blob: b2b56d9ab3e2b98db92ed5fb7d2a7acc7950126b [file] [log] [blame]
# verification jobs for 'xos' repo
- project:
name: xos
project: '{name}'
- 'verify-xos-jobs-licensed-versioned':
branch-regexp: '{supported-branches-regexp}'
- 'verify-xos-jobs-code':
branch-regexp: '{supported-branches-regexp}'
# these two job groups are split so that documentation-only patches can go into
# the XOS repo without invoking all the code-level tests.
# Items in the 'verify-xos-jobs-code' job-group only trigger with
# 'non-doc-files-regexp', which excludes the docs/* and VERSION file
- job-group:
name: 'verify-xos-jobs-licensed-versioned'
- 'verify-licensed'
- 'tag-collision-reject':
dependency-jobs: 'verify_xos_licensed'
- job-group:
name: 'verify-xos-jobs-code'
- 'verify-sonarqube'
- 'xos-unit-test':
dependency-jobs: 'verify_xos_sonarqube'
- 'synchronizer-update':
dependency-jobs: 'verify_xos_unit-test'
- 'api-test':
dependency-jobs: 'verify_xos_synchronizer-update'
pipeline_script: 'all-xos-api-test-helm.groovy'