VOL-2095 Moving fmt after protos build to ensure fmt finds a valid go package for the proto.
There was a build error due to the missing package.

Change-Id: Ica0865d0a1c1ec97a09b26f45c5393a180830b8f
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 319710f..6a69c9f 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
 dep: # @HELP Download the dependencies to the vendor folder
 	GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor
-build: fmt dep protos build-bbsim build-bbsimctl# @HELP Build the binary
+build: dep protos fmt build-bbsim build-bbsimctl# @HELP Build the binary
-test: fmt dep protos # @HELP Execute unit tests
+test: dep protos fmt # @HELP Execute unit tests
 	GO111MODULE=on go test -v -mod vendor ./... -covermode count -coverprofile ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.out 2>&1 | tee ./tests/results/go-test-results.out
 	go-junit-report < ./tests/results/go-test-results.out > ./tests/results/go-test-results.xml
 	gocover-cobertura < ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.out > ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.xml