blob: b4402d01f4792d0c9de34520d4343fb529ca1bfe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-ONF-Member-Only-1.0
#Below are the list of ports which are required to be free, for the SEBA services to use. If any new services get added into SEBA, Update the required node ports below and also add it to the arrray portlist.
#Service name : node Port number
#onos-debugger: 30555
#onos-openflow: 31653
#onos-ssh: 30115
#onos-ui: 30120
#xos-chameleon: 30006
#xos-core: 30010, 30011
#xos-core-prometheus: 30009
#xos-gui: 30001
#xos-tosca: 30007
#xos-ws: 30008
#ingress-nginx: 30080, 30443
#vcli: 30110
#voltha: 30125, 30613, 32443, 31390
#kpi-exporter: 31080
#logging-elasticsearch-client: 31636
#logging-kibana: 30601
#nem-monitoring-grafana: 31300
#nem-monitoring-prometheus-server: 31301
declare -a portlist=("30555" "31653" "30115" "30120" "30006" "30010" "30011" "30009" "30001" "30007" "30008" "30080" "30443" "30110" "30125" "30613" "32443" "31390" "31080" "31636" "30601" "31300" "31301")
#Below loop is to check whether any port in the list is already being used
for port in "${portlist[@]}"
if netstat -lntp | grep :":$port" > /dev/null ; then
used_process=$(netstat -lntp | grep :":$port" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f7 -d' ')
echo "ERROR: Process with PID/Program_name $used_process is already listening on port: $port needed by SEBA"
#If any of the ports are already used then the user will be notified to kill the running services before installing SEBA
if [ $number_of_ports_in_use -gt 0 ]
echo "Kill the running services mentioned above before proceeding to install SEBA"
echo "Terminating make"
exit 1
#The ports that are required by SEBA components will be added to the reserved port list
var=$(printf '%s,' "${portlist[@]}")
echo "$var" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_reserved_ports
echo "SUCCESS: Added ports required for SEBA services to ip_local_reserved_ports"