Merge "Disable jobs dependent on offline menlo-3 node"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index fbea2d7..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# args+=('--quick')
-emacs ./jjb/pipeline/voltha/{master,voltha-2.12}/bbsim-tests.groovy
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy
index 25aaee9..5d97b82 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy
@@ -70,52 +70,6 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Intent:
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void pgrep_proc(String proc) {
-    println("** RAW PROCESS OUTPUT:")
-    def stream = sh(returnStdout: true, scirpt: 'ps faaux')
-    println(stream)
-    String cmd = [
-	'pgrep',
-	// '--older', 5, // switch not supported, nodes using older version
-	'--list-full',
-	"\"${proc}\"",
-	';',
-	'echo', 'DONE',
-	';',
-	'true',
-    ].join(' ')
-    println("** Running: ${cmd}")
-    sh(
-        returnStdout: true,
-	"set +euo pipefail && ${cmd}"
-    )
-    return
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void pkill_proc(String proc) {
-    String cmd = [
-	'pkill',
-	// switch not supported, nodes using older version
-	// NOTE: pkill should not kill it-self
-	// good old kill (ps | grep -v -e grep -e '$$-me') }
-	// '--older', 5,
-	'--echo',
-	"\"${proc}\"",
-    ].join(' ')
-    println("** Running: ${cmd}")
-    sh(""" if [[ \$(pgrep --count "${proc}") -gt 0 ]]; then "$cmd"; fi" """)
-    return
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Intent:
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 void execute_test(testTarget, workflow, testLogging, teardown, testSpecificHelmFlags='') {
     String infraNamespace  = 'default'
     String volthaNamespace = 'voltha'
@@ -280,6 +234,7 @@
 	    println("${iam}: Shutdown process $proc")
+	    pgrep_proc(proc)
 	    println("${iam}: LEAVE")
@@ -317,6 +272,7 @@
       ps aux | grep port-forward
         script {
 	    String proc = 'port-forward'
@@ -547,23 +503,15 @@
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    stage('Install Kind')
-    {
-        steps
-        {
-            script
-            {
+    stage('Install Tools') {
+        steps              {
+            script         {
+                String branchName = branchName()
+		String iam = getIam('Install Tools')
-	        String cmd = [
-			'make',
-			'--no-print-directory',
-			'-C', "$WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests",
-			"KIND_PATH=\"$WORKSPACE/bin\"",
-			'install-command-kind',
-		    ].join(' ')
-		println(" ** Running: ${cmd}")
-		sh("${cmd}")
+                println("${iam}: ENTER (branch=$branch)")
+                installKind(branch)   // needed early by stage(Cleanup)
+                println("${iam}: LEAVE (branch=$branch)")
 	    } // script
 	} // steps
     } // stage
@@ -630,23 +578,30 @@
 		println("${iam}: ENTER")
                 def tests = readYaml text: testTargets
+                println("** [DEBUG]: tests=$tests")
-		String buffer = []    
+		// Display expected tests for times when output goes dark
+		ArrayList buffer = [] as String
 		tests.eachWithIndex { test, idx ->
 		    String  target = test['target']
-		    buffer += sprintf("      test[%02d]: %s\n", idx, target)
+		    println(" ** Build test index [$idx]: target=$target")
+		    buffer.add("      test[${idx}]: ${target}\n")
+		    println("** buffer contains: $buffer")
 		println("** Testing index: tests-to-run")
-		println(buffer)
-		println("""
+		println(buffer.join(''))
+		println('''
 ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ** NOTE: For odd/silent job failures verify a few details
-**   - All tests mentioned in the index have been processed.
+**   - All tests mentioned in the tests-to-run index were logged.
 **   - Test suites display ENTER/LEAVE mesasge pairs.
+**   - Processing terminated prematurely when LEAVE strings are missing.
 ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-		tests.eachWithIndex { test, idx ->
+                tests.eachWithIndex { test, idx ->
                     println "** readYaml test suite[$idx]) test=[${test}]"
                     String  target      = test['target']
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/software-upgrades.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/software-upgrades.groovy
index 1238a53..d7427bb 100755
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/software-upgrades.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/software-upgrades.groovy
@@ -21,6 +21,36 @@
       remote: ''
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Intent:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+String branchName() {
+    String name = 'voltha-2.12'
+    // [TODO] Sanity check the target branch
+    // if (name != jenkins.branch) { fatal }
+    return(name)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Intent: Due to lack of a reliable stack trace, construct a literal.
+//         Jenkins will re-write the call stack for serialization.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+String getIam(String func) {
+    String branchName = branchName()
+    String src = [
+        'ci-management',
+        'jjb',
+        'pipeline',
+        'voltha',
+        branchName,
+        'software-upgrades.groovy'
+    ].join('/')
+    String name = [src, func].join('::')
+    return(name)
 // fetches the versions/tags of the voltha component
 // returns the deployment version which is one less than the latest available tag of the repo, first voltha stack gets deployed using this;
 // returns the test version which is the latest tag of the repo, the component upgrade gets tested on this.
@@ -50,14 +80,14 @@
 def test_software_upgrade(name) {
   def infraNamespace = "infra"
   def volthaNamespace = "voltha"
-  def openolt_adapter_deploy_tag = ""
-  def openolt_adapter_test_tag = ""
-  def openonu_adapter_deploy_tag = ""
-  def openonu_adapter_test_tag = ""
-  def rw_core_deploy_tag = ""
-  def rw_core_test_tag = ""
-  def ofagent_deploy_tag = ""
-  def ofagent_test_tag = ""
+  def openolt_adapter_deploy_tag = ''
+  def openolt_adapter_test_tag = ''
+  def openonu_adapter_deploy_tag = ''
+  def openonu_adapter_test_tag = ''
+  def rw_core_deploy_tag = ''
+  def rw_core_test_tag = ''
+  def ofagent_deploy_tag = ''
+  def ofagent_test_tag = ''
   def logsDir = "$WORKSPACE/${name}"
   stage('Deploy Voltha - '+ name) {
     timeout(10) {
@@ -67,7 +97,7 @@
       mkdir -p ${logsDir}
       _TAG=kail-${name} kail -n ${infraNamespace} -n ${volthaNamespace} > ${logsDir}/onos-voltha-startup-combined.log &
-      def extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags.trim()
+      String extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags.trim()
       if ("${name}" == "onos-app-upgrade" || "${name}" == "onu-software-upgrade" || "${name}" == "onu-software-upgrade-omci-extended-msg" || "${name}" == "voltha-component-upgrade" || "${name}" == "voltha-component-rolling-upgrade") {
           extraHelmFlags = " --set global.log_level=${logLevel.toUpperCase()},onu=1,pon=1 --set onos-classic.replicas=3,onos-classic.atomix.replicas=3 " + extraHelmFlags
@@ -86,14 +116,14 @@
       if ("${name}" == "voltha-component-upgrade" || "${name}" == "voltha-component-rolling-upgrade") {
           extraHelmFlags = " --set images.onos_config_loader.tag=master-onos-config-loader --set onos-classic.image.tag=master " + extraHelmFlags
-      extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + " --set onos-classic.onosSshPort=30115 --set onos-classic.onosApiPort=30120 "
-      extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + " --set voltha.onos_classic.replicas=3"
+      extraHelmFlags += " --set onos-classic.onosSshPort=30115 --set onos-classic.onosApiPort=30120 "
+      extraHelmFlags += " --set voltha.onos_classic.replicas=3"
       //ONOS custom image handling
       if ( onosImg.trim() != '' ) {
          String[] split;
          onosImg = onosImg.trim()
          split = onosImg.split(':')
-        extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + " --set onos-classic.image.repository=" + split[0] +",onos-classic.image.tag=" + split[1] + " "
+        extraHelmFlags += " --set onos-classic.image.repository=" + split[0] +",onos-classic.image.tag=" + split[1] + " "
       Integer olts = 1
       if ("${name}" == "onu-image-dwl-simultaneously") {
@@ -102,19 +132,21 @@
       if ("${name}" == "voltha-component-upgrade" || "${name}" == "voltha-component-rolling-upgrade") {
         // fetch voltha components versions/tags
         (openolt_adapter_deploy_tag, openolt_adapter_test_tag) = get_voltha_comp_versions("voltha-openolt-adapter", openoltAdapterDeployBaseTag.trim())
-        extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + " --set voltha-adapter-openolt.images.adapter_open_olt.tag=${openolt_adapter_deploy_tag} "
+        extraHelmFlags += " --set voltha-adapter-openolt.images.adapter_open_olt.tag=${openolt_adapter_deploy_tag} "
         (openonu_adapter_deploy_tag, openonu_adapter_test_tag) = get_voltha_comp_versions("voltha-openonu-adapter-go", openonuAdapterDeployBaseTag.trim())
-        extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + " --set voltha-adapter-openonu.images.adapter_open_onu_go.tag=${openonu_adapter_deploy_tag} "
+        extraHelmFlags += " --set voltha-adapter-openonu.images.adapter_open_onu_go.tag=${openonu_adapter_deploy_tag} "
         (rw_core_deploy_tag, rw_core_test_tag) = get_voltha_comp_versions("voltha-go", rwCoreDeployBaseTag.trim())
-        extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + " --set voltha.images.rw_core.tag=${rw_core_deploy_tag} "
+        extraHelmFlags += " --set voltha.images.rw_core.tag=${rw_core_deploy_tag} "
         (ofagent_deploy_tag, ofagent_test_tag) = get_voltha_comp_versions("ofagent-go", ofagentDeployBaseTag.trim())
-        extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + " --set voltha.images.ofagent.tag=${ofagent_deploy_tag} "
+        extraHelmFlags += " --set voltha.images.ofagent.tag=${ofagent_deploy_tag} "
       def localCharts = false
       // Currently only testing with ATT workflow
       // TODO: Support for other workflows
-      volthaDeploy([bbsimReplica: olts.toInteger(), workflow: "att", extraHelmFlags: extraHelmFlags, localCharts: localCharts])
-      // stop logging
+      volthaDeploy([bbsimReplica: olts.toInteger(), workflow: 'att', extraHelmFlags: extraHelmFlags, localCharts: localCharts])
+        // [TODO] pkill_proc("_TAG=kail-${name}")
+        // stop logging
       sh """
         P_IDS="\$(ps e -ww -A | grep "_TAG=kail-${name}" | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$1}')"
         if [ -n "\$P_IDS" ]; then
@@ -128,11 +160,11 @@
         rm onos-voltha-startup-combined.log
       // forward ONOS and VOLTHA ports
-      sh """
+      sh('''
       JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE="dontKillMe" _TAG=onos-port-forward /bin/bash -c "while true; do kubectl -n infra port-forward --address service/voltha-infra-onos-classic-hs 8101:8101; done 2>&1 " &
       JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE="dontKillMe" _TAG=onos-port-forward /bin/bash -c "while true; do kubectl -n infra port-forward --address service/voltha-infra-onos-classic-hs 8181:8181; done 2>&1 " &
       JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE="dontKillMe" _TAG=port-forward-voltha-api /bin/bash -c "while true; do kubectl -n voltha port-forward --address service/voltha-voltha-api 55555:55555; done 2>&1 " &
-      """
+      ''')
       sh """
       sshpass -e ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 8101 karaf@ log:set DEBUG org.opencord
@@ -201,11 +233,16 @@
         # Run the specified tests
         make -C $WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests \$TARGET || true
-      // remove port-forwarding
+        pkill_proc('port-forw')
+	    // remove port-forwarding
+	    /*
       sh """
         # remove orphaned port-forward from different namespaces
         ps aux | grep port-forw | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty kill -9 || true
+	     */
       // collect pod details
       sh """
@@ -258,21 +295,40 @@
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    stage('Install Tools') {
+        steps              {
+            script         {
+                String branchName = branchName()
+                String iam = getIam('Install Kind')
+                println("${iam}: ENTER (branch=$branch)")
+                installKind(branch)   // needed early by stage(Cleanup)
+                println("${iam}: LEAVE (branch=$branch)")
+	    } // script
+	} // steps
+    } // stage
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     stage('Cleanup') {
-      steps {
-        // remove port-forwarding
-        sh """
-          # remove orphaned port-forward from different namespaces
-          ps aux | grep port-forw | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty kill -9 || true
-        """
-        helmTeardown(['infra', 'voltha'])
-      }
-    }
+        steps        {
+            script   {
+                pgrep_proc('port-forw')
+                pkill_proc('port-forw')
+            } // script
+            helmTeardown(['infra', 'voltha'])
+        } // steps
+    } // stage
     stage('Create K8s Cluster') {
-      steps {
-        createKubernetesCluster([nodes: 3])
-      }
+        steps {
+            createKubernetesCluster([nodes: 3])
+        }
     stage('Run Test') {
       steps {
@@ -306,3 +362,5 @@
+// [EOF]
diff --git a/vars/installKind.groovy b/vars/installKind.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5ec7c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vars/installKind.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env groovy
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2021-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Install the voltctl command by branch name "voltha-xx"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+String getIam(String func) {
+    // Cannot rely on a stack trace due to jenkins manipulation
+    String src = 'vars/installKind.groovy'
+    String iam = [src, func].join('::')
+    return iam
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Boolean process() {
+    String iam  = getIam('process')
+    Boolean ans = true
+    println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
+    String cmd = [
+        'make',
+        '--no-print-directory',
+        '-C', "$WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests",
+        "KIND_PATH=\"$WORKSPACE/bin\"",
+        'install-command-kind',
+    ].join(' ')
+    println(" ** Running: ${cmd}")
+    sh(
+        label  : 'Install: kind', // jenkins usability: label log entry 'step'
+        script : "${cmd}",
+    )
+    println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
+    return(ans)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Install: Jenkins/groovy callback for installing the kind command.
+//    o Paramter branch is passed but not yet used.
+//    o Installer should be release friendly and checkout a frozen version
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def call(String branch) {
+    String iam = getIam('main')
+    println("** ${iam}: ENTER branch=${branch}")
+    println('** WARNING: branch= Not Yet Implemented')
+    try {
+        process()
+    }
+    catch (Exception err) {
+        println("** ${iam}: EXCEPTION ${err}")
+        throw err
+    }
+    finally {
+        println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
+    }
+    return
+// [EOF]
diff --git a/vars/pgrep_proc.groovy b/vars/pgrep_proc.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad5dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vars/pgrep_proc.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env groovy
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2021-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Install the voltctl command by branch name "voltha-xx"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+String getIam(String func) {
+    // Cannot rely on a stack trace due to jenkins manipulation
+    String src = 'vars/pgrep_proc.groovy'
+    String iam = [src, func].join('::')
+    return iam
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Boolean process(String proc) {
+    String iam  = getIam('process')
+    Boolean ans = true
+    println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
+    String cmdFull = "pgrep --list-full '${proc}'"
+    String cmd = """if [[ \$(pgrep --count "${proc}") -gt 0 ]]; then ${cmdFull}; fi"""
+    print("""
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Running: $cmd
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    sh(
+        label  : 'pgrep_proc', // jenkins usability: label log entry 'step'
+        script : "${cmd}",
+    )
+    println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
+    return(ans)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Install: Jenkins/groovy callback for installing the kind command.
+//    o Paramter branch is passed but not yet used.
+//    o Installer should be release friendly and checkout a frozen version
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def call(String proc) {
+    String iam = getIam('main')
+    println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
+    try {
+        process(proc)
+    }
+    catch (Exception err) {
+        println("** ${iam}: EXCEPTION ${err}")
+        throw err
+    }
+    finally {
+        println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
+    }
+    return
+// [EOF]
diff --git a/vars/pkill_proc.groovy b/vars/pkill_proc.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..753a1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vars/pkill_proc.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env groovy
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2021-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Install the voltctl command by branch name "voltha-xx"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+String getIam(String func) {
+    // Cannot rely on a stack trace due to jenkins manipulation
+    String src = 'vars/pkill_proc.groovy'
+    String iam = [src, func].join('::')
+    return iam
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Boolean process(String proc) {
+    String iam  = getIam('process')
+    Boolean ans = true
+    println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
+    String cmdKill = "pkill --echo '${proc}'"
+    String cmd = """if [[ \$(pgrep --count "${proc}") -gt 0 ]]; then ${cmdKill}; fi"""
+    print("""
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Running: $cmd
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    sh(
+        label  : 'pkill_proc', // jenkins usability: label log entry 'step'
+        script : "${cmd}",
+    )
+    println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
+    return(ans)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Install: Jenkins/groovy callback for installing the kind command.
+//    o Paramter branch is passed but not yet used.
+//    o Installer should be release friendly and checkout a frozen version
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def call(String proc) {
+    String iam = getIam('main')
+    println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
+    try {
+        process(proc)
+    }
+    catch (Exception err) {
+        println("** ${iam}: EXCEPTION ${err}")
+        throw err
+    }
+    finally {
+        println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
+    }
+    return
+// [EOF]