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# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# limitations under the License.
OpenFlow Test Framework
DataPlane and DataPlanePort classes
Provide the interface to the control the set of ports being used
to stimulate the switch under test.
See the class dataplaneport for more details. This class wraps
a set of those objects allowing general calls and parsing
@todo Add "filters" for matching packets. Actions supported
for filters should include a callback or a counter
import sys
import os
import socket
import time
import select
import logging
from threading import Thread
from threading import Lock
from threading import Condition
import ofutils
import netutils
from pcap_writer import PcapWriter
if "linux" in sys.platform:
import afpacket
import pcap
def match_exp_pkt(self, exp_pkt, pkt):
Compare the string value of pkt with the string value of exp_pkt,
and return True iff they are identical. If the length of exp_pkt is
less than the minimum Ethernet frame size (60 bytes), then padding
bytes in pkt are ignored.
e = str(exp_pkt)
p = str(pkt)
if len(e) < 60:
p = p[:len(e)]
#return e == p
#some nic card have capature problem, will have more bytes capatured.
if pkt.find(exp_pkt) >=0:
return True
if self.config["dump_packet"]:
self.logger.debug("rx pkt ->"+(" ".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in pkt)))
self.logger.debug("expect pkt->"+(" ".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in exp_pkt)))
return False
class DataPlanePortLinux:
Uses raw sockets to capture and send packets on a network interface.
ETH_P_ALL = 0x03
def __init__(self, interface_name, port_number):
@param interface_name The name of the physical interface like eth1
self.interface_name = interface_name
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, 0)
self.socket.bind((interface_name, self.ETH_P_ALL))
netutils.set_promisc(self.socket, interface_name)
def __del__(self):
if self.socket:
def fileno(self):
Return an integer file descriptor that can be passed to select(2).
return self.socket.fileno()
def recv(self):
Receive a packet from this port.
@retval (packet data, timestamp)
pkt = afpacket.recv(self.socket, self.RCV_SIZE_DEFAULT)
return (pkt, time.time())
def send(self, packet):
Send a packet out this port.
@param packet The packet data to send to the port
@retval The number of bytes sent
return self.socket.send(packet)
def down(self):
Bring the physical link down.
#os.system("ifconfig down %s" % self.interface_name)
os.system("ifconfig %s down" % self.interface_name)
def up(self):
Bring the physical link up.
#os.system("ifconfig up %s" % self.interface_name)
os.system("ifconfig %s up" % self.interface_name)
def mtu(self, mtu):
Change MTU value of port.
# os.system("ifconfig up %s" % self.interface_name)
os.system("ifconfig %s mtu %d" % (self.interface_name, mtu))
class DataPlanePortPcap:
Alternate port implementation using libpcap. This is used by non-Linux
operating systems.
def __init__(self, interface_name, port_number):
self.pcap = pcap.pcap(interface_name)
def fileno(self):
return self.pcap.fileno()
def recv(self):
(timestamp, pkt) = next(self.pcap)
return (pkt[:], timestamp)
def send(self, packet):
if hasattr(self.pcap, "inject"):
return self.pcap.inject(packet, len(packet))
return self.pcap.sendpacket(packet)
def down(self):
def up(self):
class DataPlane(Thread):
This class provides methods to send and receive packets on the dataplane.
It uses the DataPlanePort class, or an alternative implementation of that
interface, to do IO on a particular port. A background thread is used to
read packets from the dataplane ports and enqueue them to be read by the
test. The kill() method must be called to shutdown this thread.
def __init__(self, config=None):
# dict from port number to port object
self.ports = {}
# dict from port number to list of (timestamp, packet)
self.packet_queues = {}
# cvar serves double duty as a regular top level lock and
# as a condition variable
self.cvar = Condition()
# Used to wake up the event loop from another thread
self.waker = ofutils.EventDescriptor()
self.killed = False
self.logger = logging.getLogger("dataplane")
self.pcap_writer = None
if config is None:
self.config = {}
self.config = config;
# The platform/config can provide a custom DataPlanePort class
# here if you have a custom implementation with different
# behavior.
# Set config.dataplane.portclass = MyDataPlanePortClass
# where MyDataPlanePortClass has the same interface as the class
# DataPlanePort defined here.
if "dataplane" in self.config and "portclass" in self.config["dataplane"]:
self.dppclass = self.config["dataplane"]["portclass"]
elif "linux" in sys.platform:
self.dppclass = DataPlanePortLinux
self.dppclass = DataPlanePortPcap
def run(self):
Activity function for class
while not self.killed:
sockets = [self.waker] + self.ports.values()
sel_in, sel_out, sel_err =, [], [], 1)
print sys.exc_info()
self.logger.error("Select error, exiting")
with self.cvar:
for port in sel_in:
if port == self.waker:
# Enqueue packet
pkt, timestamp = port.recv()
port_number = port._port_number
self.logger.debug("Pkt len %d in on port %d",
len(pkt), port_number)
if self.pcap_writer:
self.pcap_writer.write(pkt, timestamp, port_number)
queue = self.packet_queues[port_number]
if len(queue) >= self.MAX_QUEUE_LEN:
# Queue full, throw away oldest
self.logger.debug("Discarding oldest packet to make room")
queue.append((pkt, timestamp))
self.cvar.notify_all()"Thread exit")
def port_add(self, interface_name, port_number):
Add a port to the dataplane
@param interface_name The name of the physical interface like eth1
@param port_number The port number used to refer to the port
Stashes the port number on the created port object.
self.ports[port_number] = self.dppclass(interface_name, port_number)
self.ports[port_number]._port_number = port_number
self.packet_queues[port_number] = []
# Need to wake up event loop to change the sockets being selected on.
def send(self, port_number, packet):
Send a packet to the given port
@param port_number The port to send the data to
@param packet Raw packet data to send to port
self.logger.debug("Sending %d bytes to port %d" %
(len(packet), port_number))
if self.pcap_writer:
self.pcap_writer.write(packet, time.time(), port_number)
bytes = self.ports[port_number].send(packet)
if bytes != len(packet):
self.logger.error("Unhandled send error, length mismatch %d != %d" %
(bytes, len(packet)))
return bytes
def oldest_port_number(self):
Returns the port number with the oldest packet, or
None if no packets are queued.
min_port_number = None
min_time = float('inf')
for (port_number, queue) in self.packet_queues.items():
if queue and queue[0][1] < min_time:
min_time = queue[0][1]
min_port_number = port_number
return min_port_number
# Dequeues and yields packets in the order they were received.
# Yields (port number, packet, received time).
# If port_number is not specified yields packets from all ports.
def packets(self, port_number=None):
while True:
rcv_port_number = port_number or self.oldest_port_number()
if rcv_port_number == None:
self.logger.debug("Out of packets on all ports")
queue = self.packet_queues[rcv_port_number]
if len(queue) == 0:
self.logger.debug("Out of packets on port %d", rcv_port_number)
pkt, time = queue.pop(0)
yield (rcv_port_number, pkt, time)
def poll(self, port_number=None, timeout=-1, exp_pkt=None):
Poll one or all dataplane ports for a packet
If port_number is given, get the oldest packet from that port.
Otherwise, find the port with the oldest packet and return
that packet.
If exp_pkt is true, discard all packets until that one is found
@param port_number If set, get packet from this port
@param timeout If positive and no packet is available, block
until a packet is received or for this many seconds
@param exp_pkt If not None, look for this packet and ignore any
others received. Note that if port_number is None, all packets
from all ports will be discarded until the exp_pkt is found
@return The triple port_number, packet, pkt_time where packet
is received from port_number at time pkt_time. If a timeout
occurs, return None, None, None
if exp_pkt and not port_number:
self.logger.warn("Dataplane poll with exp_pkt but no port number")
# Retrieve the packet. Returns (port number, packet, time).
def grab():
self.logger.debug("Grabbing packet")
for (rcv_port_number, pkt, time) in self.packets(port_number):
self.logger.debug("Checking packet from port %d", rcv_port_number)
if not exp_pkt or match_exp_pkt(self, exp_pkt, pkt):
return (rcv_port_number, pkt, time)
self.logger.debug("Did not find packet")
return None
with self.cvar:
ret = ofutils.timed_wait(self.cvar, grab, timeout=timeout)
if ret != None:
return ret
self.logger.debug("Poll time out, no packet from " + str(port_number))
return (None, None, None)
def kill(self):
Stop the dataplane thread.
self.killed = True
# Explicitly release ports to ensure we don't run out of sockets
# even if someone keeps holding a reference to the dataplane.
del self.ports
def port_down(self, port_number):
"""Brings the specified port down"""
def port_up(self, port_number):
"""Brings the specified port up"""
def flush(self):
Drop any queued packets.
for port_number in self.packet_queues.keys():
self.packet_queues[port_number] = []
def start_pcap(self, filename):
assert(self.pcap_writer == None)
self.pcap_writer = PcapWriter(filename)
def stop_pcap(self):
if self.pcap_writer:
self.pcap_writer = None
def port_mtu(self, port_number, mtu):
"""Change MTU on controller's port"""