| SHELL := /bin/bash |
| BUILD ?= /tmp |
| M ?= $(BUILD)/milestones |
| MAKEDIR := $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) |
| VIRTUALENV ?= $(WORKSPACE)/cord/test |
| SEBAVALUES ?= configs/seba-ponsim.yaml |
| TESTTAGS ?= stable |
| |
| # used to start logging/monitoring and other infrastructure charts |
| INFRA_PREREQS = $(foreach chart,$(INFRA_CHARTS),$(M)/$(chart)) |
| |
| DOCKER_VERSION ?= "17.06" |
| |
| K8S_VERSION ?= "1.12.7" |
| |
| HELM_VERSION ?= "2.14.2" |
| HELM_SHA256SUM ?= "9f50e69cf5cfa7268b28686728ad0227507a169e52bf59c99ada872ddd9679f0" |
| HELM_PLATFORM ?= "linux-amd64" |
| |
| CORDCTL_VERSION ?= 1.1.2 |
| CORDCTL_SHA256SUM ?= 41f629dea3e94d98855af2ce3751c6522750d1fe61da2b3b05604402387631cf |
| CORDCTL_PLATFORM ?= linux-amd64 |
| |
| KAFKA_POD := "pod/cord-kafka-0" |
| |
| |
| # Arguments passed to helm install/upgrade for all or specific charts |
| |
| NEM_WORKFLOW ?= att-workflow |
| NUM_OLTS ?= 1 |
| |
| # BBSim related Arguments |
| BBSIM_OLT_TOSCA ?= examples/bbsim-16.yaml |
| BBSIM_DHCP_TOSCA ?= examples/bbsim-dhcp.yaml |
| BBSIM_TECH_PROF_TOSCA ?= examples/technology-profile.yaml |
| |
| # Targets |
| ponsim: validate_args $(M)/siab |
| |
| bbsim: $(M)/bbsim-tosca |
| |
| bbsim-latest: SEBAVALUES := configs/seba-ponsim-latest.yaml |
| bbsim-latest: $(M)/bbsim-tosca |
| |
| both: BBSIM_DHCP_TOSCA = |
| both: $(M)/siab $(M)/bbsim-tosca |
| |
| # https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/make-3.79.1/html_chapter/make_6.html#SEC69 |
| latest: SEBAVALUES := configs/seba-ponsim-latest.yaml |
| latest: ponsim |
| |
| stable: SEBAVALUES := configs/seba-ponsim.yaml |
| stable: ponsim |
| |
| siab-2.0-alpha1: SEBAVALUES := configs/siab-v2.0.0-alpha1.yaml |
| siab-2.0-alpha1: KAFKA_POD := "pod/cord-platform-kafka-0" |
| # Parallel make won't work here; need to install seba-2.0.0 before siab |
| siab-2.0-alpha1: $(M)/seba-2.0.0-alpha1 $(M)/siab |
| |
| validate_args: |
| if ! ([[ $(NUM_OLTS) == ?(-)+([0-9]) ]] && [ $(NUM_OLTS) -ge 1 ] && [ $(NUM_OLTS) -le 4 ]); \ |
| then \ |
| echo "Invalid value: NUM_OLTS must between 1 and 4"; \ |
| exit 1; \ |
| fi |
| if ! ([[ $(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) == ?(-)+([0-9]) ]] && [ $(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) -ge 1 ] && [ $(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) -le 4 ]); \ |
| then \ |
| echo "Invalid value: NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT must between 1 and 4"; \ |
| exit 1; \ |
| fi |
| |
| $(M)/setup: |
| sudo $(MAKEDIR)/../scripts/portcheck.sh |
| mkdir -p $(M) |
| sudo apt update |
| sudo apt install -y httpie jq software-properties-common |
| sudo swapoff -a |
| if [ -d /usr/local/etc/emulab ]; then $(MAKEDIR)/../scripts/cloudlab-disksetup.sh; fi |
| touch $@ |
| |
| /usr/bin/docker: | $(M)/setup |
| sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 0EBFCD88 |
| sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(shell lsb_release -cs) stable" |
| sudo apt update |
| sudo apt install -y "docker-ce=${DOCKER_VERSION}*" |
| |
| /usr/bin/kubeadm: | $(M)/setup /usr/bin/docker |
| curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add - |
| echo "deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" > /tmp/kubernetes.list |
| sudo cp /tmp/kubernetes.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list |
| sudo apt update |
| sudo apt install -y "kubeadm=${K8S_VERSION}-*" "kubelet=${K8S_VERSION}-*" "kubectl=${K8S_VERSION}-*" |
| |
| /usr/local/bin/helm: |
| curl -L -o /tmp/helm.tgz "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-helm/helm-v${HELM_VERSION}-${HELM_PLATFORM}.tar.gz" |
| echo "${HELM_SHA256SUM} /tmp/helm.tgz" | sha256sum -c - |
| cd /tmp; tar -xzvf helm.tgz; sudo mv ${HELM_PLATFORM}/helm /usr/local/bin/helm |
| sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/helm |
| rm -rf /tmp/helm.tgz /tmp/${HELM_PLATFORM} |
| |
| /usr/local/bin/cordctl: |
| curl -L -o /tmp/cordctl "https://github.com/opencord/cordctl/releases/download/${CORDCTL_VERSION}/cordctl-${CORDCTL_PLATFORM}" |
| echo "${CORDCTL_SHA256SUM} /tmp/cordctl" | sha256sum -c - |
| sudo mv /tmp/cordctl /usr/local/bin/cordctl |
| sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/cordctl |
| mkdir -p ~/.cord |
| printf "server:\nusername: admin@opencord.org\npassword: letmein\ngrpc:\n timeout: 10s\n" > ~/.cord/config |
| |
| $(M)/kubeadm: | $(M)/setup /usr/bin/kubeadm |
| sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= |
| mkdir -p $(HOME)/.kube |
| sudo cp -f /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $(HOME)/.kube/config |
| sudo chown $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) $(HOME)/.kube/config |
| kubectl apply -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.3/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/hosted/rbac-kdd.yaml |
| kubectl apply -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.3/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/hosted/kubernetes-datastore/calico-networking/1.7/calico.yaml |
| kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master- |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/helm-init: | $(M)/kubeadm /usr/local/bin/helm |
| kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller |
| kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller |
| helm init --service-account tiller |
| until helm ls >& /dev/null; \ |
| do \ |
| echo "Waiting for Helm to be ready"; \ |
| sleep 5; \ |
| done |
| helm repo add incubator https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com/ |
| helm repo add cord https://charts.opencord.org |
| helm repo update |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts: | $(M)/setup |
| mkdir -p $(WORKSPACE)/cord |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord; git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/helm-charts |
| |
| $(M)/kafka: | $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts $(M)/helm-init |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts && \ |
| helm upgrade --install $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) cord-kafka --version $(KAFKA_CHART_VERSION) -f examples/kafka-single.yaml incubator/kafka |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/kafka-running: | $(M)/kafka |
| kubectl wait $(KAFKA_POD) --for condition=Ready --timeout=180s |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/nem-monitoring: | $(M)/kafka-running |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts && \ |
| helm dep up nem-monitoring && \ |
| helm upgrade --install $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) nem-monitoring nem-monitoring |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/logging: | $(M)/kafka-running |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts && \ |
| helm dep up logging && \ |
| helm upgrade --install $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) logging -f examples/logging-single.yaml logging |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh |
| touch $@ |
| |
| # Dependency on NEM is there to force ordering for parallel install |
| # The idea is to install VOLTHA / ONOS / Mininet while NEM is initializing |
| $(M)/onos: | $(M)/kafka-running $(M)/nem $(INFRA_PREREQS) |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_ONOS_ARGS) onos onos -f $(SEBAVALUES) |
| touch $@ |
| |
| # SEBA-440 Sometimes VOLTHA install fails with 'namespaces "voltha" not found' |
| # Work around by repeatedly trying to install the chart until it succeeds |
| $(M)/voltha: | $(M)/kafka-running $(INFRA_PREREQS) $(M)/etcd-operator-ready |
| sudo sh -c "echo 1048576 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches" |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm dep up voltha |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; \ |
| for i in 1 2 3; \ |
| do \ |
| helm upgrade --install $(HELM_VOLTHA_ARGS) voltha voltha -f $(SEBAVALUES) && break; \ |
| echo "VOLTHA chart install failed; cleaning up and trying again"; \ |
| helm delete --purge voltha; \ |
| until ! kubectl get namespace voltha; \ |
| do \ |
| sleep 5; \ |
| done; \ |
| sleep 5; \ |
| done |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/etcd-operator-ready: | $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts $(M)/helm-init |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; \ |
| helm upgrade --install etcd-operator --version $(ETCD_OPERATOR_VERSION) stable/etcd-operator -f $(SEBAVALUES) |
| timeout 120s bash -c "until kubectl get crd | grep etcdclusters; do echo 'Waiting for etcdclusters CRD to be available'; sleep 5; done" |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/voltha-running: | $(M)/voltha |
| timeout 300s bash -c "until kubectl get pod|grep etcd-cluster|grep 1/1; do echo 'Waiting for etcd-cluster to be ready'; sleep 10; done" |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh voltha |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/ponnet: | $(M)/voltha |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) ponnet ponnet --set numOlts=$(NUM_OLTS) --set numOnus=$(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh kube-system |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/ponsim: | $(M)/ponnet $(M)/voltha |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) ponsimv2 ponsimv2 -f $(SEBAVALUES) --set numOlts=$(NUM_OLTS) --set numOnus=$(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh voltha |
| touch $@ |
| |
| # For each ONU, set up forwarding on the ponX bridge |
| $(M)/ponX_fwd: | $(M)/ponsim |
| echo 8 > /tmp/group_fwd_mask |
| for bridge in /sys/class/net/pon*; \ |
| do \ |
| echo Setting up forwarding on `basename $$bridge`; \ |
| sudo cp /tmp/group_fwd_mask $$bridge/bridge/group_fwd_mask; \ |
| done |
| rm /tmp/group_fwd_mask |
| touch $@ |
| |
| # Make sure that we're using the ofdpa-ovs driver with OvS. |
| $(M)/mininet: | $(M)/onos $(M)/ponsim $(M)/ponX_fwd $(M)/ponsim-tosca |
| sudo modprobe openvswitch |
| timeout 60s bash -c "cordctl model sync Switch -f 'driver=ofdpa-ovs'" |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) mininet mininet -f $(SEBAVALUES) --set numOlts=$(NUM_OLTS) --set numOnus=$(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/nem: | /usr/local/bin/cordctl $(M)/kafka-running $(INFRA_PREREQS) |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm dep update xos-core |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_NEM_ARGS) xos-core xos-core -f $(SEBAVALUES) |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm dep update xos-profiles/seba-services |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_NEM_ARGS) seba-services xos-profiles/seba-services -f $(SEBAVALUES) |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm dep update workflows/$(NEM_WORKFLOW) |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_NEM_ARGS) $(NEM_WORKFLOW) workflows/$(NEM_WORKFLOW) -f $(SEBAVALUES) |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm dep update xos-profiles/base-kubernetes |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_NEM_ARGS) base-kubernetes xos-profiles/base-kubernetes -f $(SEBAVALUES) |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/nem-running: | $(M)/nem |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/ponsim-tosca: | $(M)/onos $(M)/nem-running |
| timeout 60s bash -c "cordctl model sync ServiceInstanceAttribute -f 'id>0' -y" |
| timeout 60s bash -c "cordctl model sync ONOSApp -f 'id>0' -y" |
| timeout 60s bash -c "until http -a karaf:karaf GET|jq '.state'|grep -q ACTIVE; do echo 'Waiting for Kafka app to become ACTIVE'; sleep 5; done" |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts; helm upgrade --install $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) ponsim-pod xos-profiles/ponsim-pod -f $(SEBAVALUES) --set workflow=$(NEM_WORKFLOW) --set numOlts=$(NUM_OLTS) --set numOnus=$(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/siab: | $(M)/voltha-running $(M)/mininet $(M)/ponsim-tosca |
| until http -a karaf:karaf --ignore-stdin --check-status GET; \ |
| do \ |
| sleep 5; \ |
| done |
| http -a karaf:karaf --ignore-stdin POST defaultVlan=65535 |
| timeout 1m bash -c "until http GET|jq '.state'|grep -q HEALTHY; do echo 'Waiting for VOLTHA to be HEALTHY'; sleep 10; done" |
| echo "[passed] VOLTHA is HEALTHY" |
| timeout 2m bash -c "until http GET|jq '.items[].admin_state'|grep ENABLED|wc -l|grep -q $$(( $(NUM_OLTS) + $(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) * $(NUM_OLTS) )); do echo 'Waiting for OLT and ONU to be enabled in VOLTHA'; sleep 10; done" |
| echo "[passed] OLT and ONU are enabled in VOLTHA" |
| timeout 2m bash -c "until http -a karaf:karaf GET|jq '.devices[].available'|grep true|wc -l|grep -q $$(( $(NUM_OLTS) + 1 )); do echo 'Waiting for VOLTHA logical device and agg switch to be available in ONOS'; sleep 10; done" |
| echo "[passed] VOLTHA logical device and agg switch are available in ONOS" |
| ifeq ($(NEM_WORKFLOW),att-workflow) |
| timeout 2m bash -c "until cordctl model list AttWorkflowDriverServiceInstance -q -f 'authentication_state=AWAITING' | wc -l | grep -q $$(( $(NUM_OLTS) * $(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) )); do echo 'waiting for ATT Workflow Driver ServiceInstance to be in AWAITING state'; sleep 10; done" |
| echo "[passed] ATT Workflow Driver ServiceInstance is in AWAITING state" |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(NEM_WORKFLOW),tt-workflow) |
| timeout 2m bash -c "until cordctl model list TtWorkflowDriverServiceInstance -q -f 'dhcp_state=AWAITING' | wc -l | grep -q $$(( $(NUM_OLTS) * $(NUM_ONUS_PER_OLT) )); do echo 'waiting for TT Workflow Driver ServiceInstance to be in AWAITING state'; sleep 10; done" |
| echo "[passed] TT Workflow Driver ServiceInstance is in AWAITING state" |
| endif |
| sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT |
| sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient || true |
| sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump || true |
| touch $@ |
| echo "SEBA-in-a-Box installation finished!" |
| |
| $(M)/seba-2.0.0-alpha1: | $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts $(M)/helm-init |
| helm install -n cord-platform cord/cord-platform --version=7.0.0 -f $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/$(SEBAVALUES) |
| until kubectl get crd | grep etcdclusters; \ |
| do \ |
| echo "Waiting for etcdclusters CRD to be available"; \ |
| sleep 5; \ |
| done |
| touch $(M)/kafka |
| touch $(M)/onos |
| touch $(M)/etcd-operator-ready |
| helm install -n seba cord/seba --version=2.0.0-alpha1 -f $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/$(SEBAVALUES) |
| helm install -n att-workflow cord/att-workflow --version=1.2.4 -f $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/$(SEBAVALUES) |
| touch $(M)/voltha |
| touch $(M)/nem |
| touch $@ |
| |
| # BBSim Targets |
| |
| $(M)/bbsim: | $(M)/onos $(M)/voltha-running $(M)/nem-running |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts && \ |
| helm upgrade --install bbsim bbsim -f $(SEBAVALUES) && \ |
| scripts/wait_for_pods.sh voltha && \ |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(M)/bbsim-tosca: | $(M)/bbsim |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts && \ |
| curl -H "xos-username: admin@opencord.org" -H "xos-password: letmein" -X POST --data-binary @$$tosca ; \ |
| done && \ |
| touch $@ |
| |
| run-tests: | $(M)/qatests |
| |
| run-tests-latest: | $(M)/qatests |
| |
| $(M)/qatests-prereqs: |
| sudo apt install -y python-pip virtualenv |
| touch $@ |
| |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/test/cord-tester: | $(M)/setup |
| mkdir -p $(WORKSPACE)/cord/test |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/test && git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/cord-tester |
| |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/incubator/voltha: | $(M)/setup |
| mkdir -p $(WORKSPACE)/cord/incubator |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/incubator && git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha |
| |
| $(M)/qatests: | $(M)/siab $(M)/qatests-prereqs $(WORKSPACE)/cord/test/cord-tester $(WORKSPACE)/cord/incubator/voltha |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/ && \ |
| WORKSPACE=$(VIRTUALENV) bash ./setup_venv.sh && \ |
| source $(VIRTUALENV)/venv-cord-tester/bin/activate && \ |
| cd Tests/WorkflowValidations/ && \ |
| robot $(PYBOT_ARGS) --removekeywords wuks -e notready -i $(TESTTAGS) -v VOLTHA_DIR:$(WORKSPACE)/cord/incubator/voltha SIAB.robot |
| touch $@ |
| |
| remove-chart-milestones: |
| cd $(M); rm -f kafka-running onos voltha etcd-operator-ready etcd-cluster \ |
| voltha-running ponsim mininet nem nem-running ponsim-tosca siab bbsim bbsim-tosca \ |
| logging nem-monitoring seba-2.0.0-alpha1 ponX_fwd |
| |
| remove-kube-milestones: |
| cd $(M); rm -f kubeadm helm-init |
| |
| remove-test-milestones: |
| cd $(M); rm -f qatests qatests-prereqs |
| |
| teardown-charts: remove-chart-milestones |
| helm delete --purge $(shell helm ls -q | grep -v -E "docker-registry|mavenrepo|ponnet|kafka") |
| $(WORKSPACE)/cord/helm-charts/scripts/wait_for_pods.sh |
| |
| reset-kubeadm: remove-chart-milestones remove-kube-milestones remove-test-milestones |
| cd $(M); rm -f kafka ponnet |
| sudo kubeadm reset -f || true |
| sudo iptables -F && sudo iptables -t nat -F && sudo iptables -t mangle -F && sudo iptables -X |
| sudo rm -f /var/lib/cni/networks/pon*/* || true |
| sudo rm -f /var/lib/cni/networks/nni*/* || true |
| sudo rm -f /var/lib/cni/networks/k8s-pod-network/* || true |
| for br in /sys/class/net/pon*; do sudo ip link delete `basename $$br` type bridge; done || true |
| for br in /sys/class/net/nni*; do sudo ip link delete `basename $$br` type bridge; done || true |