| <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder --> |
| Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/onos-app-release.yaml |
| build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}' |
| artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}' |
| description: 'Name of the app repository on the OpenCORD Gerrit server.\n e.g. vtn' |
| description: 'Name of the app in pom.xml API definition. \n e.g. olt' |
| description: 'Version to release.\n e.g. 1.0.0' |
| description: 'Version to release.\n e.g. 1.0.0' |
| description: 'Version to release.\n e.g. 1.0.0' |
| description: 'Snapshot version to move the code forward to.\n e.g. 1.1.0' |
| description: 'Name of the branch to release on.' |
| default: '{jdk-distribution}' |
| description: 'Distribution of the JDK to use with update-java-alternatives' |
| node: 'ubuntu16.04-basebuild-1c-2g' |
| dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/onos-app-release.groovy |