blob: 51985fe86355f19e330afd73b953ddbe300d0ce4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package sadis
import (
omcilib ""
func createMockDevices() (*devices.OltDevice, *devices.Onu) {
// create a ONU
onu := &devices.Onu{
ID: 1,
PonPortID: 1,
onu.SerialNumber = devices.NewSN(0, onu.PonPortID, onu.ID)
// create 2 UNIs for the ONU
unis := []devices.UniPortIf{
&devices.UniPort{ID: 0, Onu: onu, MeId: omcilib.GenerateUniPortEntityId(1)},
&devices.UniPort{ID: 1, Onu: onu, MeId: omcilib.GenerateUniPortEntityId(2)},
onu.UniPorts = unis
// create a service on each UNI
c_tag := 900
for i, u := range onu.UniPorts {
uni := u.(*devices.UniPort)
mac := net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, 0x01, byte(1), byte(1), byte(0), byte(i)}
uni.Services = []devices.ServiceIf{
&devices.Service{Name: "hsia", CTag: c_tag + i, STag: 900, NeedsEapol: true, NeedsDhcp: true, NeedsIgmp: true, HwAddress: mac, TechnologyProfileID: 64},
olt := &devices.OltDevice{
ID: 0,
Pons: []*devices.PonPort{
ID: 0,
NumOnu: 1,
Onus: []*devices.Onu{onu},
return olt, onu
func TestSadisServer_GetOnuEntryV2(t *testing.T) {
olt, onu := createMockDevices()
for _, u := range onu.UniPorts {
uni := u.(*devices.UniPort)
entry, err := GetOnuEntryV2(olt, onu, fmt.Sprintf("%d", uni.ID+1))
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", onu.Sn(), uni.ID+1), entry.ID)
// we only have one service, thus get a single entry in the UniTagList
assert.Equal(t, len(entry.UniTagList), 1)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].PonCTag, int(900+uni.ID))
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].PonSTag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].DownstreamBandwidthProfile, "User_Bandwidth2")
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].UpstreamBandwidthProfile, "User_Bandwidth1")
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].TechnologyProfileID, 64)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].IsDhcpRequired, true)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].IsIgmpRequired, true)
func TestSadisServer_ServeStaticConfig(t *testing.T) {
olt, onu := createMockDevices()
common.Config = &common.GlobalConfig{
Olt: common.OltConfig{
ID: olt.ID,
PonPorts: 1,
OnusPonPort: 1,
DeviceId: net.HardwareAddr{0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, byte(olt.ID)}.String(),
s := &SadisServer{
Olt: olt,
// Need to create a router that we can pass the request through so that the vars will be added to the context
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc(StaticConfigUrl, s.ServeStaticConfig)
// check that v2 returns the expected result
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v2/static", nil)
if err != nil {
router.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
if status := rr.Code; status != http.StatusOK {
t.Errorf("handler returned wrong status code: got %v want %v",
status, http.StatusOK)
cfg := SadisConfig{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(rr.Body.Bytes(), &cfg); err != nil {
assert.Equal(t, len(cfg.Sadis.Entries), 3) // 2 UNI and 1 OLT
// OLT
oltEntry := cfg.Sadis.Entries[0].(map[string]interface{})
assert.Equal(t, oltEntry["hardwareIdentifier"], common.Config.Olt.DeviceId)
// UNIs
for i, u := range onu.UniPorts {
uni := u.(*devices.UniPort)
uniEntry := cfg.Sadis.Entries[i+1].(map[string]interface{})
assert.Equal(t, uniEntry["id"], fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", onu.Sn(), uni.ID+1))
func TestSadisServer_GetOnuEntryV2_multi_service(t *testing.T) {
mac := net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, byte(1), byte(1), byte(1), byte(1), byte(2)}
hsia := devices.Service{Name: "hsia", HwAddress: net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, byte(1), byte(1), byte(1), byte(1), byte(1)},
CTag: 900, STag: 900, TechnologyProfileID: 64}
voip := devices.Service{Name: "voip", HwAddress: mac,
CTag: 901, STag: 900, TechnologyProfileID: 65}
vod := devices.Service{Name: "vod", HwAddress: net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, byte(1), byte(1), byte(1), byte(1), byte(3)},
CTag: 902, STag: 900, TechnologyProfileID: 66}
olt, onu := createMockDevices()
onu.UniPorts[0].(*devices.UniPort).Services = []devices.ServiceIf{&hsia, &voip, &vod}
uni := "1"
entry, err := GetOnuEntryV2(olt, onu, uni)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, entry.ID, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", onu.Sn(), uni))
assert.Equal(t, len(entry.UniTagList), 3)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].PonCTag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].PonSTag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[0].TechnologyProfileID, 64)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[1].PonCTag, 901)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[1].PonSTag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[1].TechnologyProfileID, 65)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[2].PonCTag, 902)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[2].PonSTag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, entry.UniTagList[2].TechnologyProfileID, 66)