| --- |
| # jenkins molecule/default/verify.yml |
| # |
| # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <support@opennetworking.org> |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| - name: Verify |
| hosts: all |
| vars: |
| jenkins_localhost: "" |
| jenkins_admin_username: "admin" |
| jenkins_admin_password: "change_me" |
| jenkins_job_builder_conf: "/tmp/jenkins.conf" |
| jenkins_plugins: |
| - name: ec2 |
| - name: crowd2 |
| - name: docker-workflow |
| - name: gerrit-trigger |
| - name: workflow-aggregator |
| tasks: |
| - name: Check Jenkins instance accessibility |
| uri: |
| url: "http://{{ jenkins_localhost }}/cli/" |
| method: GET |
| return_content: "yes" |
| timeout: 5 |
| body_format: raw |
| follow_redirects: "no" |
| status_code: 200,403 |
| register: result |
| until: (result.status == 403 or result.status == 200) |
| and (result.content.find("Please wait while") == -1) |
| retries: 60 |
| delay: 5 |
| - name: Install pip |
| apt: |
| name: python3-pip |
| - name: Install jenkins job builder |
| pip: |
| name: jenkins-job-builder |
| - name: Create file with Jenkins conf for JJB |
| copy: |
| dest: "{{ jenkins_job_builder_conf }}" |
| mode: 0400 |
| content: | |
| [jenkins] |
| user={{ jenkins_admin_username }} |
| password={{ jenkins_admin_password }} |
| url=http://localhost:8080 |
| |
| - name: List jobs via JJB tools |
| command: "jenkins-jobs --conf {{ jenkins_job_builder_conf }} list" |
| register: jobs_contents |
| changed_when: false |
| |
| - name: Assert we are able to access Jenkins with admin username and password. |
| assert: |
| that: |
| - "'INFO:root:Matching jobs: 0' in jobs_contents.stderr" |
| |
| - name: Save installed plugins to plugins_info.yaml |
| command: "jenkins-jobs --conf {{ jenkins_job_builder_conf }} get-plugins-info" |
| changed_when: false |
| |
| - name: read the plugin_info file |
| shell: cat plugins_info.yaml |
| register: plugins_contents |
| |
| - name: Assert Jenkins install all required plugins |
| assert: |
| that: |
| - "' shortName: {{ item.name }}' in plugins_contents.stdout_lines" |
| with_items: "{{ jenkins_plugins }}" |