blob: 64450df42987db823d2bbd2e56e77bc27c69c2d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dmiserver
import (
dmi ""
guuid ""
const (
kafkaChannelSize = 100
func getUUID(seed string) string {
return guuid.NewMD5(guuid.Nil, []byte(seed)).String()
//StartManagingDevice establishes connection with the device and does checks to ascertain if the device with passed identity can be managed
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) StartManagingDevice(req *dmi.ModifiableComponent, stream dmi.NativeHWManagementService_StartManagingDeviceServer) error {
//Get serial number and generate the UUID based on this serial number. Store this UUID in local cache
logger.Debugf("StartManagingDevice() invoked with request %+v", req)
if req == nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "request is empty")
if req.Name == "" {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "'Name' can not be empty in the request")
olt := devices.GetOLT()
// Uri is the IP address
dms.ipAddress = req.GetUri().GetUri()
dms.deviceSerial = olt.SerialNumber
dms.deviceName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", common.Config.Olt.Vendor, dms.deviceSerial)
dms.uuid = getUUID(dms.deviceSerial)
dms.ponTransceiverUuids = make([]string, olt.NumPon)
dms.ponTransceiverCageUuids = make([]string, olt.NumPon)
// Start device metrics generator
dms.metricChannel = make(chan interface{}, kafkaChannelSize)
// Start device event generator
dms.eventChannel = make(chan interface{}, kafkaChannelSize)
var components []*dmi.Component
// Create and store the component for transceivers and transceiver cages
for i := 0; i < olt.NumPon; i++ {
label := fmt.Sprintf("pon-%d", olt.Pons[i].ID)
dms.ponTransceiverUuids[i] = getUUID(dms.deviceSerial + label)
dms.ponTransceiverCageUuids[i] = getUUID(dms.deviceSerial + "cage" + label)
transName := fmt.Sprintf("sfp-%d", i)
cageName := fmt.Sprintf("sfp-plus-transceiver-cage-pon-%d", i)
trans := dmi.Component{
Name: transName,
Description: "XGS-PON",
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.ponTransceiverUuids[i],
Parent: cageName,
cage := dmi.Component{
Name: cageName,
Class: dmi.ComponentType_COMPONENT_TYPE_CONTAINER,
Description: "cage",
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.ponTransceiverCageUuids[i],
Parent: dms.deviceName,
Children: []*dmi.Component{&trans},
components = append(components, &cage)
// create the fans
numFans := 2
fans := make([]*dmi.Component, numFans)
for i := 0; i < numFans; i++ {
fans[i] = createFanComponent(i + 1)
components = append(components, fans...)
// Create 1 disk, 1 processor, 1 ram, 1 temperature sensor and power supply unit
components = append(components, createDiskComponent(0))
components = append(components, createProcessorComponent(0))
components = append(components, createMemoryComponent(0))
components = append(components, createInnerSurroundingTempComponentSensor(0))
components = append(components, createPowerSupplyComponent(0))
// create the root component
dms.root = &dmi.Component{
Name: dms.deviceName,
Class: 0,
Description: "",
Parent: "",
ParentRelPos: 0,
Children: components,
SerialNum: dms.deviceSerial,
MfgName: common.Config.Olt.Vendor,
IsFru: false,
Uri: &dmi.Uri{
Uri: dms.ipAddress,
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.uuid,
State: &dmi.ComponentState{},
logger.Debugf("Generated UUID for the uri %s is %s", dms.ipAddress, dms.uuid)
response := &dmi.StartManagingDeviceResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
DeviceUuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.uuid,
err := stream.Send(response)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error while sending response to client %v", err.Error())
return status.Errorf(codes.Unknown, err.Error())
return nil
func createFanComponent(fanIdx int) *dmi.Component {
fanName := fmt.Sprintf("Thermal/Fans/System Fan/%d", fanIdx)
fanSerial := fmt.Sprintf("bbsim-fan-serial-%d", fanIdx)
return &dmi.Component{
Name: fanName,
Class: dmi.ComponentType_COMPONENT_TYPE_FAN,
Description: "bbsim-fan",
Parent: "",
ParentRelPos: 0,
SerialNum: fanSerial,
MfgName: "bbsim-fan",
IsFru: false,
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: getUUID(fanName),
State: &dmi.ComponentState{},
func createProcessorComponent(cpuIdx int) *dmi.Component {
cpuName := fmt.Sprintf("Systems/1/Processors/%d", cpuIdx)
cpuSerial := fmt.Sprintf("bbsim-cpu-serial-%d", cpuIdx)
return &dmi.Component{
Name: cpuName,
Class: dmi.ComponentType_COMPONENT_TYPE_CPU,
Description: "bbsim-cpu",
Parent: "",
ParentRelPos: 0,
SerialNum: cpuSerial,
MfgName: "bbsim-cpu",
IsFru: false,
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: getUUID(cpuName),
State: &dmi.ComponentState{},
func createMemoryComponent(memIdx int) *dmi.Component {
memName := fmt.Sprintf("Systems/1/Memory/%d", memIdx)
memSerial := fmt.Sprintf("bbsim-ram-serial-%d", memIdx)
return &dmi.Component{
Name: memName,
Class: dmi.ComponentType_COMPONENT_TYPE_MEMORY,
Description: "bbsim-ram",
Parent: "",
ParentRelPos: 0,
SerialNum: memSerial,
MfgName: "bbsim-ram",
IsFru: false,
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: getUUID(memName),
State: &dmi.ComponentState{},
func createDiskComponent(diskIdx int) *dmi.Component {
diskName := fmt.Sprintf("Systems/1/Disk/%d", diskIdx)
diskSerial := fmt.Sprintf("bbsim-disk-serial-%d", diskIdx)
return &dmi.Component{
Name: diskName,
Class: dmi.ComponentType_COMPONENT_TYPE_STORAGE,
Description: "bbsim-disk",
Parent: "",
ParentRelPos: 0,
SerialNum: diskSerial,
MfgName: "bbsim-disk",
IsFru: false,
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: getUUID(diskName),
State: &dmi.ComponentState{},
func createInnerSurroundingTempComponentSensor(sensorIdx int) *dmi.Component {
sensorName := fmt.Sprintf("Systems/1/Sensor/%d", sensorIdx)
sensorSerial := fmt.Sprintf("bbsim-sensor-istemp-serial-%d", sensorIdx)
return &dmi.Component{
Name: sensorName,
Class: dmi.ComponentType_COMPONENT_TYPE_SENSOR,
Description: "bbsim-istemp",
Parent: "",
ParentRelPos: 0,
SerialNum: sensorSerial,
MfgName: "bbsim-istemp",
IsFru: false,
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: getUUID(sensorName),
State: &dmi.ComponentState{},
func createPowerSupplyComponent(psuIdx int) *dmi.Component {
psuName := fmt.Sprintf("Thermal/PSU/SystemPSU/%d", psuIdx)
psuSerial := fmt.Sprintf("bbsim-psu-serial-%d", psuIdx)
return &dmi.Component{
Name: psuName,
Description: "bbsim-psu",
Parent: "",
ParentRelPos: 0,
SerialNum: psuSerial,
MfgName: "bbsim-psu",
IsFru: false,
Uuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: getUUID(psuName),
State: &dmi.ComponentState{},
//StopManagingDevice stops management of a device and cleans up any context and caches for that device
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) StopManagingDevice(ctx context.Context, req *dmi.StopManagingDeviceRequest) (*dmi.StopManagingDeviceResponse, error) {
logger.Debugf("StopManagingDevice API invoked")
if req == nil {
return &dmi.StopManagingDeviceResponse{Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, Reason: dmi.StopManagingDeviceResponse_UNDEFINED_REASON}, status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "request is empty")
if req.Name == "" {
return &dmi.StopManagingDeviceResponse{Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, Reason: dmi.StopManagingDeviceResponse_UNKNOWN_DEVICE},
status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "'Name' can not be empty in the request")
// Stop the components/go routines created
if dms.mPublisherCancelFunc != nil {
dms.deviceName = ""
dms.kafkaEndpoint = ""
dms.ipAddress = ""
dms.deviceSerial = ""
dms.ponTransceiverUuids = nil
dms.ponTransceiverCageUuids = nil
dms.uuid = ""
dms.root = nil
dms.metricChannel = nil
logger.Infof("Stopped managing the device")
return &dmi.StopManagingDeviceResponse{Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS}, nil
//GetPhysicalInventory gets the HW inventory details of the Device
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) GetPhysicalInventory(req *dmi.PhysicalInventoryRequest, stream dmi.NativeHWManagementService_GetPhysicalInventoryServer) error {
if req == nil || req.DeviceUuid == nil || req.DeviceUuid.Uuid == "" {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "device-UUID missing in the request")
// Function to send the response back on the stream
sendResponseBackOnStream := func(stream dmi.NativeHWManagementService_GetPhysicalInventoryServer, msg *dmi.PhysicalInventoryResponse) error {
err := stream.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error sending response to client, error: %v", err)
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "Error sending response to client "+err.Error())
return nil
if req.DeviceUuid.Uuid != dms.uuid {
logger.Errorf("Requested uuid =%s, uuid of existing device = %s", req.DeviceUuid.Uuid, dms.uuid)
// Wrong uuid, return error
errResponse := &dmi.PhysicalInventoryResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS,
Reason: dmi.PhysicalInventoryResponse_UNKNOWN_DEVICE,
Inventory: &dmi.Hardware{},
return sendResponseBackOnStream(stream, errResponse)
response := &dmi.PhysicalInventoryResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
Inventory: &dmi.Hardware{
LastChange: &timestamp.Timestamp{
Seconds: 0,
Nanos: 0,
Root: dms.root,
return sendResponseBackOnStream(stream, response)
//Contains tells whether arr contains element.
func Contains(arr []string, element string) bool {
for _, item := range arr {
if element == item {
return true
return false
func findComponent(l []*dmi.Component, compUUID string) *dmi.Component {
var foundComp *dmi.Component
for _, comp := range l {
logger.Debugf("findComponent slice comp = %v compUUID = %s", comp, compUUID)
if comp.Uuid.Uuid == compUUID {
return comp
foundComp = findComponent(comp.GetChildren(), compUUID)
if foundComp != nil {
return foundComp
return nil
func findComponentsOfType(l []*dmi.Component, compType dmi.ComponentType) []*dmi.Component {
var comps []*dmi.Component
findComponents(l, compType, &comps)
return comps
func findComponents(l []*dmi.Component, compType dmi.ComponentType, collector *[]*dmi.Component) {
for _, comp := range l {
if comp.Class == compType {
*collector = append(*collector, comp)
//logger.Debugf("Added collector = %v", *collector)
findComponents(comp.GetChildren(), compType, collector)
func sendGetHWComponentResponse(c *dmi.Component, stream dmi.NativeHWManagementService_GetHWComponentInfoServer) error {
apiStatus := dmi.Status_OK_STATUS
reason := dmi.HWComponentInfoGetResponse_UNDEFINED_REASON
if c == nil {
apiStatus = dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS
reason = dmi.HWComponentInfoGetResponse_UNKNOWN_DEVICE
response := &dmi.HWComponentInfoGetResponse{
Status: apiStatus,
Reason: reason,
Component: c,
err := stream.Send(response)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error sending response to client, error: %v", err)
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "Error sending response to client "+err.Error())
return nil
//GetHWComponentInfo gets the details of a particular HW component
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) GetHWComponentInfo(req *dmi.HWComponentInfoGetRequest, stream dmi.NativeHWManagementService_GetHWComponentInfoServer) error {
logger.Debugf("GetHWComponentInfo() invoked with request %+v", req)
if req == nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "can not entertain nil request")
if stream == nil {
logger.Errorf("stream to send is nil, not sending response from gRPC server ")
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "stream to send is nil, can not send response from gRPC server")
//if component list is empty, return error
if dms.root == nil {
logger.Errorf("Error occurred, device is not managed")
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "Error occurred, device is not managed, please start managing device")
// Search for the component and return it
c := findComponent(dms.root.Children, req.ComponentUuid.Uuid)
return sendGetHWComponentResponse(c, stream)
//SetHWComponentInfo sets the permissible attributes of a HW component
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) SetHWComponentInfo(context.Context, *dmi.HWComponentInfoSetRequest) (*dmi.HWComponentInfoSetResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "rpc SetHWComponentInfo not implemented")
//SetLoggingEndpoint sets the location to which logs need to be shipped
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) SetLoggingEndpoint(_ context.Context, request *dmi.SetLoggingEndpointRequest) (*dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse, error) {
logger.Debugf("SetLoggingEndpoint called with request %+v", request)
errRetFunc := func(stat dmi.Status, reason dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_Reason) (*dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse, error) {
return &dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse{
Status: stat,
Reason: reason,
}, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid request")
//check the validity of the request
if request == nil {
return errRetFunc(dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_UNKNOWN_DEVICE)
if request.LoggingEndpoint == "" {
return errRetFunc(dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_LOGGING_ENDPOINT_ERROR)
if request.LoggingProtocol == "" {
return errRetFunc(dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_LOGGING_ENDPOINT_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
if request.DeviceUuid == nil || request.DeviceUuid.Uuid != dms.uuid {
return errRetFunc(dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_UNKNOWN_DEVICE)
dms.loggingEndpoint = request.LoggingEndpoint
dms.loggingProtocol = request.LoggingProtocol
return &dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
}, nil
//GetLoggingEndpoint gets the configured location to which the logs are being shipped
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) GetLoggingEndpoint(_ context.Context, request *dmi.HardwareID) (*dmi.GetLoggingEndpointResponse, error) {
logger.Debugf("GetLoggingEndpoint called with request %+v", request)
if request == nil || request.Uuid == nil || request.Uuid.Uuid == "" {
return &dmi.GetLoggingEndpointResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS,
Reason: dmi.GetLoggingEndpointResponse_UNKNOWN_DEVICE,
}, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid request")
if request.Uuid.Uuid != dms.uuid {
return &dmi.GetLoggingEndpointResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS,
Reason: dmi.GetLoggingEndpointResponse_UNKNOWN_DEVICE,
}, nil
return &dmi.GetLoggingEndpointResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
LoggingEndpoint: dms.loggingEndpoint,
LoggingProtocol: dms.loggingProtocol,
}, nil
//SetMsgBusEndpoint sets the location of the Message Bus to which events and metrics are shipped
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) SetMsgBusEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request *dmi.SetMsgBusEndpointRequest) (*dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse, error) {
logger.Debugf("SetMsgBusEndpoint() invoked with request: %+v and context: %v", request, ctx)
if request == nil || request.MsgbusEndpoint == "" {
return &dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse{Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, Reason: dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_MSGBUS_ENDPOINT_ERROR},
status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "request is nil")
olt := devices.GetOLT()
dms.kafkaEndpoint = request.MsgbusEndpoint
// close the old publisher
if dms.mPublisherCancelFunc != nil {
// initialize a new publisher
var nCtx context.Context
nCtx, dms.mPublisherCancelFunc = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// initialize a publisher
if err := InitializeDMKafkaPublishers(sarama.NewAsyncProducer, olt.ID, dms.kafkaEndpoint); err == nil {
// start a go routine which will read from channel and publish on kafka topic dm.metrics
go DMKafkaPublisher(nCtx, dms.metricChannel, "dm.metrics")
// start a go routine which will read from channel and publish on kafka topic
go DMKafkaPublisher(nCtx, dms.eventChannel, "")
} else {
logger.Errorf("Failed to start metric kafka publisher: %v", err)
return &dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse{Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS, Reason: dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_MSGBUS_ENDPOINT_ERROR}, err
return &dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse{Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS, Reason: dmi.SetRemoteEndpointResponse_UNDEFINED_REASON}, nil
//GetMsgBusEndpoint gets the configured location to which the events and metrics are being shipped
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) GetMsgBusEndpoint(context.Context, *empty.Empty) (*dmi.GetMsgBusEndpointResponse, error) {
logger.Debugf("GetMsgBusEndpoint() invoked")
if dms.kafkaEndpoint != "" {
return &dmi.GetMsgBusEndpointResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
Reason: dmi.GetMsgBusEndpointResponse_UNDEFINED_REASON,
MsgbusEndpoint: dms.kafkaEndpoint,
}, nil
return &dmi.GetMsgBusEndpointResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_ERROR_STATUS,
Reason: dmi.GetMsgBusEndpointResponse_INTERNAL_ERROR,
MsgbusEndpoint: "",
}, nil
//GetManagedDevices returns an object containing a list of devices managed by this entity
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) GetManagedDevices(context.Context, *empty.Empty) (*dmi.ManagedDevicesResponse, error) {
retResponse := dmi.ManagedDevicesResponse{}
//If our uuid is empty, we return empty list; else we fill details and return
if dms.uuid != "" {
root := dmi.ManagedDeviceInfo{
Info: &dmi.ModifiableComponent{
Name: dms.deviceName,
Uri: &dmi.Uri{
Uri: dms.ipAddress,
DeviceUuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.uuid,
retResponse.Devices = append(retResponse.Devices, &root)
return &retResponse, nil
//GetLogLevel Gets the configured log level for a certain entity on a certain device.
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) GetLogLevel(context.Context, *dmi.GetLogLevelRequest) (*dmi.GetLogLevelResponse, error) {
return &dmi.GetLogLevelResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
DeviceUuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.uuid,
LogLevels: []*dmi.EntitiesLogLevel{},
}, nil
// SetLogLevel Sets the log level of the device, for each given entity to a certain level.
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) SetLogLevel(context.Context, *dmi.SetLogLevelRequest) (*dmi.SetLogLevelResponse, error) {
return &dmi.SetLogLevelResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
DeviceUuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.uuid,
}, nil
// GetLoggableEntities Gets the entities of a device on which log can be configured.
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) GetLoggableEntities(context.Context, *dmi.GetLoggableEntitiesRequest) (*dmi.GetLogLevelResponse, error) {
return &dmi.GetLogLevelResponse{
Status: dmi.Status_OK_STATUS,
DeviceUuid: &dmi.Uuid{
Uuid: dms.uuid,
LogLevels: []*dmi.EntitiesLogLevel{},
}, nil
// Performs the heartbeat check
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) HeartbeatCheck(context.Context, *empty.Empty) (*dmi.Heartbeat, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "rpc HeartbeatCheck not implemented")
// Performs the reboot of the device
func (dms *DmiAPIServer) RebootDevice(context.Context, *dmi.RebootDeviceRequest) (*dmi.RebootDeviceResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "rpc RebootDevice not implemented")