blob: c0e7d3bd1a543f70ef41bc3a5c7d4c2a009ae605 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package devices
import (
bbsim ""
omcisim ""
log ""
var oltLogger = log.WithFields(log.Fields{
"module": "OLT",
type OltDevice struct {
// BBSIM Internals
ID int
SerialNumber string
NumNni int
NumPon int
NumOnuPerPon int
InternalState *fsm.FSM
channel chan Message
nniPktInChannel chan *bbsim.PacketMsg // packets coming in from the NNI and going to VOLTHA
nniHandle *pcap.Handle // handle on the NNI interface, close it when shutting down the NNI channel
Flows map[FlowKey]openolt.Flow
Delay int
ControlledActivation mode
EventChannel chan common.Event
PublishEvents bool
PortStatsInterval int
Pons []*PonPort
Nnis []*NniPort
// OLT Attributes
OperState *fsm.FSM
enableContext context.Context
enableContextCancel context.CancelFunc
OpenoltStream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer
enablePerf bool
var olt OltDevice
var oltServer *grpc.Server
func GetOLT() *OltDevice {
return &olt
func CreateOLT(options common.GlobalConfig, services []common.ServiceYaml, isMock bool) *OltDevice {
"ID": options.Olt.ID,
"NumNni": options.Olt.NniPorts,
"NumPon": options.Olt.PonPorts,
"NumOnuPerPon": options.Olt.OnusPonPort,
olt = OltDevice{
ID: options.Olt.ID,
SerialNumber: fmt.Sprintf("BBSIM_OLT_%d", options.Olt.ID),
OperState: getOperStateFSM(func(e *fsm.Event) {
oltLogger.Debugf("Changing OLT OperState from %s to %s", e.Src, e.Dst)
NumNni: int(options.Olt.NniPorts),
NumPon: int(options.Olt.PonPorts),
NumOnuPerPon: int(options.Olt.OnusPonPort),
Pons: []*PonPort{},
Nnis: []*NniPort{},
Delay: options.BBSim.Delay,
Flows: make(map[FlowKey]openolt.Flow),
enablePerf: options.BBSim.EnablePerf,
PublishEvents: options.BBSim.Events,
PortStatsInterval: options.Olt.PortStatsInterval,
if val, ok := ControlledActivationModes[options.BBSim.ControlledActivation]; ok {
olt.ControlledActivation = val
} else {
oltLogger.Warn("Unknown ControlledActivation Mode given, running in Default mode")
olt.ControlledActivation = Default
// OLT State machine
// NOTE do we need 2 state machines for the OLT? (InternalState and OperState)
olt.InternalState = fsm.NewFSM(
{Name: "initialize", Src: []string{"created", "deleted"}, Dst: "initialized"},
{Name: "enable", Src: []string{"initialized", "disabled"}, Dst: "enabled"},
{Name: "disable", Src: []string{"enabled"}, Dst: "disabled"},
// delete event in enabled state below is for reboot OLT case.
{Name: "delete", Src: []string{"disabled", "enabled"}, Dst: "deleted"},
"enter_state": func(e *fsm.Event) {
oltLogger.Debugf("Changing OLT InternalState from %s to %s", e.Src, e.Dst)
"enter_initialized": func(e *fsm.Event) { olt.InitOlt() },
if !isMock {
// create NNI Port
nniPort, err := CreateNNI(&olt)
if err != nil {
oltLogger.Fatalf("Couldn't create NNI Port: %v", err)
olt.Nnis = append(olt.Nnis, &nniPort)
// Create device and Services
nextCtag := map[string]int{}
nextStag := map[string]int{}
// create PON ports
for i := 0; i < olt.NumPon; i++ {
p := CreatePonPort(&olt, uint32(i))
// create ONU devices
for j := 0; j < olt.NumOnuPerPon; j++ {
delay := time.Duration(olt.Delay*j) * time.Millisecond
o := CreateONU(&olt, p, uint32(j+1), delay, isMock)
for k, s := range common.Services {
// find the correct cTag for this service
if _, ok := nextCtag[s.Name]; !ok {
// it's the first time we iterate over this service,
// so we start from the config value
nextCtag[s.Name] = s.CTag
} else {
// we have a previous value, so we check it
// if Allocation is unique, we increment,
// otherwise (shared) we do nothing
if s.CTagAllocation == common.TagAllocationUnique.String() {
nextCtag[s.Name] = nextCtag[s.Name] + 1
// find the correct sTag for this service
if _, ok := nextStag[s.Name]; !ok {
nextStag[s.Name] = s.STag
} else {
if s.STagAllocation == common.TagAllocationUnique.String() {
nextStag[s.Name] = nextStag[s.Name] + 1
mac := net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, 0x60, byte(olt.ID), byte(p.ID), byte(o.ID), byte(k)}
service, err := NewService(s.Name, mac, o, nextCtag[s.Name], nextStag[s.Name],
s.NeedsEapol, s.NeedsDchp, s.NeedsIgmp, s.TechnologyProfileID, s.UniTagMatch,
s.ConfigureMacAddress, s.UsPonCTagPriority, s.UsPonSTagPriority, s.DsPonCTagPriority, s.DsPonSTagPriority)
if err != nil {
"Err": err.Error(),
}).Fatal("Can't create Service")
o.Services = append(o.Services, service)
p.Onus = append(p.Onus, o)
olt.Pons = append(olt.Pons, p)
if !isMock {
if err := olt.InternalState.Event("initialize"); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error initializing OLT: %v", err)
return nil
if olt.PublishEvents {
log.Debugf("BBSim event publishing is enabled")
// Create a channel to write event messages
olt.EventChannel = make(chan common.Event, 100)
return &olt
func (o *OltDevice) InitOlt() {
if oltServer == nil {
oltServer, _ = o.newOltServer()
} else {
// FIXME there should never be a server running if we are initializing the OLT
oltLogger.Fatal("OLT server already running.")
// create new channel for processOltMessages Go routine = make(chan Message)
o.nniPktInChannel = make(chan *bbsim.PacketMsg, 1024)
// FIXME we are assuming we have only one NNI
if o.Nnis[0] != nil {
// NOTE we want to make sure the state is down when we initialize the OLT,
// the NNI may be in a bad state after a disable/reboot as we are not disabling it for
// in-band management
ch, handle, err := o.Nnis[0].NewVethChan()
if err == nil {
"Type": o.Nnis[0].Type,
"IntfId": o.Nnis[0].ID,
"OperState": o.Nnis[0].OperState.Current(),
}).Info("NNI Channel created")
o.nniPktInChannel = ch
o.nniHandle = handle
} else {
oltLogger.Errorf("Error getting NNI channel: %v", err)
func (o *OltDevice) RestartOLT() error {
softReboot := false
rebootDelay := common.Config.Olt.OltRebootDelay
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Infof("Simulating OLT restart... (%ds)", rebootDelay)
if o.InternalState.Is("enabled") {
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Info("This is an OLT soft reboot")
softReboot = true
// transition internal state to deleted
if err := o.InternalState.Event("delete"); err != nil {
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Errorf("Error deleting OLT: %v", err)
return err
// TODO handle hard poweroff (i.e. no indications sent to Voltha) vs soft poweroff
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // we need to give the OLT the time to respond to all the pending gRPC request before stopping the server
if err := o.StopOltServer(); err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Error in stopping OLT server")
return err
if softReboot {
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
if pon.InternalState.Current() == "enabled" {
// disable PONs
msg := Message{
Type: PonIndication,
Data: PonIndicationMessage{
OperState: DOWN,
PonPortID: pon.ID,
} <- msg
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
_ = onu.InternalState.Event("disable")
} else {
// PONs are already handled in the Disable call
for _, pon := range olt.Pons {
// ONUs are not automatically disabled when a PON goes down
// as it's possible that it's an admin down and in that case the ONUs need to keep their state
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
_ = onu.InternalState.Event("disable")
// terminate the OLT's processOltMessages go routine
// terminate the OLT's processNniPacketIns go routine
go o.nniHandle.Close()
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rebootDelay) * time.Second)
if err := o.InternalState.Event("initialize"); err != nil {
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Errorf("Error initializing OLT: %v", err)
return err
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Info("OLT restart completed")
return nil
// newOltServer launches a new grpc server for OpenOLT
func (o *OltDevice) newOltServer() (*grpc.Server, error) {
address := common.Config.BBSim.OpenOltAddress
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
if err != nil {
oltLogger.Fatalf("OLT failed to listen: %v", err)
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
openolt.RegisterOpenoltServer(grpcServer, o)
go func() { _ = grpcServer.Serve(lis) }()
oltLogger.Debugf("OLT listening on %v", address)
return grpcServer, nil
// StopOltServer stops the OpenOLT grpc server
func (o *OltDevice) StopOltServer() error {
// TODO handle poweroff vs graceful shutdown
if oltServer != nil {
"oltId": o.SerialNumber,
}).Warnf("Stopping OLT gRPC server")
oltServer = nil
return nil
// Device Methods
// Enable implements the OpenOLT EnableIndicationServer functionality
func (o *OltDevice) Enable(stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) {
oltLogger.Debug("Enable OLT called")
rebootFlag := false
// If enabled has already been called then an enabled context has
// been created. If this is the case then we want to cancel all the
// proessing loops associated with that enable before we recreate
// new ones
if o.enableContext != nil && o.enableContextCancel != nil {
oltLogger.Info("This is an OLT reboot")
rebootFlag = true
o.enableContext, o.enableContextCancel = context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
o.OpenoltStream = stream
// create Go routine to process all OLT events
go o.processOltMessages(o.enableContext, stream, &wg)
go o.processNniPacketIns(o.enableContext, stream, &wg)
// enable the OLT
oltMsg := Message{
Type: OltIndication,
Data: OltIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
} <- oltMsg
// send NNI Port Indications
for _, nni := range o.Nnis {
msg := Message{
Type: NniIndication,
Data: NniIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
NniPortID: nni.ID,
} <- msg
go o.processOmciMessages(o.enableContext, stream, &wg)
if rebootFlag {
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
if pon.InternalState.Current() == "disabled" {
msg := Message{
Type: PonIndication,
Data: PonIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
PonPortID: pon.ID,
} <- msg
} else {
// 1. controlledActivation == Default: Send both PON and ONUs indications
// 2. controlledActivation == only-onu: that means only ONUs will be controlled activated, so auto send PON indications
if o.ControlledActivation == Default || o.ControlledActivation == OnlyONU {
// send PON Port indications
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
msg := Message{
Type: PonIndication,
Data: PonIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
PonPortID: pon.ID,
} <- msg
oltLogger.Debug("Enable OLT Done")
if !o.enablePerf {
// Start a go routine to send periodic port stats to openolt adapter
go o.periodicPortStats(o.enableContext)
func (o *OltDevice) processOmciMessages(ctx context.Context, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
ch := omcisim.GetChannel()
oltLogger.Debug("Starting OMCI Indication Channel")
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
oltLogger.Debug("OMCI processing canceled via context")
break loop
case message, ok := <-ch:
if !ok || ctx.Err() != nil {
oltLogger.Debug("OMCI processing canceled via channel close")
break loop
"messageType": message.Type,
"OnuId": message.Data.OnuId,
"IntfId": message.Data.IntfId,
}).Debug("Received message on OMCI Sim channel")
onuId := message.Data.OnuId
intfId := message.Data.IntfId
onu, err := o.FindOnuById(intfId, onuId)
if err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Failed to find onu: %v", err)
go onu.processOmciMessage(message, stream)
func (o *OltDevice) periodicPortStats(ctx context.Context) {
var portStats *openolt.PortStatistics
for {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Duration(o.PortStatsInterval) * time.Second):
// send NNI port stats
for _, port := range o.Nnis {
incrementStat := true
if port.OperState.Current() == "down" {
incrementStat = false
portStats, port.PacketCount = getPortStats(port.PacketCount, incrementStat)
o.sendPortStatsIndication(portStats, port.ID, port.Type)
// send PON port stats
for _, port := range o.Pons {
incrementStat := true
// do not increment port stats if PON port is down or no ONU is activated on PON port
if port.OperState.Current() == "down" || port.GetNumOfActiveOnus() < 1 {
incrementStat = false
portStats, port.PacketCount = getPortStats(port.PacketCount, incrementStat)
o.sendPortStatsIndication(portStats, port.ID, port.Type)
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Debug("Stop sending port stats")
// Helpers method
func (o *OltDevice) GetPonById(id uint32) (*PonPort, error) {
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
if pon.ID == id {
return pon, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find PonPort with id %d in OLT %d", id, o.ID)
func (o *OltDevice) getNniById(id uint32) (*NniPort, error) {
for _, nni := range o.Nnis {
if nni.ID == id {
return nni, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find NniPort with id %d in OLT %d", id, o.ID)
func (o *OltDevice) sendAlarmIndication(alarmInd *openolt.AlarmIndication, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) {
data := &openolt.Indication_AlarmInd{AlarmInd: alarmInd}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Failed to send Alarm Indication: %v", err)
"AlarmIndication": alarmInd,
}).Debug("Sent Indication_AlarmInd")
func (o *OltDevice) sendOltIndication(msg OltIndicationMessage, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) {
data := &openolt.Indication_OltInd{OltInd: &openolt.OltIndication{OperState: msg.OperState.String()}}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Failed to send Indication_OltInd: %v", err)
"OperState": msg.OperState,
}).Debug("Sent Indication_OltInd")
func (o *OltDevice) sendNniIndication(msg NniIndicationMessage, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) {
nni, _ := o.getNniById(msg.NniPortID)
if msg.OperState == UP {
if err := nni.OperState.Event("enable"); err != nil {
"Type": nni.Type,
"IntfId": nni.ID,
"OperState": nni.OperState.Current(),
}).Errorf("Can't move NNI Port to enabled state: %v", err)
} else if msg.OperState == DOWN {
if err := nni.OperState.Event("disable"); err != nil {
"Type": nni.Type,
"IntfId": nni.ID,
"OperState": nni.OperState.Current(),
}).Errorf("Can't move NNI Port to disable state: %v", err)
// NOTE Operstate may need to be an integer
operData := &openolt.Indication_IntfOperInd{IntfOperInd: &openolt.IntfOperIndication{
Type: nni.Type,
IntfId: nni.ID,
OperState: nni.OperState.Current(),
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: operData}); err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Failed to send Indication_IntfOperInd for NNI: %v", err)
"Type": nni.Type,
"IntfId": nni.ID,
"OperState": nni.OperState.Current(),
}).Debug("Sent Indication_IntfOperInd for NNI")
func (o *OltDevice) sendPonIndication(ponPortID uint32) {
stream := o.OpenoltStream
pon, _ := o.GetPonById(ponPortID)
// Send IntfIndication for PON port
discoverData := &openolt.Indication_IntfInd{IntfInd: &openolt.IntfIndication{
IntfId: pon.ID,
OperState: pon.OperState.Current(),
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: discoverData}); err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Failed to send Indication_IntfInd: %v", err)
"IntfId": pon.ID,
"OperState": pon.OperState.Current(),
}).Debug("Sent Indication_IntfInd for PON")
// Send IntfOperIndication for PON port
operData := &openolt.Indication_IntfOperInd{IntfOperInd: &openolt.IntfOperIndication{
Type: pon.Type,
IntfId: pon.ID,
OperState: pon.OperState.Current(),
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: operData}); err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Failed to send Indication_IntfOperInd for PON: %v", err)
"Type": pon.Type,
"IntfId": pon.ID,
"OperState": pon.OperState.Current(),
}).Debug("Sent Indication_IntfOperInd for PON")
func (o *OltDevice) sendPortStatsIndication(stats *openolt.PortStatistics, portID uint32, portType string) {
if o.InternalState.Current() == "enabled" {
"Type": portType,
"IntfId": portID,
}).Trace("Sending port stats")
stats.IntfId = InterfaceIDToPortNo(portID, portType)
data := &openolt.Indication_PortStats{
PortStats: stats,
stream := o.OpenoltStream
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Failed to send PortStats: %v", err)
// processOltMessages handles messages received over the OpenOLT interface
func (o *OltDevice) processOltMessages(ctx context.Context, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
oltLogger.Debug("Starting OLT Indication Channel")
ch :=
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
oltLogger.Debug("OLT Indication processing canceled via context")
break loop
case message, ok := <-ch:
if !ok || ctx.Err() != nil {
oltLogger.Debug("OLT Indication processing canceled via closed channel")
break loop
"oltId": o.ID,
"messageType": message.Type,
}).Trace("Received message")
switch message.Type {
case OltIndication:
msg, _ := message.Data.(OltIndicationMessage)
if msg.OperState == UP {
_ = o.InternalState.Event("enable")
_ = o.OperState.Event("enable")
} else if msg.OperState == DOWN {
_ = o.InternalState.Event("disable")
_ = o.OperState.Event("disable")
o.sendOltIndication(msg, stream)
case AlarmIndication:
alarmInd, _ := message.Data.(*openolt.AlarmIndication)
o.sendAlarmIndication(alarmInd, stream)
case NniIndication:
msg, _ := message.Data.(NniIndicationMessage)
o.sendNniIndication(msg, stream)
case PonIndication:
msg, _ := message.Data.(PonIndicationMessage)
pon, _ := o.GetPonById(msg.PonPortID)
if msg.OperState == UP {
if err := pon.OperState.Event("enable"); err != nil {
"IntfId": msg.PonPortID,
"Err": err,
}).Error("Can't Enable Oper state for PON Port")
if err := pon.InternalState.Event("enable"); err != nil {
"IntfId": msg.PonPortID,
"Err": err,
}).Error("Can't Enable Internal state for PON Port")
} else if msg.OperState == DOWN {
if err := pon.OperState.Event("disable"); err != nil {
"IntfId": msg.PonPortID,
"Err": err,
}).Error("Can't Disable Oper state for PON Port")
if err := pon.InternalState.Event("disable"); err != nil {
"IntfId": msg.PonPortID,
"Err": err,
}).Error("Can't Disable Internal state for PON Port")
oltLogger.Warnf("Received unknown message data %v for type %v in OLT Channel", message.Data, message.Type)
oltLogger.Warn("Stopped handling OLT Indication Channel")
// processNniPacketIns handles messages received over the NNI interface
func (o *OltDevice) processNniPacketIns(ctx context.Context, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
"nniChannel": o.nniPktInChannel,
}).Debug("Started Processing Packets arriving from the NNI")
nniId := o.Nnis[0].ID // FIXME we are assuming we have only one NNI
ch := o.nniPktInChannel
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
oltLogger.Debug("NNI Indication processing canceled via context")
break loop
case message, ok := <-ch:
if !ok || ctx.Err() != nil {
oltLogger.Debug("NNI Indication processing canceled via channel closed")
break loop
oltLogger.Tracef("Received packets on NNI Channel")
onuMac, err := packetHandlers.GetDstMacAddressFromPacket(message.Pkt)
if err != nil {
"IntfType": "nni",
"IntfId": nniId,
"Pkt": message.Pkt.Data(),
}).Error("Can't find Dst MacAddress in packet")
s, err := o.FindServiceByMacAddress(onuMac)
if err != nil {
"IntfType": "nni",
"IntfId": nniId,
"Pkt": message.Pkt.Data(),
"MacAddress": onuMac.String(),
}).Error("Can't find ONU with MacAddress")
service := s.(*Service)
doubleTaggedPkt, err := packetHandlers.PushDoubleTag(service.STag, service.CTag, message.Pkt, service.UsPonCTagPriority)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Fail to add double tag to packet")
data := &openolt.Indication_PktInd{PktInd: &openolt.PacketIndication{
IntfType: "nni",
IntfId: nniId,
Pkt: doubleTaggedPkt.Data()}}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
"IntfType": data.PktInd.IntfType,
"IntfId": nniId,
"Pkt": doubleTaggedPkt.Data(),
}).Errorf("Fail to send PktInd indication: %v", err)
"IntfType": data.PktInd.IntfType,
"IntfId": nniId,
"Pkt": hex.EncodeToString(doubleTaggedPkt.Data()),
"OnuSn": service.Onu.Sn(),
}).Trace("Sent PktInd indication (from NNI to VOLTHA)")
"nniChannel": o.nniPktInChannel,
}).Warn("Stopped handling NNI Channel")
// returns an ONU with a given Serial Number
func (o *OltDevice) FindOnuBySn(serialNumber string) (*Onu, error) {
// TODO this function can be a performance bottleneck when we have many ONUs,
// memoizing it will remove the bottleneck
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
if onu.Sn() == serialNumber {
return onu, nil
return &Onu{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot-find-onu-by-serial-number-%s", serialNumber)
// returns an ONU with a given interface/Onu Id
func (o *OltDevice) FindOnuById(intfId uint32, onuId uint32) (*Onu, error) {
// TODO this function can be a performance bottleneck when we have many ONUs,
// memoizing it will remove the bottleneck
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
if pon.ID == intfId {
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
if onu.ID == onuId {
return onu, nil
return &Onu{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot-find-onu-by-id-%v-%v", intfId, onuId)
// returns a Service with a given Mac Address
func (o *OltDevice) FindServiceByMacAddress(mac net.HardwareAddr) (ServiceIf, error) {
// TODO this function can be a performance bottleneck when we have many ONUs,
// memoizing it will remove the bottleneck
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
s, err := onu.findServiceByMacAddress(mac)
if err == nil {
return s, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot-find-service-by-mac-address-%s", mac)
// GRPC Endpoints
func (o *OltDevice) ActivateOnu(context context.Context, onu *openolt.Onu) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
"OnuSn": onuSnToString(onu.SerialNumber),
}).Info("Received ActivateOnu call from VOLTHA")
publishEvent("ONU-activate-indication-received", int32(onu.IntfId), int32(onu.OnuId), onuSnToString(onu.SerialNumber))
pon, _ := o.GetPonById(onu.IntfId)
_onu, _ := pon.GetOnuBySn(onu.SerialNumber)
if err := _onu.OperState.Event("enable"); err != nil {
"IntfId": _onu.PonPortID,
"OnuSn": _onu.Sn(),
"OnuId": _onu.ID,
}).Infof("Failed to transition ONU.OperState to enabled state: %s", err.Error())
if err := _onu.InternalState.Event("enable"); err != nil {
"IntfId": _onu.PonPortID,
"OnuSn": _onu.Sn(),
"OnuId": _onu.ID,
}).Infof("Failed to transition ONU to enabled state: %s", err.Error())
// NOTE we need to immediately activate the ONU or the OMCI state machine won't start
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) DeactivateOnu(context.Context, *openolt.Onu) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
oltLogger.Error("DeactivateOnu not implemented")
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) DeleteOnu(_ context.Context, onu *openolt.Onu) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
"IntfId": onu.IntfId,
"OnuId": onu.OnuId,
}).Info("Received DeleteOnu call from VOLTHA")
pon, err := o.GetPonById(onu.IntfId)
if err != nil {
"OnuId": onu.OnuId,
"IntfId": onu.IntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("Can't find PonPort")
_onu, err := pon.GetOnuById(onu.OnuId)
if err != nil {
"OnuId": onu.OnuId,
"IntfId": onu.IntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("Can't find Onu")
if err := _onu.InternalState.Event("disable"); err != nil {
"IntfId": _onu.PonPortID,
"OnuSn": _onu.Sn(),
"OnuId": _onu.ID,
}).Infof("Failed to transition ONU to disabled state: %s", err.Error())
// ONU Re-Discovery
if o.InternalState.Current() == "enabled" && pon.InternalState.Current() == "enabled" {
go _onu.ReDiscoverOnu()
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) DisableOlt(context.Context, *openolt.Empty) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
// NOTE when we disable the OLT should we disable NNI, PONs and ONUs altogether?
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Info("Disabling OLT")
publishEvent("OLT-disable-received", -1, -1, "")
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
if pon.InternalState.Current() == "enabled" {
// disable PONs
msg := Message{
Type: PonIndication,
Data: PonIndicationMessage{
OperState: DOWN,
PonPortID: pon.ID,
} <- msg
// Note that we are not disabling the NNI as the real OLT does not.
// The reason for that is in-band management
// disable OLT
oltMsg := Message{
Type: OltIndication,
Data: OltIndicationMessage{
OperState: DOWN,
} <- oltMsg
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) DisablePonIf(_ context.Context, intf *openolt.Interface) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
oltLogger.Infof("DisablePonIf request received for PON %d", intf.IntfId)
ponID := intf.GetIntfId()
pon, _ := o.GetPonById(intf.IntfId)
msg := Message{
Type: PonIndication,
Data: PonIndicationMessage{
OperState: DOWN,
PonPortID: ponID,
} <- msg
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
onuIndication := OnuIndicationMessage{
OperState: DOWN,
PonPortID: ponID,
OnuID: onu.ID,
OnuSN: onu.SerialNumber,
onu.sendOnuIndication(onuIndication, o.OpenoltStream)
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) EnableIndication(_ *openolt.Empty, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) error {
oltLogger.WithField("oltId", o.ID).Info("OLT receives EnableIndication call from VOLTHA")
publishEvent("OLT-enable-received", -1, -1, "")
return nil
func (o *OltDevice) EnablePonIf(_ context.Context, intf *openolt.Interface) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
oltLogger.Infof("EnablePonIf request received for PON %d", intf.IntfId)
ponID := intf.GetIntfId()
pon, _ := o.GetPonById(intf.IntfId)
msg := Message{
Type: PonIndication,
Data: PonIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
PonPortID: ponID,
} <- msg
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
onuIndication := OnuIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
PonPortID: ponID,
OnuID: onu.ID,
OnuSN: onu.SerialNumber,
onu.sendOnuIndication(onuIndication, o.OpenoltStream)
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) FlowAdd(ctx context.Context, flow *openolt.Flow) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
"IntfId": flow.AccessIntfId,
"OnuId": flow.OnuId,
"EthType": fmt.Sprintf("%x", flow.Classifier.EthType),
"InnerVlan": flow.Classifier.IVid,
"OuterVlan": flow.Classifier.OVid,
"FlowType": flow.FlowType,
"FlowId": flow.FlowId,
"UniID": flow.UniId,
"PortNo": flow.PortNo,
}).Tracef("OLT receives FlowAdd")
flowKey := FlowKey{}
if !o.enablePerf {
flowKey = FlowKey{ID: flow.FlowId, Direction: flow.FlowType}
olt.Flows[flowKey] = *flow
if flow.AccessIntfId == -1 {
"FlowId": flow.FlowId,
}).Debug("Adding OLT flow")
} else if flow.FlowType == "multicast" {
"FlowId": flow.FlowId,
}).Debug("Adding OLT multicast flow")
} else {
pon, err := o.GetPonById(uint32(flow.AccessIntfId))
if err != nil {
"OnuId": flow.OnuId,
"IntfId": flow.AccessIntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("Can't find PonPort")
onu, err := pon.GetOnuById(uint32(flow.OnuId))
if err != nil {
"OnuId": flow.OnuId,
"IntfId": flow.AccessIntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("Can't find Onu")
return nil, err
if !o.enablePerf {
onu.Flows = append(onu.Flows, flowKey)
// Generate event on first flow for ONU
if len(onu.Flows) == 1 {
publishEvent("Flow-add-received", int32(onu.PonPortID), int32(onu.ID), onuSnToString(onu.SerialNumber))
msg := Message{
Type: FlowAdd,
Data: OnuFlowUpdateMessage{
PonPortID: pon.ID,
OnuID: onu.ID,
Flow: flow,
onu.Channel <- msg
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
// FlowRemove request from VOLTHA
func (o *OltDevice) FlowRemove(_ context.Context, flow *openolt.Flow) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
"FlowId": flow.FlowId,
"FlowType": flow.FlowType,
}).Debug("OLT receives FlowRemove")
if !o.enablePerf { // remove only if flow were stored
flowKey := FlowKey{
ID: flow.FlowId,
Direction: flow.FlowType,
// Check if flow exists
storedFlow, ok := o.Flows[flowKey]
if !ok {
oltLogger.Errorf("Flow %v not found", flow)
return new(openolt.Empty), status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "Flow not found")
// if its ONU flow remove it from ONU also
if storedFlow.AccessIntfId != -1 {
pon := o.Pons[uint32(storedFlow.AccessIntfId)]
onu, err := pon.GetOnuById(uint32(storedFlow.OnuId))
if err != nil {
"OnuId": storedFlow.OnuId,
"IntfId": storedFlow.AccessIntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("ONU not found")
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
publishEvent("Flow-remove-received", int32(onu.PonPortID), int32(onu.ID), onuSnToString(onu.SerialNumber))
// delete from olt flows
delete(o.Flows, flowKey)
if flow.AccessIntfId == -1 {
"FlowId": flow.FlowId,
}).Debug("Removing OLT flow")
} else if flow.FlowType == "multicast" {
"FlowId": flow.FlowId,
}).Debug("Removing OLT multicast flow")
} else {
onu, err := o.GetOnuByFlowId(flow.FlowId)
if err != nil {
"OnuId": flow.OnuId,
"IntfId": flow.AccessIntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("Can't find Onu")
return nil, err
msg := Message{
Type: FlowRemoved,
Data: OnuFlowUpdateMessage{
Flow: flow,
onu.Channel <- msg
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) HeartbeatCheck(context.Context, *openolt.Empty) (*openolt.Heartbeat, error) {
res := openolt.Heartbeat{HeartbeatSignature: uint32(time.Now().Unix())}
"signature": res.HeartbeatSignature,
return &res, nil
func (o *OltDevice) GetOnuByFlowId(flowId uint32) (*Onu, error) {
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
for _, onu := range pon.Onus {
for _, fId := range onu.FlowIds {
if fId == flowId {
return onu, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find Onu by flowId %d", flowId)
func (o *OltDevice) GetDeviceInfo(context.Context, *openolt.Empty) (*openolt.DeviceInfo, error) {
"oltId": o.ID,
"PonPorts": o.NumPon,
}).Info("OLT receives GetDeviceInfo call from VOLTHA")
devinfo := new(openolt.DeviceInfo)
devinfo.Vendor = common.Config.Olt.Vendor
devinfo.Model = common.Config.Olt.Model
devinfo.HardwareVersion = common.Config.Olt.HardwareVersion
devinfo.FirmwareVersion = common.Config.Olt.FirmwareVersion
devinfo.Technology = common.Config.Olt.Technology
devinfo.PonPorts = uint32(o.NumPon)
devinfo.OnuIdStart = 1
devinfo.OnuIdEnd = 255
devinfo.AllocIdStart = 1024
devinfo.AllocIdEnd = 16383
devinfo.GemportIdStart = 1024
devinfo.GemportIdEnd = 65535
devinfo.FlowIdStart = 1
devinfo.FlowIdEnd = 16383
devinfo.DeviceSerialNumber = o.SerialNumber
devinfo.DeviceId = common.Config.Olt.DeviceId
return devinfo, nil
func (o *OltDevice) OmciMsgOut(ctx context.Context, omci_msg *openolt.OmciMsg) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
pon, err := o.GetPonById(omci_msg.IntfId)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
"onu_id": omci_msg.OnuId,
"pon_id": omci_msg.IntfId,
}).Error("pon ID not found")
return nil, err
onu, err := pon.GetOnuById(omci_msg.OnuId)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
"onu_id": omci_msg.OnuId,
"pon_id": omci_msg.IntfId,
}).Error("onu ID not found")
return nil, err
"IntfId": onu.PonPortID,
"OnuId": onu.ID,
"OnuSn": onu.Sn(),
}).Tracef("Received OmciMsgOut")
msg := Message{
Type: OMCI,
Data: OmciMessage{
OnuSN: onu.SerialNumber,
OnuID: onu.ID,
omciMsg: omci_msg,
onu.Channel <- msg
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) OnuPacketOut(ctx context.Context, onuPkt *openolt.OnuPacket) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
pon, err := o.GetPonById(onuPkt.IntfId)
if err != nil {
"OnuId": onuPkt.OnuId,
"IntfId": onuPkt.IntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("Can't find PonPort")
onu, err := pon.GetOnuById(onuPkt.OnuId)
if err != nil {
"OnuId": onuPkt.OnuId,
"IntfId": onuPkt.IntfId,
"err": err,
}).Error("Can't find Onu")
"IntfId": onu.PonPortID,
"OnuId": onu.ID,
"OnuSn": onu.Sn(),
}).Trace("Received OnuPacketOut")
rawpkt := gopacket.NewPacket(onuPkt.Pkt, layers.LayerTypeEthernet, gopacket.Default)
pktType, _ := packetHandlers.IsEapolOrDhcp(rawpkt)
pktMac, err := packetHandlers.GetDstMacAddressFromPacket(rawpkt)
if err != nil {
"IntfId": onu.PonPortID,
"OnuId": onu.ID,
"OnuSn": onu.Sn(),
"Pkt": rawpkt.Data(),
}).Error("Can't find Dst MacAddress in packet, droppint it")
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
msg := Message{
Type: OnuPacketOut,
Data: OnuPacketMessage{
IntfId: onuPkt.IntfId,
OnuId: onuPkt.OnuId,
Packet: rawpkt,
Type: pktType,
MacAddress: pktMac,
onu.Channel <- msg
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) Reboot(context.Context, *openolt.Empty) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
// OLT Reboot is called in two cases:
// - when an OLT is being removed (voltctl device disable -> voltctl device delete are called, then a new voltctl device create -> voltctl device enable will be issued)
// - when an OLT needs to be rebooted (voltcl device reboot)
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Info("Shutting down")
publishEvent("OLT-reboot-received", -1, -1, "")
go func() { _ = o.RestartOLT() }()
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) ReenableOlt(context.Context, *openolt.Empty) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
"oltId": o.ID,
}).Info("Received ReenableOlt request from VOLTHA")
publishEvent("OLT-reenable-received", -1, -1, "")
// enable OLT
oltMsg := Message{
Type: OltIndication,
Data: OltIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
} <- oltMsg
for _, pon := range o.Pons {
if pon.InternalState.Current() == "disabled" {
msg := Message{
Type: PonIndication,
Data: PonIndicationMessage{
OperState: UP,
PonPortID: pon.ID,
} <- msg
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) UplinkPacketOut(context context.Context, packet *openolt.UplinkPacket) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
pkt := gopacket.NewPacket(packet.Pkt, layers.LayerTypeEthernet, gopacket.Default)
_ = o.Nnis[0].sendNniPacket(pkt) // FIXME we are assuming we have only one NNI
// NOTE should we return an error if sendNniPakcet fails?
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) CollectStatistics(context.Context, *openolt.Empty) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
oltLogger.Error("CollectStatistics not implemented")
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (o *OltDevice) GetOnuInfo(context context.Context, packet *openolt.Onu) (*openolt.OnuIndication, error) {
oltLogger.Error("GetOnuInfo not implemented")
return new(openolt.OnuIndication), nil
func (o *OltDevice) GetPonIf(context context.Context, packet *openolt.Interface) (*openolt.IntfIndication, error) {
oltLogger.Error("GetPonIf not implemented")
return new(openolt.IntfIndication), nil
func (s *OltDevice) CreateTrafficQueues(context.Context, *tech_profile.TrafficQueues) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
oltLogger.Info("received CreateTrafficQueues")
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (s *OltDevice) RemoveTrafficQueues(context.Context, *tech_profile.TrafficQueues) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
oltLogger.Info("received RemoveTrafficQueues")
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (s *OltDevice) CreateTrafficSchedulers(context context.Context, trafficSchedulers *tech_profile.TrafficSchedulers) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
"OnuId": trafficSchedulers.OnuId,
"IntfId": trafficSchedulers.IntfId,
"OnuPortNo": trafficSchedulers.PortNo,
}).Info("received CreateTrafficSchedulers")
if !s.enablePerf {
pon, err := s.GetPonById(trafficSchedulers.IntfId)
if err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Error retrieving PON by IntfId: %v", err)
return new(openolt.Empty), err
onu, err := pon.GetOnuById(trafficSchedulers.OnuId)
if err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Error retrieving ONU from pon by OnuId: %v", err)
return new(openolt.Empty), err
onu.TrafficSchedulers = trafficSchedulers
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
func (s *OltDevice) RemoveTrafficSchedulers(context context.Context, trafficSchedulers *tech_profile.TrafficSchedulers) (*openolt.Empty, error) {
"OnuId": trafficSchedulers.OnuId,
"IntfId": trafficSchedulers.IntfId,
"OnuPortNo": trafficSchedulers.PortNo,
}).Info("received RemoveTrafficSchedulers")
if !s.enablePerf {
pon, err := s.GetPonById(trafficSchedulers.IntfId)
if err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Error retrieving PON by IntfId: %v", err)
return new(openolt.Empty), err
onu, err := pon.GetOnuById(trafficSchedulers.OnuId)
if err != nil {
oltLogger.Errorf("Error retrieving ONU from pon by OnuId: %v", err)
return new(openolt.Empty), err
onu.TrafficSchedulers = nil
return new(openolt.Empty), nil
// assumes caller has properly formulated an openolt.AlarmIndication
func (o *OltDevice) SendAlarmIndication(context context.Context, ind *openolt.AlarmIndication) error {
msg := Message{
Type: AlarmIndication,
Data: ind,
} <- msg
return nil