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.. vim: syntax=rst
Setting Up Aether-in-a-Box
Aether-in-a-Box (AiaB) provides an easy way to deploy the Aether software stack and
run basic tests. This guide describes the steps to set up AiaB.
AiaB can be run on a bare metal machine or VM. Prerequisites:
* Ubuntu 18.04
* Kernel 4.15 or later
* Haswell CPU or newer
Clone Repositories
Clone the following repositories, using your gerrit ids as necessary::
mkdir -p ~/cord # need to clone below 2 repos in this directory
git clone "ssh://<username>"
git clone "ssh://<username>"
cd ~ # go back to home directory
git clone "ssh://<username>"
Set up Authentication Tokens
Edit the file *aether-in-a-box/configs/authentication*.
* Log into the `Aether Harbor Registry <>`_ using your Crowd credentials
* Select *User Profile* from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner
* For REGISTRY_USERNAME, use the *Username* in your profile
* Copy the *CLI secret* to the clipboard and paste to REGISTRY_CLI_SECRET
If you want to install using Aether's published Helm charts rather than the local charts
checked out in the previous step, fill out REPO_USERNAME and REPO_PASSWORD with the
information needed to authenticate with Aether's Helm chart repository. This step is optional.
Start the 4G Core
Deploy Aether-in-a-Box and start the 4G core::
cd aether-in-a-box
make test # create K8s cluster, start 4G network functions, and run ping test
By default, the installation uses the local charts that were checked out earlier. However the
files in the *configs/* directory can be used to install AiaB using charts published to the Aether Helm
chart repository. For example, the file *configs/rc-1.5* can be used to install the Aether 1.5 release candidate.
To install AiaB using the chart versions specified in this file, set the *CHARTS* variable when invoking *make*::
CHARTS=rc-1.5 make test
Once you are done with the test, stop the 4G Core as follows::
make reset-test # this does not destroy K8s cluster
Start the 5G Core
Deploy Aether-in-a-Box and start the 5G core::
cd aether-in-a-box
make 5gc # start all 5G network functions with default images
kubectl get pods -n omec # verify that all 5g pods are started
Sample output::
amf-7d6f649b4f-jzd9r 1/1 Running 0 41s
ausf-8dd5d7465-xrjdl 1/1 Running 0 41s
gnbsim-0 1/1 Running 0 25s
mongodb-55555bc884-wqcrh 1/1 Running 0 41s
nrf-ddd7d8d5b-vjv84 1/1 Running 0 41s
nssf-7978bb74cc-zct9v 1/1 Running 0 41s
pcf-5bbbff96d6-l54f6 1/1 Running 0 41s
smf-86b6fd5674-tq8h9 1/1 Running 0 41s
udm-5fdf9cf56d-76hlt 1/1 Running 0 41s
udr-d8f855c6b-jj8lw 1/1 Running 0 41s
upf-0 4/4 Running 0 55s
webui-79c8b7dfc7-wn6st 1/1 Running 0 41s
You can use *gnbsim* to test 5G functionality. For example, to run the 5G user registration::
kubectl -n omec exec gnbsim-0 -- /go/src/gnbsim/gnbsim register
SD-CORE Developer Loop
Tips for SD-CORE developers:
Deploy custom images by editing `~/aether-in-a-box/aether-in-a-box-values.yaml`::
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: "aether.registry"
Stop the 5G Core and start it again::
make reset-5g-test
make 5gc