blob: fc0f0e987d6d515f2c492cad498350e77643394c [file] [log] [blame]
// stops all the kail processes created by startComponentsLog
def call(Map config) {
def defaultConfig = [
logsDir: "$WORKSPACE/logs",
compress: false, // wether to compress the logs in a tgz file
def tag = "jenkins-"
println "Stopping all kail logging process"
sh """
P_IDS="$(ps e -ww -A | grep "_TAG=jenkins-kail" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}')"
if [ -n "$P_IDS" ]; then
for P_ID in $P_IDS; do
kill -9 $P_ID
if (compress) {
sh """
tar czf ${logsDir}/combined.tgz *
rm *.log