blob: bc15b0962f1fb9d142e323a0ce1c2324b3b89887 [file] [log] [blame]
/* voltha-atest-provisioning pipeline */
pipeline {
/* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
agent {
label "${params.executorNode}"
stages {
stage('voltha Repo') {
steps {
checkout(changelog: false, \
poll: false,
scm: [$class: 'RepoScm', \
manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}", \
manifestBranch: "${params.manifestBranch}", \
currentBranch: true, \
destinationDir: 'cord', \
forceSync: true,
resetFirst: true, \
quiet: true, \
jobs: 4, \
showAllChanges: true] \
stage ('Build voltha and onos') {
steps {
sh '''
cd $WORKSPACE/cord/incubator/voltha
make fetch
make clean
make build
make onos
stage ('Start Provisioning Test') {
steps {
println 'Start Provisioning Test'
println 'Run the following commands when the testing code is in Gerrit'
println 'cd tests/atests/'
println 'robot -d results -v LOG_DIR:/tmp robot/auto_testing.robot'