blob: 76125a047941f8264e928c372ff57e570d7de78b [file] [log] [blame]
- project:
name: deploy-menlo-tost-dev
rancher_cluster: "tost-dev"
k8s_config: "tost-dev-k8s"
config_env: "menlo-tost-dev"
terraform_dir: "developing/ace-menlo"
#remove after migrating to terraform
rancher_context: "c-lggdr"
rancher_project: "p-npzjd"
rancher_server: ""
rancher_cli_api: "rancher_dev_token"
- "deploy"
- "deploy-shared"
- "deploy-onos"
- "deploy-stratum"
- "deploy-telegraf"
- "deploy-fluentbit"
- project:
name: deploy-menlo-production
rancher_cluster: "production-edge-onf-menlo"
k8s_config: "tost-prod-k8s"
config_env: "menlo-prd"
terraform_dir: "production/ace-menlo"
rancher_api: "rancher_prod_terraform"
#remove after migrating to terraform
rancher_context: "c-5cfd8"
rancher_project: "p-htfwq"
rancher_server: ""
rancher_cli_api: "rancher_prod_token"
scm_type: "prod-scm"
- "deploy"
- "deploy-onos"
- "deploy-shared"
- "deploy-stratum"
- "deploy-telegraf"
- "deploy-fluentbit"
- job-template:
name: "{name}-onos"
id: "deploy-onos"
rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
git_server: ""
git_user: "aether_jenkins"
git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
project-type: pipeline
disabled: true
pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-onos.groovy"
dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
daysToKeep: 7
numToKeep: 10
artifactDaysToKeep: 7
artifactNumToKeep: 10
- string:
name: gcp_credential
default: "{gcp_credential}"
- string:
name: rancher_cluster
default: "{rancher_cluster}"
- string:
name: rancher_api_env
default: "{rancher_api}"
- string:
name: git_repo
default: "{git_repo}"
- string:
name: git_server
default: "{git_server}"
- string:
name: git_user
default: "{git_user}"
- string:
name: git_password_env
default: "gerrit_password"
- string:
name: terraform_dir
default: "{terraform_dir}"
- string:
name: onos_catalog_name
default: "onos"
- string:
name: onos_ns
default: "tost"
- string:
name: onos_user
default: "onos"
- string:
name: onos_password
default: "onos_password"
- string:
name: config_review
- string:
name: config_patchset
- string:
name: config_env
default: "{config_env}"
- string:
name: k8s_config
default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
name: "{name}-stratum"
id: "deploy-stratum"
rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
git_server: ""
git_user: "aether_jenkins"
git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
project-type: pipeline
disabled: true
pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-stratum.groovy"
dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
daysToKeep: 7
numToKeep: 10
artifactDaysToKeep: 7
artifactNumToKeep: 10
- string:
name: gcp_credential
default: "{gcp_credential}"
- string:
name: rancher_cluster
default: "{rancher_cluster}"
- string:
name: rancher_api_env
default: "{rancher_api}"
- string:
name: git_repo
default: "{git_repo}"
- string:
name: git_server
default: "{git_server}"
- string:
name: git_user
default: "{git_user}"
- string:
name: git_password_env
default: "gerrit_password"
- string:
name: terraform_dir
default: "{terraform_dir}"
- string:
name: stratum_ns
default: "tost"
- string:
name: stratum_catalog_name
default: "stratum"
- string:
name: config_review
- string:
name: config_patchset
- string:
name: config_env
default: "{config_env}"
- string:
name: k8s_config
default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
name: "{name}-telegraf"
id: "deploy-telegraf"
rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
git_server: ""
git_user: "aether_jenkins"
git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
project-type: pipeline
disabled: true
pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-telegraf.groovy"
dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
daysToKeep: 7
numToKeep: 10
artifactDaysToKeep: 7
artifactNumToKeep: 10
- string:
name: gcp_credential
default: "{gcp_credential}"
- string:
name: rancher_cluster
default: "{rancher_cluster}"
- string:
name: rancher_api_env
default: "{rancher_api}"
- string:
name: git_repo
default: "{git_repo}"
- string:
name: git_server
default: "{git_server}"
- string:
name: git_user
default: "{git_user}"
- string:
name: terraform_dir
default: "{terraform_dir}"
- string:
name: telegraf_ns
default: "tost"
- string:
name: config_review
- string:
name: config_patchset
- string:
name: config_env
default: "{config_env}"
- string:
name: k8s_config
default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
name: "{name}-fluentbit"
id: "deploy-fluentbit"
# Remove after migrating to Terraform
rancher_cli_api: "rancher_dev_token"
# End of parametes
rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
git_server: ""
git_user: "aether_jenkins"
git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
project-type: pipeline
disabled: true
pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-fluentbit.groovy"
dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
daysToKeep: 7
numToKeep: 10
artifactDaysToKeep: 7
artifactNumToKeep: 10
# Remove after migrating to Terraform
- string:
name: rancher_cli_env
default: "{rancher_cli_api}"
- string:
name: rancher_server
default: "{rancher_server}"
- string:
name: rancher_context
default: "{rancher_context}"
- string:
name: rancher_project
default: "{rancher_project}"
# End of parametes
- string:
name: gcp_credential
default: "{gcp_credential}"
- string:
name: rancher_cluster
default: "{rancher_cluster}"
- string:
name: rancher_api_env
default: "{rancher_api}"
- string:
name: git_repo
default: "{git_repo}"
- string:
name: git_server
default: "{git_server}"
- string:
name: git_user
default: "{git_user}"
- string:
name: terraform_dir
default: "{terraform_dir}"
- string:
name: fluentbit_ns
default: "logging"
- string:
name: config_review
- string:
name: config_patchset
- string:
name: config_env
default: "{config_env}"
- string:
name: k8s_config
default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
name: "{name}"
id: "deploy"
git_server: ""
git_user: "aether_jenkins"
git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
project-type: pipeline
disabled: true
pipeline-script: "tost-deploy.groovy"
dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
daysToKeep: 7
numToKeep: 10
artifactDaysToKeep: 7
artifactNumToKeep: 10
- string:
name: job_name
default: "{name}"
- string:
name: gcp_credential
default: "{gcp_credential}"
- string:
name: target_server
- string:
name: k8s_config
default: "{k8s_config}"
- string:
name: rancher_api_env
default: "{rancher_api}"
- string:
name: git_repo
default: "{git_repo}"
- string:
name: git_server
default: "{git_server}"
- string:
name: git_user
default: "{git_user}"
- string:
name: rancher_cluster
default: "{rancher_cluster}"
- string:
name: terraform_dir
default: "{terraform_dir}"
- string:
name: config_review
- string:
name: config_patchset
- job-template:
name: "{name}-shared"
id: "deploy-shared"
registry_server: ""
registry_user: "admin"
target_namespace: "tost"
project-type: pipeline
disabled: true
pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-shared.groovy"
dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
daysToKeep: 7
numToKeep: 10
artifactDaysToKeep: 7
artifactNumToKeep: 10
- string:
name: job_name
default: "{name}"
- string:
name: registry_server
default: "{registry_server}"
- string:
name: registry_user
default: "{registry_user}"
- string:
name: registry_password_env
default: "aether_registry_password"
- string:
name: target_namespace
default: "{target_namespace}"
- string:
name: k8s_config
default: "{k8s_config}"