| #!/usr/bin/env groovy |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Copyright 2021-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // this keyword is dedicated to deploy a single VOLTHA stack with infra |
| // If you need to deploy different configurations you can use the |
| // volthaInfraDeploy and volthaStackDeploy DSL keywords |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String getIam(String func) { |
| // Cannot rely on a stack trace due to jenkins manipulation |
| String src = 'vars/volthaDeploy.groovy' |
| String iam = [src, func].join('::') |
| return iam |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Intent: Log progress message |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| void enter(String name) { |
| // Announce ourselves for log usability |
| String iam = getIam(name) |
| println("${iam}: ENTER") |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Intent: Log progress message |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| void leave(String name) { |
| // Announce ourselves for log usability |
| String iam = getIam(name) |
| println("${iam}: LEAVE") |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Intent: Display a message with visibility for logging |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String banner(String message) { |
| String iam = getIam('banner') |
| |
| println(""" |
| |
| ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ** IAM: $iam |
| ** ${message} |
| ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| """) |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Intent: Perform volthaDeploy stuff |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| void process(Map config) |
| { |
| // note that I can't define this outside the function as there's no global scope in Groovy |
| // [joey] A class method or library call can be used in place of globals, fqdn needed. |
| def defaultConfig = [ |
| onosReplica: 1, |
| atomixReplica: 1, |
| kafkaReplica: 1, |
| etcdReplica: 1, |
| bbsimReplica: 1, |
| infraNamespace : 'infra', |
| volthaNamespace : 'voltha', |
| stackName : 'voltha', |
| stackId: 1, |
| workflow : 'att', |
| vgcEnabled : false, |
| withMacLearning: false, |
| withFttb: false, |
| extraHelmFlags : '', |
| localCharts: false, // Local or upstream (?) (for local we assume they are stored in $WORKSPACE/voltha-helm-charts) |
| dockerRegistry : '', // Different registry for images eg: "mirror.registry.opennetworking.org" |
| kubeconfig: null, // location of the kubernetes config file, if null we assume it's stored in the $KUBECONFIG environment variable |
| withVolthaInfra: true, |
| withVolthaStack: true, |
| ] |
| |
| if (!config) { |
| config = [:] |
| } |
| |
| def cfg = defaultConfig + config |
| |
| if (cfg.dockerRegistry != '') { |
| def registryFlags = " --set global.image_registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/ " |
| registryFlags += " --set etcd.image.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry} " |
| registryFlags += " --set kafka.image.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry} " |
| registryFlags += " --set kafka.zookeper.image.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry} " |
| registryFlags += " --set onos-classic.image.repository=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/voltha/voltha-onos " |
| registryFlags += " --set onos-classic.atomix.image.repository=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/atomix/atomix " |
| registryFlags += " --set freeradius.images.radius.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/ " |
| |
| // we want to always leave the user provided flags at the end, to override changes |
| cfg.extraHelmFlags = registryFlags + " " + cfg.extraHelmFlags |
| } |
| |
| // --------------------- |
| banner("Updating helm repos") |
| |
| sh(label : 'Configure helm repo', |
| script : """ |
| helm repo add onf https://charts.opencord.org |
| helm repo update |
| """) |
| |
| // --------------------- |
| banner("Deploying VOLTHA with the following parameters: ${cfg}") |
| |
| if (cfg.withVolthaInfra) { |
| volthaInfraDeploy(cfg) |
| } |
| |
| if (cfg.withVolthaStack) { |
| volthaStackDeploy(cfg) |
| } |
| |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| def call(Map config=[:]) { // Function return type(?) |
| String iam = getIam('main') |
| Boolean ans = true |
| |
| try { |
| enter('main') |
| process(config) |
| } |
| catch (Exception err) { // groovylint-disable-line CatchException |
| ans = false |
| println("** ${iam}: EXCEPTION ${err}") |
| throw err |
| } |
| finally { |
| leave('main') |
| } |
| |
| return(ans) |
| } |
| |
| // [EOF] |