[SDFAB-743] Add SD-Fabric health indicator script

Add a new health indicator script to check if topology and UE connectivity
meet requirement

Change-Id: Id18052b45e502dad327d331c7c4d7f177488a444
diff --git a/apps/tost-telegraf/Chart.yaml b/apps/tost-telegraf/Chart.yaml
index 0b37ff5..6ba8d74 100644
--- a/apps/tost-telegraf/Chart.yaml
+++ b/apps/tost-telegraf/Chart.yaml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 # This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes
 # to the chart and its templates, including the app version.
 # Versions are expected to follow Semantic Versioning (https://semver.org/)
-version: 0.1.5
+version: 0.1.6
 # This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be
 # incremented each time you make changes to the application. Versions are not expected to
diff --git a/apps/tost-telegraf/templates/configmap-config.yaml b/apps/tost-telegraf/templates/configmap-config.yaml
index 908f04f..555a6b0 100644
--- a/apps/tost-telegraf/templates/configmap-config.yaml
+++ b/apps/tost-telegraf/templates/configmap-config.yaml
@@ -61,3 +61,90 @@
         kubectl get po -n {{ .Values.onos.namespace }} -l '{{ .Values.onos.onos_config_loader_label }}' -o json | \
             jq -r '"onos_telegraf,pod=onos-config-loader ready=" + (count(select(.items[0].status.containerStatuses[].ready)) | tostring)'
+  sdfabric_health_indicator.sh: |
+    #!/bin/bash
+    {{ if .Values.health_indicator.enabled }}
+    # Constant
+    readonly HEALTH_UNKNOWN=0
+    readonly HEALTH_UP=1
+    readonly HEALTH_DEGRADED=2
+    readonly HEALTH_DOWN=3
+    readonly REASON_PKT_LOSS=1
+    readonly REASON_RTT=2
+    readonly REASON_ONOS_NOT_READY=3
+    readonly REASON_LINK_DOWN=5
+    readonly REASON_DEVICE_DOWN=6
+    AVG_RTT=0
+    check_host() {
+        PING_RESULT=$(ping -i 0.1 -W 1 -c 10 $1)
+        PACKET_LOSS_PERCENT=$(echo $PING_RESULT | grep -P -o '\d+% packet loss' | awk -F '%' '{print $1}')
+        AVG_RTT=$(echo $PING_RESULT | grep -P -o '(\d+\.\d+)/(\d+\.\d+)/(\d+\.\d+)/(\d+\.\d+)' | awk -F'/' '{print $2}')
+        AVG_RTT=${AVG_RTT%.*} # default bash can only compare integer
+        if [[ $PACKET_LOSS_PERCENT -ge {{ .Values.health_indicator.packet_loss_threshold }} ]]; then
+            echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_DOWN,reason=$REASON_PKT_LOSS"
+            return 1
+        elif [[ $AVG_RTT -gt {{ $.Values.health_indicator.rtt_threshold_ms }} ]]; then
+            echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_DEGRADED,reson=$REASON_RTT,rtt=$AVG_RTT,expected_rtt={{ $.Values.health_indicator.rtt_threshold_ms }}"
+            return 1
+        elif [[ $PACKET_LOSS_PERCENT -gt 0 ]]; then
+            echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_DEGRADED,reason=$REASON_PKT_LOSS,percent=$PACKET_LOSS_PERCENT"
+            return 1
+        fi
+        return 0
+    }
+    # Wait until jq and kubectl are installed
+    while ! (which jq && which kubectl) > /dev/null ; do
+        sleep 1
+    done
+    while IFS= read -r LINE; do
+        {{ range .Values.health_indicator.expected_hosts }}
+        check_host {{ . }} || continue
+        {{ end }}
+        NUM_ATOMIX_NOT_READY=$(kubectl get po -n {{ .Values.onos.namespace }} -l '{{ .Values.onos.atomix_label }}' -o json | \
+            jq -r 'count(select(.items[].status.containerStatuses[].ready == false))')
+        if [[ $NUM_ATOMIX_NOT_READY -gt 0 ]]; then
+            echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_DEGRADED,reason=$REASON_ATOMIX_NOT_READY,num_atomix_not_ready=$NUM_ATOMIX_NOT_READY"
+            continue
+        fi
+        NUM_ONOS_NOT_READY=$(kubectl get po -n {{ .Values.onos.namespace }} -l '{{ .Values.onos.onos_classic_label }}' -o json | \
+            jq -r 'count(select(.items[].status.containerStatuses[].ready == false))')
+        if [[ $NUM_ONOS_NOT_READY -gt 0 ]]; then
+            echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_DEGRADED,reason=$REASON_ONOS_NOT_READY,num_onos_not_ready=$NUM_ONOS_NOT_READY"
+            continue
+        fi
+        ACTIVE_LINKS=$(curl --fail -sSL --user {{ .Values.onos.username }}:{{ .Values.onos.password }} --noproxy {{ .Values.onos.server }}:{{ .Values.onos.port }} -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' \
+            http://{{ .Values.onos.server }}:{{ .Values.onos.port }}/onos/v1/links | \
+            jq 'count(.links[]?.state | select(. == "ACTIVE"))')
+        if [[ -z $ACTIVE_LINKS ]] || [[ ! $ACTIVE_LINKS -eq {{ .Values.health_indicator.expected_num_links }} ]]; then
+            echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_DEGRADED,reason=$REASON_LINK_DOWN,active_links=$ACTIVE_LINKS,expected_links={{ .Values.expected_num_links }}"
+            continue
+        fi
+        UNAVAILABLE_DEVICES=$(curl --fail -sSL --user {{ .Values.onos.username }}:{{ .Values.onos.password }} --noproxy {{ .Values.onos.server }}:{{ .Values.onos.port }} -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' \
+            http://{{ .Values.onos.server }}:{{ .Values.onos.port }}/onos/v1/devices | \
+            jq 'count(.devices[]? | select(.type=="SWITCH" and (.available == false)))')
+        if [[ $UNAVAILABLE_DEVICES -gt 0 ]]; then
+            echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_DEGRADED,reason=$REASON_DEVICE_DOWN,num_device_down=$UNAVAILABLE_DEVICES"
+            continue
+        fi
+        echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_UP"
+    done
+    {{ else }}
+    # Health indicator is off
+    while IFS= read -r LINE; do
+      echo "sdfabric_telegraf health=$HEALTH_UNKNOWN"
+    done
+    {{ end }}
diff --git a/apps/tost-telegraf/values.yaml b/apps/tost-telegraf/values.yaml
index 73514d9..e139fff 100644
--- a/apps/tost-telegraf/values.yaml
+++ b/apps/tost-telegraf/values.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
     - name: "telegraf-external-daemon"
       mountPath: /tmp/sdfabric_telegraf.sh
       subPath: sdfabric_telegraf.sh
+    - name: "telegraf-external-daemon"
+      mountPath: /tmp/sdfabric_health_indicator.sh
+      subPath: sdfabric_health_indicator.sh
     - apiGroups: [""]
@@ -33,6 +36,9 @@
       - execd:
           command: ["sh", "-c", "/tmp/sdfabric_telegraf.sh"]
           signal: "STDIN"
+      - execd:
+          command: ["sh", "-c", "/tmp/sdfabric_health_indicator.sh"]
+          signal: "STDIN"
       - cisco_telemetry_gnmi:
@@ -55,4 +61,14 @@
   port: 8181
   namespace: tost
   onos_classic_label: app=onos-classic
+  atomix_label: app=onos-tost-atomix
   onos_config_loader_label: app=onos-config-loader
+  enabled: false
+  expected_hosts: []
+  rtt_threshold_ms: 30
+  # Health indicator return DOWN status when {packet_loss_threshold}% of packet loss
+  # from one of expected host.
+  packet_loss_threshold: 100
+  expected_num_links: 0