blob: 45d53a0e79f56313e41decabfa74e0aece12b9be [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def getIam(String func)
// Cannot rely on a stack trace due to jenkins manipulation
String src = 'vars/volthaStackDeploy.groovy'
String iam = [src, func].join('::')
return iam
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def process(Map config)
// note that I can't define this outside the function as there's no global scope in Groovy
def defaultConfig = [
bbsimReplica: 1,
infraNamespace: "infra",
volthaNamespace: "voltha",
stackName: "voltha",
stackId: 1, // NOTE this is used to differentiate between BBSims across multiple stacks
workflow: "att",
withMacLearning: false,
withFttb: false,
extraHelmFlags: "",
localCharts: false,
onosReplica: 1,
adaptersToWait: 2,
def cfg = defaultConfig + config
def volthaStackChart = "onf/voltha-stack"
def bbsimChart = "onf/bbsim"
if (cfg.localCharts) {
volthaStackChart = "$WORKSPACE/voltha-helm-charts/voltha-stack"
bbsimChart = "$WORKSPACE/voltha-helm-charts/bbsim"
sh """
pushd $WORKSPACE/voltha-helm-charts/voltha-stack
helm dep update
println "Deploying VOLTHA Stack with the following parameters: ${cfg}."
sh """
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n ${cfg.volthaNamespace} ${cfg.stackName} ${volthaStackChart} \
--set global.stack_name=${cfg.stackName} \
--set global.voltha_infra_name=voltha-infra \
--set voltha.onos_classic.replicas=${cfg.onosReplica} \
--set global.voltha_infra_namespace=${cfg.infraNamespace} \
for(int i = 0;i<cfg.bbsimReplica;i++) {
// NOTE we don't need to update the tag for DT
script {
sh """
rm -f $WORKSPACE/bbsimCfg${cfg.stackId}${i}.yaml
if (cfg.workflow == "att" || cfg.workflow == "tt") {
def startingStag = 900
def serviceConfigFile = cfg.workflow
if (cfg.withMacLearning && cfg.workflow == 'tt') {
serviceConfigFile = "tt-maclearner"
def bbsimCfg = readYaml file: "$WORKSPACE/voltha-helm-charts/examples/${serviceConfigFile}-values.yaml"
// NOTE we assume that the only service that needs a different s_tag is the first one in the list
bbsimCfg["servicesConfig"]["services"][0]["s_tag"] = startingStag + i
println "Using BBSim Service config ${bbsimCfg['servicesConfig']}"
writeYaml file: "$WORKSPACE/bbsimCfg${cfg.stackId}${i}.yaml", data: bbsimCfg
} else {
// NOTE if it's DT just copy the file over
sh """
cp $WORKSPACE/voltha-helm-charts/examples/${cfg.workflow}-values.yaml $WORKSPACE/bbsimCfg${cfg.stackId}${i}.yaml
sh """
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n ${cfg.volthaNamespace} bbsim${i} ${bbsimChart} \
--set olt_id="${cfg.stackId}${i}" \
-f $WORKSPACE/bbsimCfg${cfg.stackId}${i}.yaml \
println "Wait for VOLTHA Stack ${cfg.stackName} to start"
sh """
set +x
# [joey]: debug
kubectl get pods -n ${cfg.volthaNamespace} -l --no-headers
voltha=\$(kubectl get pods -n ${cfg.volthaNamespace} -l --no-headers | grep "0/" | wc -l)
while [[ \$voltha != 0 ]]; do
sleep 5
voltha=\$(kubectl get pods -n ${cfg.volthaNamespace} -l --no-headers | grep "0/" | wc -l)
// also make sure that the ONOS config is loaded
// NOTE that this is only required for VOLTHA-2.8
println "Wait for ONOS Config loader to complete"
// NOTE that this is only required for VOLTHA-2.8,
sh """
set +x
config=\$(kubectl get jobs.batch -n ${cfg.infraNamespace} --no-headers | grep "0/" | wc -l)
while [[ \$config != 0 ]]; do
sleep 5
config=\$(kubectl get jobs.batch -n ${cfg.infraNamespace} --no-headers | grep "0/" | wc -l)
// NOTE that this is only required for VOLTHA-2.9 onwards, to wait until the pod completed,
// meaning ONOS fully deployed
sh """
set +x
config=\$(kubectl get pods -l app=onos-config-loader -n ${cfg.infraNamespace} --no-headers --field-selector=status.phase=Running | grep "0/" | wc -l)
while [[ \$config != 0 ]]; do
sleep 5
config=\$(kubectl get pods -l app=onos-config-loader -n ${cfg.infraNamespace} --no-headers --field-selector=status.phase=Running | grep "0/" | wc -l)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def call(Map config)
String iam = getIam('main')
println("** ${iam}: ENTER")
if (!config) {
config = [:]
catch (Exception err)
println("** ${iam}: EXCEPTION ${err}")
// Cannot re-throw ATM: too many potential shell errors.
// throw err
println("** ${iam}: LEAVE")
// [EOF]