blob: aad754b5eaecbb85258612158a69c734fac4c13f [file] [log] [blame]
// this keyword is dedicated to deploy a single VOLTHA stack with infra
// If you need to deploy different configurations you can use the volthaInfraDeploy and volthaStackDeploy keywords
def call(Map config) {
// note that I can't define this outside the function as there's no global scope in Groovy
def defaultConfig = [
onosReplica: 1,
atomixReplica: 1,
kafkaReplica: 1,
etcdReplica: 1,
bbsimReplica: 1,
infraNamespace: "infra",
volthaNamespace: "voltha",
stackName: "voltha",
stackId: 1,
workflow: "att",
withMacLearning: false,
extraHelmFlags: "",
localCharts: false, // wether to use locally cloned charts or upstream one (for local we assume they are stored in $WORKSPACE/voltha-helm-charts)
dockerRegistry: "", // use a different docker registry for all images, eg: ""
kubeconfig: null, // location of the kubernetes config file, if null we assume it's stored in the $KUBECONFIG environment variable
withVolthaInfra: true,
withVolthaStack: true,
if (!config) {
config = [:]
def cfg = defaultConfig + config
if (cfg.dockerRegistry != "") {
def registryFlags = " --set global.image_registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/ "
registryFlags += " --set etcd.image.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry} "
registryFlags += " --set kafka.image.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry} "
registryFlags += " --set kafka.zookeper.image.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry} "
registryFlags += " --set onos-classic.image.repository=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/voltha/voltha-onos "
registryFlags += " --set onos-classic.atomix.image.repository=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/atomix/atomix "
registryFlags += " --set freeradius.images.radius.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/ "
// we want to always leave the user provided flags at the end, to override changes
cfg.extraHelmFlags = registryFlags + " " + cfg.extraHelmFlags
// Add helm repositories
println "Updating helm repos"
sh """
helm repo add onf
helm repo update
println "Deploying VOLTHA with the following parameters: ${cfg}."
if (cfg.withVolthaInfra) {
if (cfg.withVolthaStack) {