Merge "[VOL-2778] Restart Auth and DHCP"
diff --git a/configs/dt-services.yaml b/configs/dt-services.yaml
index fd53fd9..3c3bcce 100644
--- a/configs/dt-services.yaml
+++ b/configs/dt-services.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 # Contains a description of the services that needs to be created for each UNI and the corresponding tagging scheme
-# ATT
-workflow: att
+# DT
+workflow: dt
 - name: hsia
   uni_tag_match: 4096
-  c_tag: 7
+  c_tag: 4096
   c_tag_allocation: shared
-  s_tag: 20
+  s_tag: 900
   s_tag_allocation: unique
   tp_id: 64
\ No newline at end of file