blob: 3c441da19747e1b007f6df85e573adb9d640c3ba [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def getIam(String func)
// Cannot rely on a stack trace due to jenkins manipulation
String src = 'vars/waitForAdapters.groovy'
String iam = [src, func].join('::')
return iam
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def getAdapters()
String iam = getIam('getAdapters')
def adapters = ""
adapters = sh (
script: 'voltctl adapter list --format "{{gosince .LastCommunication}}"',
returnStdout: true,
catch (err)
// in some older versions of voltctl the command results in
// ERROR: Unexpected error while attempting to format results
// as table : template: output:1: function "gosince" not defined
// if that's the case we won't be able to check the timestamp so
// it's useless to wait
println("voltctl can't parse LastCommunication, skip waiting")
adapters = 'SKIP' // why not just retry a few times (?)
print("** ${iam}: returned $adapters")
return adapters
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Intent: Interrogate adapter states to determine if we should continue
// looping waiting for adapter to start. Passed values must all be
// Integral, Valid and within range to assert we are done waiting.
// Function will return incomplete at the first sign of an invalid value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: list.find{} was replaced with a for loop to simplify
// early loop termination and return.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RETURN: scalar
// 'DOUBLE-DIGIT' - value exceeds 0-5sec response window.
// 'NON-NUMERIC' - garbage in the stream (letter, symbol, ctrl)
// 'NULL' - empty or null string detected
// 'VALID' - succes, all adapters are functional
// 'SIX-NINE' - detected a single numeric digit between 6 and 9.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def getAdaptersState(String adapters0)
String iam = getIam('getAdaptersState')
Boolean debug = true // for now
def adapters = adapters0.split('\n')
String ans = null
def found = []
for(i=0; i<adapters.size(); i++)
String elapsed = adapters[i]
if (debug)
println("** ${iam} Checking elapsed[$i]: $elapsed")
if (! elapsed) // empty string or null
ans = 'NULL'
Integer size = elapsed.length()
if (size > 2) // 463765h58m52(s)
// higlander: there can be only one
if (elapsed.endsWith('s'))
// safer than replaceAll('s'): ssss1s => 1
elapsed = elapsed.substring(0, size-1)
// Line noise guard: 'a', 'f', '#', '!'
if (! elapsed.isInteger())
// Is value in range:
// discard negative integers as just plain wonky.
// HMMM(?): zero/no latency response is kinda odd to include imho.
Integer val = elapsed.toInteger()
if (5 >= val && val >= 0)
ans = 'SIX-NINE'
} // for()
// Declare success IFF all values are:
// o integral
// o valid
// o within range
if (ans == null)
Integer got = found.size()
Integer exp = adapters.size()
ans = (! exp) ? 'NO-ADAPTERS'
: (got == exp) ? 'VALID'
if (debug)
println("** ${iam} return: [$ans]")
return ans
} // getAdaptersState
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def process(Map config)
String iam = getIam('process')
println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
def defaultConfig = [
volthaNamespace: "voltha",
stackName: "voltha",
adaptersToWait: 2,
def cfg = defaultConfig + config
if (cfg.adaptersToWait == 0){
//no need to wait
println "No need to wait for adapters to be registered"
println("** ${iam}: Wait for adapters to be registered")
// guarantee that at least the specified number of adapters are registered with VOLTHA before proceeding
sh """
set +x
_TAG="voltha-voltha-api" bash -c "while true; do kubectl port-forward --address -n ${cfg.volthaNamespace} svc/${cfg.stackName}-voltha-api 55555:55555; done"&
sh """
set +x
adapters=\$(voltctl adapter list -q | wc -l)
while [[ \$adapters -lt ${cfg.adaptersToWait} ]]; do
sleep 5
adapters=\$(voltctl adapter list -q | wc -l)
// NOTE that we need to wait for LastCommunication to be equal or shorter that 5s
// as that means the core can talk to the adapters
// if voltctl can't read LastCommunication we skip this check
println("** ${iam}: Wait for adapter LastCommunication")
Integer countdown = 60 * 10
while (true)
sleep 1
def adapters = getAdapters()
// Why are we not failing hard on this condition ?
// Adapters in an unknown state == testing: roll the dice
if (adapters == 'SKIP') { break }
def state = getAdaptersState(adapters)
if (state == 'VALID') { break } // IFF
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Excessive timeout but unsure where startup time boundry is
// [TODO] profile for a baseline
// [TODO] groovy.transform.TimedInterrupt
// ----------------------------------------------------------
countdown -= 1
if (1 > countdown)
throw new Exception("ERROR: Timed out waiting on adapter startup")
println("** ${iam}: Tearing down port forwarding")
ps aux \
| grep port-forw \
| grep -v grep \
| awk '{print \$2}' \
| xargs --no-run-if-empty kill -9 || true
println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def call(Map config)
String iam = getIam('main')
println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
if (!config) {
config = [:]
catch (Exception err)
println("** ${iam}: EXCEPTION ${err}")
throw err
println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
// EOF