blob: b7f8bf63037ce4c076e90db8d83bec2c4d020e0b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package common
import (
log ""
var tagAllocationValues = []string{
type TagAllocation int
func (t TagAllocation) String() string {
return tagAllocationValues[t]
func tagAllocationFromString(s string) (TagAllocation, error) {
for i, v := range tagAllocationValues {
if v == s {
return TagAllocation(i), nil
"ValidValues": strings.Join(tagAllocationValues[1:], ", "),
}).Errorf("%s-is-not-a-valid-tag-allocation", s)
return TagAllocation(0), errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s-is-not-a-valid-tag-allocation", s))
const (
_ TagAllocation = iota
var sadisFormatValues = []string{
type SadisFormat int
func (s SadisFormat) String() string {
return sadisFormatValues[s]
func sadisFormatFromString(s string) (SadisFormat, error) {
for i, v := range sadisFormatValues {
if v == s {
return SadisFormat(i), nil
"ValidValues": strings.Join(sadisFormatValues[1:], ", "),
}).Errorf("%s-is-not-a-valid-sadis-format", s)
return SadisFormat(0), errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s-is-not-a-valid-sadis-format", s))
const (
_ SadisFormat = iota
type BBRCliOptions struct {
BBSimIp string
BBSimPort string
BBSimApiPort string
LogFile string
type BBSimYamlConfig struct {
BBSim BBSimConfig
Olt OltConfig
type OltConfig struct {
Model string `yaml:"model"`
Vendor string `yaml:"vendor"`
HardwareVersion string `yaml:"hardware_version"`
FirmwareVersion string `yaml:"firmware_version"`
DeviceId string `yaml:"device_id"`
DeviceSerialNumber string `yaml:"device_serial_number"`
PonPorts uint32 `yaml:"pon_ports"`
NniPorts uint32 `yaml:"nni_ports"`
OnusPonPort uint32 `yaml:"onus_per_port"`
Technology string `yaml:"technology"`
ID int `yaml:"id"`
OltRebootDelay int `yaml:"reboot_delay"`
PortStatsInterval int `yaml: "port_stats_interval"`
type BBSimConfig struct {
EnableIgmp bool `yaml:"enable_igmp"`
EnableDhcp bool `yaml:"enable_dhcp"`
EnableAuth bool `yaml:"enable_auth"`
LogLevel string `yaml:"log_level"`
LogCaller bool `yaml:"log_caller"`
Delay int `yaml:"delay"`
CpuProfile *string `yaml:"cpu_profile"`
CTagAllocation TagAllocation `yaml:"c_tag_allocation"`
CTag int `yaml:"c_tag"`
STagAllocation TagAllocation `yaml:"s_tag_allocation"`
STag int `yaml:"s_tag"`
OpenOltAddress string `yaml:"openolt_address"`
ApiAddress string `yaml:"api_address"`
RestApiAddress string `yaml:"rest_api_address"`
LegacyApiAddress string `yaml:"legacy_api_address"`
LegacyRestApiAddress string `yaml:"legacy_rest_api_address"`
SadisRestAddress string `yaml:"sadis_rest_address"`
SadisServer bool `yaml:"sadis_server"`
SadisFormat SadisFormat `yaml:"sadis_format"`
KafkaAddress string `yaml:"kafka_address"`
Events bool `yaml:"enable_events"`
ControlledActivation string `yaml:"controlled_activation"`
EnablePerf bool `yaml:"enable_perf"`
KafkaEventTopic string `yaml:"kafka_event_topic`
type BBRConfig struct {
Log string `yaml:"log"`
LogLevel string `yaml:"log_level"`
LogCaller bool `yaml:"log_caller"`
var Options *BBSimYamlConfig
func init() {
// load settings from config file first
Options, _ = LoadBBSimConf("configs/bbsim.yaml")
func getDefaultOps() *BBSimYamlConfig {
c := &BBSimYamlConfig{
STagAllocation: TagAllocationShared,
STag: 900,
CTagAllocation: TagAllocationUnique,
CTag: 900,
EnableIgmp: false,
EnableDhcp: false,
EnableAuth: false,
LogLevel: "debug",
LogCaller: false,
Delay: 200,
OpenOltAddress: ":50060",
ApiAddress: ":50070",
RestApiAddress: ":50071",
LegacyApiAddress: ":50072",
LegacyRestApiAddress: ":50073",
SadisRestAddress: ":50074",
SadisServer: true,
SadisFormat: SadisFormatAtt,
KafkaAddress: ":9092",
Events: false,
ControlledActivation: "default",
EnablePerf: false,
KafkaEventTopic: "",
Vendor: "BBSim",
Model: "asfvolt16",
HardwareVersion: "emulated",
FirmwareVersion: "",
DeviceSerialNumber: "BBSM00000001",
PonPorts: 1,
NniPorts: 1,
OnusPonPort: 1,
Technology: "XGS-PON",
ID: 0,
OltRebootDelay: 10,
PortStatsInterval: 20,
LogLevel: "debug",
LogCaller: false,
return c
// LoadBBSimConf loads the BBSim configuration from a YAML file
func LoadBBSimConf(filename string) (*BBSimYamlConfig, error) {
yamlConfig := getDefaultOps()
yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot load BBSim configuration file: %s. Using defaults.\n", err)
return yamlConfig, nil
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, yamlConfig)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error parsing YAML file: %s\n", err)
// TODO convert from string to TagAllocation
return yamlConfig, nil
// GetBBSimOpts loads the BBSim configuration file and over-rides options with corresponding CLI flags if set
func GetBBSimOpts() *BBSimYamlConfig {
conf := Options
olt_id := flag.Int("olt_id", conf.Olt.ID, "OLT device ID")
nni := flag.Int("nni", int(conf.Olt.NniPorts), "Number of NNI ports per OLT device to be emulated")
pon := flag.Int("pon", int(conf.Olt.PonPorts), "Number of PON ports per OLT device to be emulated")
onu := flag.Int("onu", int(conf.Olt.OnusPonPort), "Number of ONU devices per PON port to be emulated")
openolt_address := flag.String("openolt_address", conf.BBSim.OpenOltAddress, "IP address:port")
api_address := flag.String("api_address", conf.BBSim.ApiAddress, "IP address:port")
rest_api_address := flag.String("rest_api_address", conf.BBSim.RestApiAddress, "IP address:port")
s_tag_allocation := flag.String("s_tag_allocation", conf.BBSim.STagAllocation.String(), "Use 'unique' for incremental values, 'shared' to use the same value in all the ONUs")
s_tag := flag.Int("s_tag", conf.BBSim.STag, "S-Tag initial value")
c_tag_allocation := flag.String("c_tag_allocation", conf.BBSim.CTagAllocation.String(), "Use 'unique' for incremental values, 'shared' to use the same value in all the ONUs")
c_tag := flag.Int("c_tag", conf.BBSim.CTag, "C-Tag starting value, each ONU will get a sequential one (targeting 1024 ONUs per BBSim instance the range is big enough)")
sadisFormat := flag.String("sadisFormat", conf.BBSim.SadisFormat.String(), fmt.Sprintf("Which format should sadis expose? [%s]", strings.Join(sadisFormatValues[1:], "|")))
auth := flag.Bool("auth", conf.BBSim.EnableAuth, "Set this flag if you want authentication to start automatically")
dhcp := flag.Bool("dhcp", conf.BBSim.EnableDhcp, "Set this flag if you want DHCP to start automatically")
igmp := flag.Bool("igmp", conf.BBSim.EnableIgmp, "Set this flag if you want IGMP to start automatically")
profileCpu := flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
logLevel := flag.String("logLevel", conf.BBSim.LogLevel, "Set the log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error)")
logCaller := flag.Bool("logCaller", conf.BBSim.LogCaller, "Whether to print the caller filename or not")
delay := flag.Int("delay", conf.BBSim.Delay, "The delay between ONU DISCOVERY batches in milliseconds (1 ONU per each PON PORT at a time")
controlledActivation := flag.String("ca", conf.BBSim.ControlledActivation, "Set the mode for controlled activation of PON ports and ONUs")
enablePerf := flag.Bool("enableperf", conf.BBSim.EnablePerf, "Setting this flag will cause BBSim to not store data like traffic schedulers, flows of ONUs etc..")
enableEvents := flag.Bool("enableEvents", conf.BBSim.Events, "Enable sending BBSim events on configured kafka server")
kafkaAddress := flag.String("kafkaAddress", conf.BBSim.KafkaAddress, "IP:Port for kafka")
kafkaEventTopic := flag.String("kafkaEventTopic", conf.BBSim.KafkaEventTopic, "Ability to configure the topic on which BBSim publishes events on Kafka")
sTagAlloc, err := tagAllocationFromString(*s_tag_allocation)
if err != nil {
cTagAlloc, err := tagAllocationFromString(*c_tag_allocation)
if err != nil {
sf, err := sadisFormatFromString(*sadisFormat)
if err != nil {
if sf == SadisFormatTt {
log.Fatalf("Sadis format %s is not yet supported", sf.String())
conf.Olt.ID = int(*olt_id)
conf.Olt.NniPorts = uint32(*nni)
conf.Olt.PonPorts = uint32(*pon)
conf.Olt.OnusPonPort = uint32(*onu)
conf.BBSim.STagAllocation = sTagAlloc
conf.BBSim.STag = int(*s_tag)
conf.BBSim.CTagAllocation = cTagAlloc
conf.BBSim.CTag = int(*c_tag)
conf.BBSim.CpuProfile = profileCpu
conf.BBSim.LogLevel = *logLevel
conf.BBSim.LogCaller = *logCaller
conf.BBSim.EnableAuth = *auth
conf.BBSim.EnableDhcp = *dhcp
conf.BBSim.EnableIgmp = *igmp
conf.BBSim.Delay = *delay
conf.BBSim.ControlledActivation = *controlledActivation
conf.BBSim.EnablePerf = *enablePerf
conf.BBSim.Events = *enableEvents
conf.BBSim.KafkaAddress = *kafkaAddress
conf.BBSim.OpenOltAddress = *openolt_address
conf.BBSim.ApiAddress = *api_address
conf.BBSim.RestApiAddress = *rest_api_address
conf.BBSim.SadisFormat = sf
conf.BBSim.KafkaEventTopic = *kafkaEventTopic
// update device id if not set
if conf.Olt.DeviceId == "" {
conf.Olt.DeviceId = net.HardwareAddr{0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, byte(conf.Olt.ID)}.String()
Options = conf
return conf
func GetBBROpts() BBRCliOptions {
bbsimIp := flag.String("bbsimIp", "", "BBSim IP")
bbsimPort := flag.String("bbsimPort", "50060", "BBSim Port")
bbsimApiPort := flag.String("bbsimApiPort", "50070", "BBSim API Port")
logFile := flag.String("logfile", "", "Log to a file")
options := GetBBSimOpts()
bbrOptions := BBRCliOptions{
return bbrOptions