blob: a1185e32b41c0fb8eea3a548662d1a2e9eaedf07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
pipeline {
/* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
agent {
label "${params.buildNode}"
stages {
stage('Download BBR') {
steps {
sh """
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*bbr-linux-amd" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \\" | wget -qi -
mv bbr-linux-amd64 bbr
chmod a+x bbr
stage('Download BBSim') {
steps {
sh """
docker pull voltha/bbsim:master
stage('64 ONUs (16 ONU x 4 PONs)') {
steps {
sh """
docker rm -f bbsim || true
timeout(1) {
sh """
DOCKER_REPOSITORY=voltha/ DOCKER_TAG=master DOCKER_RUN_ARGS="-logLevel warn -enableperf -pon 4 -onu 16" make docker-run
sleep 5
./bbr -pon 4 -onu 16 -logfile bbr_16_4.logs
docker logs bbsim 2>&1 | tee bbsim_16_4.logs
res=\$(cat bbr_16_4.logs | grep Duration | awk '{print \$5}' ); printf "Runtime\n\${res:9:10}" > bbr_16_4.txt
stage('128 ONUs (32 ONU x 4 PONs)') {
steps {
sh """
docker rm -f bbsim || true
timeout(1) {
sh """
DOCKER_REPOSITORY=voltha/ DOCKER_TAG=master DOCKER_RUN_ARGS="-logLevel warn -enableperf -pon 4 -onu 32" make docker-run
sleep 5
./bbr -pon 4 -onu 32 -logfile bbr_32_4.logs
docker logs bbsim 2>&1 | tee bbsim_32_4.logs
res=\$(cat bbr_32_4.logs | grep Duration | awk '{print \$5}' ); printf "Runtime\n\${res:9:10}" > bbr_32_4.txt
stage('256 ONUs (32 ONU x 8 PONs)') {
steps {
sh """
docker rm -f bbsim || true
timeout(1) {
sh """
DOCKER_REPOSITORY=voltha/ DOCKER_TAG=master DOCKER_RUN_ARGS="-logLevel warn -enableperf -pon 8 -onu 32" make docker-run
sleep 5
./bbr -pon 8 -onu 32 -logfile bbr_32_8.logs
docker logs bbsim 2>&1 | tee bbsim_32_8.logs
res=\$(cat bbr_32_8.logs | grep Duration | awk '{print \$5}' ); printf "Runtime\n\${res:9:10}" > bbr_32_8.txt
stage('512 ONUs (64 ONU x 8 PONs)') {
steps {
sh """
docker rm -f bbsim || true
timeout(1) {
sh """
DOCKER_REPOSITORY=voltha/ DOCKER_TAG=master DOCKER_RUN_ARGS="-logLevel warn -enableperf -pon 8 -onu 64" make docker-run
sleep 5
./bbr -pon 8 -onu 64 -logfile bbr_64_8.logs
docker logs bbsim 2>&1 | tee bbsim_64_8.logs
res=\$(cat bbr_64_8.logs | grep Duration | awk '{print \$5}' ); printf "Runtime\n\${res:9:10}" > bbr_64_8.txt
stage('960 ONUs (64 ONU x 15 PONs)') {
steps {
sh """
docker rm -f bbsim || true
timeout(1) {
sh """
DOCKER_REPOSITORY=voltha/ DOCKER_TAG=master DOCKER_RUN_ARGS="-logLevel warn -enableperf -pon 15 -onu 64" make docker-run
sleep 5
./bbr -pon 15 -onu 64 -logfile bbr_64_15.logs
docker logs bbsim 2>&1 | tee bbsim_64_15.logs
res=\$(cat bbr_64_15.logs | grep Duration | awk '{print \$5}' ); printf "Runtime\n\${res:9:10}" > bbr_64_15.txt
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.logs'
// step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: "", sendToIndividuals: false])
success {
csvFileName: 'plot-bbr_16_4.csv',
csvSeries: [[file: 'bbr_16_4.txt']],
group: 'BBSim',
title: '64 ONUs (16 ONUs x 4 PONs)',
style: 'line'
csvFileName: 'plot-bbr_32_4.csv',
csvSeries: [[file: 'bbr_32_4.txt']],
group: 'BBSim',
title: '128 ONUs (32 ONUs x 4 PONs)',
style: 'line'
csvFileName: 'plot-bbr_32_8.csv',
csvSeries: [[file: 'bbr_32_8.txt']],
group: 'BBSim',
title: '256 ONUs (32 ONUs x 8 PONs)',
style: 'line'
csvFileName: 'plot-bbr_64_8.csv',
csvSeries: [[file: 'bbr_64_8.txt']],
group: 'BBSim',
title: '512 ONUs (64 ONUs x 8 PONs)',
style: 'line'
csvFileName: 'plot-bbr_64_15.csv',
csvSeries: [[file: 'bbr_64_15.txt']],
group: 'BBSim',
title: '960 ONUs (64 ONUs x 15 PONs)',
style: 'line'
failure {
sh '''
docker logs bbsim 2>&1 | tee bbsim_failed.logs
docker cp bbsim:/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases dhcpd_leases_failed.logs || true
docker exec bbsim bbsimctl onu list > onu_list.logs || true
// [EOF]