blob: 233eb00a58086645f5db83d0f6ec3cfadabc12f8 [file] [log] [blame]
option name = "att-workflow-driver";
option app_label = "att-workflow-driver";
message AttWorkflowDriverService (Service){
option verbose_name = "AttWorkflowDriver Service";
option kind = "control";
message AttWorkflowDriverServiceInstance (ServiceInstance){
option owner_class_name = "AttWorkflowDriverService";
option verbose_name = "AttWorkflowDriver Service Instance";
required string serial_number = 2 [max_length = 254, db_index = False, tosca_key=True, unique = True];
required string authentication_state = 3 [default = "AWAITING", choices = "(('AWAITING', 'Awaiting'), ('STARTED', 'Started'), ('REQUESTED', 'Requested'), ('APPROVED', 'Approved'), ('DENIED', 'Denied'), )", max_length = 50, db_index = False];
required string of_dpid = 4 [max_length = 254, db_index = False];
required int32 uni_port_id = 5 [db_index = False];
required string onu_state = 6 [max_length = 254, db_index = False, default = "AWAITING", choices = "(('AWAITING', 'Awaiting'), ('ENABLED', 'Enabled'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'))"];
optional string status_message = 7 [max_length = 254, db_index = False, default = ""];
optional string dhcp_state = 8 [max_length = 254, db_index = False, default = "AWAITING", choices = "(('AWAITING', 'Awaiting'), ('DHCPDISCOVER', 'DHCPDISCOVER'), ('DHCPACK', 'DHCPACK'), ('DHCPREQUEST', 'DHCPREQUEST'))"];
optional string ip_address = 9 [max_length = 20, db_index = False];
optional string mac_address = 10 [max_length = 20, db_index = False];
message AttWorkflowDriverWhiteListEntry (XOSBase) {
option verbose_name = "ONU Whitelist";
option plural = "attworkflowdriverwhitelistentries";
required manytoone owner->AttWorkflowDriverService:whitelist_entries = 1 [db_index = True, tosca_key=True];
required string serial_number = 2 [max_length = 254, db_index = False, tosca_key=True, unique_with = "owner"];
required int32 pon_port_id = 3 [db_index = False, help_text = "PON Port on which this ONU is expected to show up"];
required string device_id = 4 [max_length = 54, db_index = False, help_text = "OLT Device (logical device id) on which this ONU is expected to show up"];