blob: fe937479b2808aadf5dc6c2abeeb6e6764fa7ffb [file] [log] [blame]
/*re-deploy node via maas cli commands. to be used prior to mcord 6.0 build job*/
pipeline {
/* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
agent {
label "${params.executorNode}"
stages {
stage ('Re-Deploy Node') {
steps {
sh "maas login maas http://${maas_ip}/MAAS/api/2.0 ${maas_api_key}"
sh "maas maas machine release ${node_id}"
timeout(time:15) {
waitUntil {
script {
try {
sh "maas maas machine read ${node_id} | grep Ready"
return true
} catch (exception) {
return false
sh "maas maas machines allocate"
sh "maas maas machine deploy ${node_id}"
timeout(time:15) {
waitUntil {
script {
try {
sh "maas maas machine read ${node_id} | grep Deployed"
return true
} catch (exception) {
return false
post {
always {
step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: "${notificationEmail}", sendToIndividuals: false])