blob: 154942b6106f12bee4bda40c20bab7c459de0d57 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package devices
import (
func createMockOlt(numPon int, numOnu int, services []ServiceIf) *OltDevice {
olt := &OltDevice{
ID: 0,
for i := 0; i < numPon; i++ {
pon := PonPort{
ID: uint32(i),
for j := 0; j < numOnu; j++ {
onuId := uint32(i + j)
onu := Onu{
ID: onuId,
PonPort: &pon,
PonPortID: pon.ID,
for k, s := range services {
service := s.(*Service)
service.HwAddress = net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, 0x60, byte(olt.ID), byte(pon.ID), byte(onuId), byte(k)}
service.Onu = &onu
onu.Services = append(onu.Services, service)
onu.SerialNumber = onu.NewSN(olt.ID, pon.ID, onu.ID)
pon.Onus = append(pon.Onus, &onu)
olt.Pons = append(olt.Pons, &pon)
return olt
// check the creation of an OLT with a single Service
func TestCreateOLT(t *testing.T) {
common.Services = []common.ServiceYaml{
{Name: "hsia", CTag: 900, CTagAllocation: common.TagAllocationUnique.String(), STag: 900, STagAllocation: common.TagAllocationShared.String(), NeedsEapol: true, NeedsDchp: true, NeedsIgmp: true},
common.Config = &common.GlobalConfig{
Olt: common.OltConfig{
ID: 1,
PonPorts: 2,
OnusPonPort: 2,
olt := CreateOLT(*common.Config, common.Services, true)
assert.Equal(t, len(olt.Pons), int(common.Config.Olt.PonPorts))
// count the ONUs
onus := 0
for _, p := range olt.Pons {
onus = onus + len(p.Onus)
assert.Equal(t, onus, int(common.Config.Olt.PonPorts*common.Config.Olt.OnusPonPort))
// count the services
services := 0
for _, p := range olt.Pons {
for _, o := range p.Onus {
services = services + len(o.Services)
assert.Equal(t, services, int(common.Config.Olt.PonPorts)*int(common.Config.Olt.OnusPonPort)*len(common.Services))
s1 := olt.Pons[0].Onus[0].Services[0].(*Service)
assert.Equal(t, s1.Name, "hsia")
assert.Equal(t, s1.CTag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, s1.STag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, s1.HwAddress.String(), "2e:60:01:00:01:00")
assert.Equal(t, olt.Pons[0].Onus[0].ID, uint32(1))
s2 := olt.Pons[0].Onus[1].Services[0].(*Service)
assert.Equal(t, s2.CTag, 901)
assert.Equal(t, s2.STag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, s2.HwAddress.String(), "2e:60:01:00:02:00")
assert.Equal(t, olt.Pons[0].Onus[1].ID, uint32(2))
s3 := olt.Pons[1].Onus[0].Services[0].(*Service)
assert.Equal(t, s3.CTag, 902)
assert.Equal(t, s3.STag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, s3.HwAddress.String(), "2e:60:01:01:01:00")
assert.Equal(t, olt.Pons[1].Onus[0].ID, uint32(1))
s4 := olt.Pons[1].Onus[1].Services[0].(*Service)
assert.Equal(t, s4.CTag, 903)
assert.Equal(t, s4.STag, 900)
assert.Equal(t, s4.HwAddress.String(), "2e:60:01:01:02:00")
assert.Equal(t, olt.Pons[1].Onus[1].ID, uint32(2))
func Test_Olt_FindOnuBySn_Success(t *testing.T) {
numPon := 4
numOnu := 4
olt := createMockOlt(numPon, numOnu, []ServiceIf{})
onu, err := olt.FindOnuBySn("BBSM00000303")
assert.Equal(t, err, nil)
assert.Equal(t, onu.Sn(), "BBSM00000303")
assert.Equal(t, onu.ID, uint32(3))
assert.Equal(t, onu.PonPortID, uint32(3))
func Test_Olt_FindOnuBySn_Error(t *testing.T) {
numPon := 1
numOnu := 4
olt := createMockOlt(numPon, numOnu, []ServiceIf{})
_, err := olt.FindOnuBySn("BBSM00000303")
assert.Equal(t, err.Error(), "cannot-find-onu-by-serial-number-BBSM00000303")
func Test_Olt_FindOnuByMacAddress_Success(t *testing.T) {
numPon := 4
numOnu := 4
services := []ServiceIf{
&Service{Name: "hsia"},
&Service{Name: "voip"},
&Service{Name: "vod"},
olt := createMockOlt(numPon, numOnu, services)
mac := net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, 0x60, byte(olt.ID), byte(3), byte(6), byte(1)}
s, err := olt.FindServiceByMacAddress(mac)
assert.NilError(t, err)
service := s.(*Service)
assert.Equal(t, err, nil)
assert.Equal(t, service.Onu.Sn(), "BBSM00000306")
assert.Equal(t, service.Onu.ID, uint32(6))
assert.Equal(t, service.Onu.PonPortID, uint32(3))
assert.Equal(t, service.Name, "voip")
func Test_Olt_FindOnuByMacAddress_Error(t *testing.T) {
numPon := 1
numOnu := 4
olt := createMockOlt(numPon, numOnu, []ServiceIf{})
mac := net.HardwareAddr{0x2e, 0x60, 0x70, 0x13, byte(3), byte(3)}
_, err := olt.FindServiceByMacAddress(mac)
assert.Equal(t, err.Error(), "cannot-find-service-by-mac-address-2e:60:70:13:03:03")
func Test_Olt_GetOnuByFlowId(t *testing.T) {
numPon := 4
numOnu := 4
olt := createMockOlt(numPon, numOnu, []ServiceIf{})
// Add the flows to onus (to be found)
onu1, _ := olt.FindOnuBySn("BBSM00000303")
flow1 := openolt.Flow{
FlowId: 64,
Classifier: &openolt.Classifier{},
msg1 := types.OnuFlowUpdateMessage{
OnuID: onu1.ID,
PonPortID: onu1.PonPortID,
Flow: &flow1,
onu2, _ := olt.FindOnuBySn("BBSM00000103")
flow2 := openolt.Flow{
FlowId: 72,
Classifier: &openolt.Classifier{},
msg2 := types.OnuFlowUpdateMessage{
OnuID: onu2.ID,
PonPortID: onu2.PonPortID,
Flow: &flow2,
found, err := olt.GetOnuByFlowId(flow1.FlowId)
assert.Equal(t, err, nil)
assert.Equal(t, found.Sn(), onu1.Sn())