blob: ec970fc50ae8d4efff8f0b351b62d739c9d632fc [file] [log] [blame]
#################Steps for Building Redfish service ##################
1. Setup ONL build environment
> git clone -b kernel_3.7.10
> cd OpenNetworkLinux
2. Copy asfvolt16_redfish_service folder to OpenNetworkLinux directory
> cp -a asfvolt16_redfish_service OpenNetworkLinux/asfvolt16-driver
3. Enter into docker environment
> docker/tools/onlbuilder -8
4. Install the required packages for building Redfish service package using script.
> sh asfvolt16-driver/asfvolt16_redfish_service/scripts/
5. Execute build script
This will download IntelRSD and accton patch provided by Nick from the google drive and apply accton and calsoft patch and creates the binaries. For now rsd_org.tar.gz and the patch file is located in google drive. In future we may have to move this to github.
> sh asfvolt16-driver/asfvolt16_redfish_service/scripts/
6. Packages will be created "$ONL_TOPDIR/asfvolt16-driver/asfvolt16_redfish_service/rsd_org/asfvolt16_rf_packages" and can be copied to OLT.
> ls "$ONL_TOPDIR/asfvolt16-driver/asfvolt16_redfish_service/rsd_org/asfvolt16_rf_packages"
#################Steps for installing and running Redfish service in ASFVOLT16 OLT##################
0. Connect console cable , network cable to olt console port and management port.
1. Instll NOS image by ONIE
2. Use root/onl to login to olt ONL linux shell environment.
3. Config manage interface. (Depend on your network environment)
> ifconfig ma1
> route add default gw
4. use "scp" commond to upload *.deb image to OLT (Depend on your network environment,you can use your own method to upload *.deb package in ONL)
5. Install *.deb package in OLT
> sudo dpkg -i *.deb
> Please press enter to pass this prompt "Please select your platform (BDC-A or BDC-R):" appear.
> Please make sure that libgnutls-deb0-28 package is installed.
ls -lah /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> update-rc.d psme defaults " To start psme at boot time"
> reboot
6. startup psme service manually
> service psme start
7. Check running daemon
> ps auxw
You can see following application is running.
root 15978 1.6 0.1 1005748 20736 ? Sl 00:05 0:13 /usr/local/bin/psme-rest-server /etc/rmm/psme.conf
root 16036 0.3 0.0 1030696 13280 ? Sl 00:05 0:03 /usr/local/bin/psme-chassis /etc/rmm/platform_info.conf
8. Please refer to "asfvolt16_redfish_uri.doc" document and use curl command for testing the Redfish service
Eg: curl -X GET -k
9. Uninstall *.deb before you install new *.deb
> sh
It will stop psme service and remove *.deb