blob: 9df3ca6764dd46cce5ad1aff1e8ba19c416fc563 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _ONU State Machine:
ONU State Machine
In ``BBSim`` the device state is createdtained using a state machine
library: `fsm <>`__.
Here is a list of possible state transitions in BBSim:
| Transition | Starting States | End State | Notes |
| | | created | |
| discover | created | discovered | |
| enable | discovered, disabled | enabled | |
| receive_eapol_flow | enabled, gem_port_added | eapol_flow_received | |
| add_gem_port | enabled, eapol_flow_received | gem_port_added | We need to wait for both the flow and the gem port to come before moving to ``auth_started`` |
| start_auth | eapol_flow_received, gem_port_added | auth_started | |
| eap_start_sent | auth_started | eap_start_sent | |
| eap_response_identity_sent | eap_start_sent | eap_response_identity_sent | |
| eap_response_challenge_sent | eap_response_identity_sent | eap_response_challenge_sent | |
| eap_response_success_received | eap_response_challenge_sent | eap_response_success_received | |
| auth_failed | auth_started, eap_start_sent, eap_response_identity_sent, eap_response_challenge_sent | auth_failed | |
| start_dhcp | eap_response_success_received | dhcp_started | |
| dhcp_discovery_sent | dhcp_started | dhcp_discovery_sent | |
| dhcp_request_sent | dhcp_discovery_sent | dhcp_request_sent | |
| dhcp_ack_received | dhcp_request_sent | dhcp_ack_received | |
| dhcp_failed | dhcp_started, dhcp_discovery_sent, dhcp_request_sent | dhcp_failed | |
In addition some transition can be forced via the API:
| End StateTransition | Starting States | End State | Notes |
| disable | eap_response_success_received, auth_failed, dhcp_ack_received, dhcp_failed | disabled | Emulates a devide mulfunction. Sends a ``DyingGaspInd`` and then an ``OnuIndication{OperState: 'down'}``|
Below is a diagram of the state machine:
- In blue PON related states
- In green EAPOL related states
- In yellow DHCP related states
- In purple operator driven states
TODO Evaluate
.. graphviz::
digraph {
graph [pad="1,1" bgcolor="#cccccc"]
node [style=filled]
created [fillcolor="#bee7fa"]
discovered [fillcolor="#bee7fa"]
enabled [fillcolor="#bee7fa"]
disabled [fillcolor="#f9d6ff"]
gem_port_added [fillcolor="#bee7fa"]
eapol_flow_received [fillcolor="#e6ffc2"]
auth_started [fillcolor="#e6ffc2"]
eap_start_sent [fillcolor="#e6ffc2"]
eap_response_identity_sent [fillcolor="#e6ffc2"]
eap_response_challenge_sent [fillcolor="#e6ffc2"]
eap_response_success_received [fillcolor="#e6ffc2"]
auth_failed [fillcolor="#e6ffc2"]
dhcp_started [fillcolor="#fffacc"]
dhcp_discovery_sent [fillcolor="#fffacc"]
dhcp_request_sent [fillcolor="#fffacc"]
dhcp_ack_received [fillcolor="#fffacc"]
dhcp_failed [fillcolor="#fffacc"]
created -> discovered -> enabled
enabled -> gem_port_added -> eapol_flow_received -> auth_started
enabled -> eapol_flow_received -> gem_port_added -> auth_started
auth_started -> eap_start_sent -> eap_response_identity_sent -> eap_response_challenge_sent -> eap_response_success_received
auth_started -> auth_failed
eap_start_sent -> auth_failed
eap_response_identity_sent -> auth_failed
eap_response_challenge_sent -> auth_failed
eap_response_success_received -> dhcp_started
dhcp_started -> dhcp_discovery_sent -> dhcp_request_sent -> dhcp_ack_received
dhcp_started -> dhcp_failed
dhcp_discovery_sent -> dhcp_failed
dhcp_request_sent -> dhcp_failed
dhcp_ack_received dhcp_failed
eap_response_success_received -> disabled
auth_failed -> disabled
dhcp_ack_received -> disabled
dhcp_failed -> disabled
disabled -> enabled