fabric-tna-binary ./ --dp-mode loopback --match-type in --target ${tv_dir}/target.pb.txt --portmap ${tv_dir}/portmap.pb.txt --tv-dir ${tv_dir}/${test_name}/teardown
tv_dir is the directory where TestVectors are stored. In this case, tv_dir is 'fabric-tna/ptf/TestVectors'.
tv_name is the name of the test case. It's also the directory name of the test under 'fabric-tna/ptf/TestVectors'.
Results for each test are generated under 'testvectors-runner/results' directory in csv format.
.. _TestVectors:
.. _TestVectors-Runner:
.. _Test List:
.. _port-map: